THE HALF BROTHERS OF THE CAIRNS FAMILY OF BONEO: "LYNDFIELD" IN THE PARISH OF LYNDHURST, VIC., AUST.<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by itellya

As mentioned at the start of my CAIRNS LAND ETC.journal, G.Cairns was granted land in the parish of Lyndhurst in 1881; its location is specified in that journal. Trove seems to indicate that his given name was George.No George Cairns was a descendant of Robert, Alexander or David Cairns of Boneo, therefore I developed a theory that George might be one of their half brothers. While researching David Cairns' eighth child,Alexander Henry Cairns, I discovered that an Alexander Henry Cairns had died at Lyndhurst. THE CAIRNS FAMILY OF BONEO had given Alexander Henry Cairns' wife's name as "Lyndhurst Lizzie".

Extract from my CAIRNS GENEALOGY journal.
Alex, son of David, probably took up a selection on the Carrum Swamp in the parish of Lyndhurst (north of Seaford Road) which would explain why the family called his wife Lyndhurst Lizzie.

WELL, THAT WAS QUICK! Lizzie was Eliza!
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 6 October 1936 p 11 Article
... Eliza Cairns, aged 70 years, of Lyndhurst, widow, who claimed 1,601. In an iilllduvlt Mrs. Cairns sold ... Frederick Cairns, of Lyndhurst, farmer, adopted son of the lirst applicant. Ile claimed 300 money had und ... 443 words

I reckon this is our Alexander. Elizabeth would be Lyndhurst Lizzie and David's 8th child, born in 1856, would have been about 65 years old in 1920.
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 20 January 1920 p 1 Family Notices
... CAIRNS. -On the 19th January, at his residence, Cranbourne road Lyndhurst (late of Wonthaggi), Alexander Henry, the dearly loved husband of Elizabeth Cairns, aged 65 years.

FORGAN (Cairns). - On September 19. at Melbourne, Leslie, loving f0ster-son of the late Elizabeth and Alexander Cairns, and loved brother of Frederick Cairns. Maggie, Josephine, and Elsie Forgan, late of Lyndhurst, aged 35 years.

It now seems that Eliza was Elizabeth and the widow of Alexander unless George had one son named Frederick as well.

On 21-9-1881, G.Cairns was granted crown allotment 121 in the parish of Lyndhurst, consisting of 199 acres and 24 perches. (The map may be viewed online by googling "Lyndhurst, County of Mornington".)With so many roads closed, it is difficult to determine its position but it seems to be at Melway 94 A12 with its north east corner at the bend in Springs Drain in 94 A 11, that drain forming its north west boundary and McMahens Rd and Riverbend Rd on the south and west.

POSTSCRIPT 21-5-2016. (A post on the PIONEERS OF THE MORNINGTON PENINSULA Facebook page by itellya's better self.)

LYNDHURST LIZZIE was Eliza (nee Taylor.)
AFTER a short illness lasting only
three days Mrs Eliza Cairns, aged
96 years, one of Lyndhurst’s oldest
and most highly respected residents.
passed away peacefully at her home,
“Lyndfleld,” the picturesque old Half
Way House*, on Saturday afternoon
last. Deceased, who had led an ac
tive life right up to the time of her
death, was a very keen gardener, and
the spacious grounds of her home
were always a picture.
iShe was horn in. England and came
to Australia with her parents when
she was very young. For some years
she lived at Beechworth, and when
older was employed at Dromana,
where slie met and married Mr Alex
ander Cairns, of Boneo. Before com
ing to live at the Half Way House,
which her father (Mr Taylor) con
ducted as a hotel, she lived at Pow
lett River in South Gipsland.
'The late Mrs Cairns had lived it
Lyndhurst for nearly 30 years, and
deepest sympathy is extended to her
sorrowing relatives in the loss they
have sustained.
'The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon, when the remains were
buried in the Church of Christ por
tion of the Dandenong Cemetery. Mr
Marshall conducted tjhe .service at
the home and at the graveside. J.
Garnar & Sons had charge of the fun
eral arrangements. The many beau
tiful floral tributes received reflected
the high esteem' in which the late
Mrs Cairns was heid.
(P.3, The Dandenong Journal, 25-6-1941.)

Alexander Cairns, the 8th child of David Cairns (1821-1870) and Janet (nee Thompson, 1819-1880) was born in 1856 and married Lyndhurst Lizzie. (CAIRNS FAMILY OF BONEO.)

In my journal about land held by the Cairns family, I have wrongly assumed that "Lyndfield" was a land grant in the parish of Lyndhurst obtained by a member of the family but it seems to have been the hotel established by James McMahon on his grant on Long Island (Melway 97 D11, where today the Riviera Hotel stands.

Tonkin on family tree circles searches for births deaths and marriages and has done quite a bit re the Cairns surname. This confirms the information in the above obituary and gives the year in which Alexander and Lyndhurst Lizzie were wed.
married: 1887 Eliza TAYLOR.
I have not found a marriage notice on trove. Neither of their two children (sons), Fred and Les, were named after members of the Little Scotland clan. My journal which provided Alexander's death notice (below) also indicates that both were adopted which explains the departure from naming traditions.

CAIRNS.--On June 21, at her residence,"Lyndfