TEBAY marriages New Zealand 1888 - 1927
some of the TEBAY marriages in New Zealand 1888 - 1827
Frederick George Tebay
- married Fanny Florence Nankiwell in 1926
Henry James Tebay
- married Alice Baxter in 1927
Ivan Sydney Tebay
- married Cynthia Elvira Askew in 1924
John Tebay
- married Agnes Emma Deeble in 1901
Percival Sydney William Tebay
- married ELizabeth Bower in 1899
Sydney William Tebay
- married Nellie Orme in 1921
William Frank Tebay
- married Margaret Elizabeth Snell in 1921
Beatrice Mary Tebay
- married Laus Steven Johnson Orin 1914
Edith Verna Tebay
- married Percy Loveridge in 1925
Emily Sophia Anne Tebay
- married John Peter Johnson in 1902
Emma Mary Tebay
- married Archibald Walter Titley in 1888
Ivy Elizabeth Tebay
- married Raymond Harold Hoult Springer in 1922
Margaret Elizabeth Tebay
- married George Lunn Sherwood in 1925
Matilda Jessie Tebay
- married Ronald Sellars in 1923
on 2011-06-06 09:03:14
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.