THE EARLY POUND AT KALKALLO, VIC., AUST., AND A DONNYBROOK OR TWO.<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by itellya

A trove search for KALKALLO in the 1840's, revealed that almost every mention of Kalkallo was about the pound and COMPLAINTS, dismissals, allegations of corruption. It is almost certain that Donnybrook was named after a place in the old country but it would be easy to mount a case that it was so-named because of the goings-on about the pound. The first pound had been abolished within two years of land in the parish of Kalkallo being alienated.

It is indeed a fact that there were two DONNYBROOKS, the one on the highway and the one near the station after the north eastern railway was built. I couldn't resist the temptation to include this in the title of my journal.

NEW POUNDS. ----- Mr. Henry Douglass was also appointed poundkeeper for the Kalkallo pound, which is about to be re-established in the township of Kalkallo, near the station of Dr. Patterson*.We trust that the abuses which caused the abolition of the former Kalkallo pound**, will not attend the conduct of the one now contemplated.
(Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (Vic. : 1839 - 1845) Thursday 11 November 1841 p 3 Article)

*Patterson received the grants for about two thirds of the entire parish in 1840.)

**Felix complained on 30-9-1841 that the pound was "hidden" (although its site was agreed on by Kalkallo residents), that most of the impounded stock was bought by the poundkeeper and that the keeper was absent at the advertised time for a big sale. (|||l-year=1841)

Felix (Happy) was a strange pen name for such a letter but his complaints were found to be correct.
The Kalkallo Pound. — In consequence of the recent exposure of the extraordinary doings at the Kalkallo Pound, the magistrates in.Petty Sessions have determined upon its abolition. Rand, the pound keeper,had previously been compelled to resign. There is more about the poundkeeper's pranks.
(Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (Vic. : 1839 - 1845) Thursday 14 October 1841 p 2 )
The same paper (Thursday 7 October 1841 p 2) gave his name as Robert Rand.

To the Editor of the Melbourne' Times.
Kalkallo, 1st Nov , 1843,
Sir,— Being averse to indulge in the spirit of retaliation, nothing but a regard to the feelings of my friends would induce me to publish the following communication which may serve to exhibit the equivocal means resorted to, in order to avoid the just and legal expenses upon certain cattle impounded, belonging as I understand to James Manning Esq. J, P. and Dr. Martin, J. P. in the charge of Mr E.Sturt on thirds, who alleged certain complaints against me before the Police Bench on the 25th September, which terminated in my being removed from the Pound, an office which I consider at the best a most ungracious and invidious one; and in which a man's best motives may be exposed to the worst construction,
I am Sir, Your obedient servant,ROBERT REEVES.

To James Malcome (sic), Esq.
Dear Sir, — It having been stated in evidence at the Police Bench by Mr E. Sturt, "that you had previous to your departure for Sydney, made him a promise not to impound any of his cattle trespassing upon the lands to which you are agent.— that your brother having done so was contrary to your instructions and must have been in
collision with me,"; Now that you are returned from Sydney may I beg to enquire of you, whether there is any foundation in this statement as far as you are concerned as the conclusion deduced therefrom is highly prejudicial to the character of your brother as well as myself.
I'm dear sir, Yours respectfully,ROBERT REEVES. Kalkallo, 15th Oct., 1843.

Mr. Robt. Reeves.
Dear Sir, — In reply to your letter of yesterday I beg to state, that so far from having made any promise to Mr Sturt respecting the impounding of cattle, I have never had any communication with that gentleman, nor have I any knowledge of his personal appearance, neither did I communicate with him through any other person on this or any other subject.
I am dear sir, Your obdt. servant.J. MALCOLM*.
Mercer's Vale, 16th Oct., 1843.
P. S. I consider the liberty of his using my name in this manner very unjustifiable on his part, at which I am extremely surprised. J. M.
(All letters on P.3, Melbourne Times, 7-11-1843.)

(*The following article has fantastic information about James Malcolm's rags to riches story in just under two decades, his farm on the southern slopes of Mount Ridley and his family.
James Malcolm and Olrig Homestead - Craigieburn Historical Interest ...

NOTICE is hereby given that at a Court of Special Petty Sessions, holden at Melbourne, for the County of
Bourke, on Saturday, the second day of January, instant, MR. WILLIAM THANE, was appointed Poundkeeper, at the above pound, in room of Mr. Thomas Johnston, dismissed.
W. R. BELCHER, Clerk Petty Sessions. Melbourne, Police Office, 6th January, 1847.
(P.2, The Melbourne Argus, 8-1-1847.)

I'm sure Kalkallo will be willing to share with Dromana the honour of an association with the pioneering vets.
Harry Rudduck, son of the Rev. Joseph Rudduck, and nephew of Nelson Rudduck of Dromana, used a red duck as his trademark, red duck being the origin of his surname. Harry farmed at Boneo and retired to Williams St, Dromana. His only child was Tommy.(A DREAMTIME OF DROMANA, Colin McLear.)
The pioneers
There were very few veterinarians in Australia in the late 19th century and the
start of the 20th century either in government service or private practice. In
1880 there were fewer than 50 qualified veterinarians in practice in Australia1
Treatment of diseases in animals was largely dependent upon practitioners
compounding their own medicines for the animals of their clients, with
emphasis on dogs, cats, horses and poultry.
The following veterinarians are two who made significant contributions as
pioneers in the development of this industry.
Graham Mitchell1,2
A standout amongst these early practitioners was Graham Mitchell in
Melbourne. He was a graduate of the Edinburgh University in 1854, moving to
Australia in late 1855. It took some time for him to establish a successful
veterinary practice in Melbourne in Kirk’s Bazaar. He also spent some time
working for the Victorian Government. He was responsible for identifying
Cumberland Disease as Anthrax. He made many significant contributions to
the veterinary profession and livestock industries but perhaps his most
significant contribution to the early days of a veterinary pharmaceutical
industry was the production of ‘Pleuropneumonia Inoculating Lymph’ to
protect cattle, with reasonable success, against this major cattle disease. He
started his work on this product in 1861 and continued to market it for many
Harold Rudduck3, 4
Harold Rudduck was born in England in 1873, migrating with his family to
Victoria. After attending Melbourne Church of England Grammar School, he
completed a Diploma of Agriculture at Longeronong Agricultural College,
where he won a scholarship to the Melbourne Veterinary College, from which
he graduated with honours in 1894 and worked as an assistant to W. T. Kendall.
In 1895 he established a veterinary practice at 47 Queen Street, Melbourne. He
held positions with a number of organisations, including the Williamstown
Racing Club and the Brighton Town Council where he held the position of
meat inspector. It was during this time that he developed the ‘Stock Medicine
Chest’, the production and sale of which was to form a basic part of his future
Ruddocks’s Stock Medicine Chest
He served in the Boer War, following which he returned to the UK for an
extended period, during which time he was a reserve officer recalled to active
service in Egypt in 1915.
In 1923 he set up a dispensary in Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, manufacturing
products to improve pet and animal health, with emphasis on products to
control fleas and ticks, nutritional supplements and basic grooming needs. He
also manufactured veterinary surgical instruments. He developed a network of
sales representatives in south eastern Australia. It was at this dispensary that he
produced the first vaccine for pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia) and contagious
abortion (brucellosis).
In 1929 he established Rudduck and Co. Pty. Ltd. The bacteriological testing
and the manufacture of veterinary products was taken over by Rudduck Serum
Laboratories Pty Ltd in 1939. He later moved the business to larger premises at Moorabbin.

While doing a google search in order to find the location of the Kalkello pound, I stumbled across a google book that claimed that Graham Mitchell became the poundkeeper at Kalkallo in 1858 while operating a veterinary business in Melbourne.
(Clearing a Continent: The Eradication of Bovine Pleuropneumonia from ...
L. G. Newton, ‎Ronald Norris - 2000 - ‎Technology & Engineering
But apparently it was Graham Mitchell to whom that honour was due. ... In 1858 he was appointed pound keeper at Kalkallo, some 35 km north of Melbourne.)

While no evidence has been found on trove of him operating the pound in 1858, he was definitely appointed in that year.
PDF, 4.0MB - Victoria Government Gazette
1858. -. Appointments, &c.—continued. Clow, James Maxwell, warden of the gold fields, 10; Chinese ..... Mitchell, Graham, poundkeeper, Kalkallo,

However, evidence from trove indicates that he was probably already at Kalkallo when he was appointed as poundkeeper. I wonder if the infirmary was for animals only.

DONNYBROOK, |Kalkallo Rocky Water-Holes,Sydney-road.-G. MITCHELL, Druggist and Veterinary Surgeon. N.B.-Infirmary, stables, and paddock rear of Fountain Inn. 286 may 8 (P.8, Argus,17-2-1858.)

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Wednesday 9 November 1859 p 2 Advertising
... November, 1859. GRAHAM MITCHELL, Poundkeeper.

The Victorian Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle Saturday 17 August 1861 p 29 Article
... . If not claimed and expenses paid, to be sold on 4th September, 1861, Graham Mitchell, poundkeeper.

The Farmer's Journal and Gardener's Chronicle (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1864) Saturday 17 May 1862 p 14 Article
... exponeed paid, to be sold on 4th June, 1862. Guaiiam Mitchell, poundkeeper. Kalkallo.

At Kalkallo, by W. Kyle, Esq.-Trespass 6d each. 678 Light bay filly, star and snip, no visib o brands 674 Chesnnt filly, draught, large blaze, no brand. 675 Bay colt, draught, like GO near shoulder, star. If not claimed and expenses paid, to ho sold on 2nd September, 1863. Graham Mitchell,
The Farmer's Journal and Gardener's Chronicle Saturday 15 August 1863 p 14 Article

The Insolvent, once a poundkeeper in the country, and lately a veterinary surgeon in Melbourne. was examined at some length by Mr Macgregor, who appeared for the creditors respecting his accounts with the pound in question some two years since, and those as to the other avocations he pursued while he was in that capacity.
Mr Macgregor then addressed the Court shortly, in opposition to the issue of the certificate*. The Commissioner reserved judgement for a week. (P.6, The Australasian,22-10-1864.)

SIR: Will you permit me to state that the horse-shoe exhibited by me was made by Messrs. Mc'Lean, Elizabeth-street, Brisbane, to whose superior workmanship may mainly be attributed any merit the exhibit has received.
Yours truly, GRAHAM MITCHELL.(The Queenslander Saturday 9 March 1867 p 12 Article)

The Central Board ol Health have refused
to recognise vaccination certificates given by
Mr Graham Mitchell, veterinary surgeon,
Kirk's Bazaar, and have threatened to prose
cute Dr Reid lor issuing certificates with re
spect to Mr Mitchells vaccinations. The
board are advise by the law officers of the
Crown that the act requires the operation to
be performed, as well as certified to, by
medical men, and that the law is not com
plied with when a layman has vaccinated a
child and a medical prictitioner certified
that the operation has been successfully
performed. Mr Graham Mitchell pro
teste against this decision, and a
deputation introduced by Mr. L. L.
Smith M.L.A., waited upon the Chief Secre
tary yesterday on the subject. Thye asked
that no further prosecutions should be in
stituted against parents whose children have
been vaccinated by Mr. Mitchell until the
law as to the certificates had been more clearly
interpreted and they argued that the act was
complied with if a medical man certified that
vaccination had been successfully performed.
It was mentioned that Mr Mitchell had
vaccinated more than 14,000 children during
the past five years. Mr. Akehurst said that
the members of the Central Board of Health
considered it their duty to administer the act
as interpreted to them by their legal advisers.
Mr. Pearson thought the intention of the
act was as laid down by the law
oflicers of the Crown that only medical
practitioners could certify, and that the
vaccination must be performed by the
person certifying. The act set forth
that if a child was not in a fit state for suc
cessful vaccination a certificate to that
fact should be given and a veterinary
surgeon could not claim to be competent to
do that. However, it was entirely a question
of law, and he would consult the legal
advisers of the Government. (P.3, Argus, 13-5-1887.)

It will be learned with regret that yester-
day morning Mr Graham Mitchell, the well
known veterinary surgeon, was found dead
in bed at his rooms, Kirk's Bazaar. Mr.
Mitchell had not been seen since the 4th inst.,
and his office remained closed, but no appre-
hension was at first awakened by the fact, as
it was concluded he was out of town. When,
however, his absence became prolonged
some anxiety was felt. On Wcdnesday
evening one of his friends climbed up to the
office window, and saw some portions
of his clothing lying on a chair.
This aroused some anxiety, but still there
was a reluctance to break into the place.
Yesterday morning the facts were com-
municated to the police, and the door was
broken open. Mr. Mitchell was then found
lying dead in a very peaceful attitude,
indicating that he had expired in his sleep.
The body was in an advanced state of decom-
position. Some letters were found unopened
on the floor which had been pushed under
the door. Some of them bore the postmark
of the 4th inst., and had probably
been delivered on the morning of the
5th. It is therefore concluded that
he died on the night of the 4th inst.
The body was remove to the morgue, where
Dr. Moore made a post mortem examination.
He found, as had been anticipated, that death
resulted from natural causes. An inquest
will be held at 11 o'clock this morning. The
deceased, who was unmarried, was between
50 and 60 years of age. He was a fellow of
the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons,
and was honorary veterinary surgeon to the
National Agricultural Association of Victoria.
He was, however, more widely known in con-
nection with the vaccination of children with
lymph obtained directly from the calf, in which
he took a great interest. The funeral of the
deceased gentleman will take place this after-
noon, leaving from Kirk's Bazaar at 2 o'clock. (P.8, Argus, 15-6-1888.)

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by itellya Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2016-08-25 01:50:01

Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.

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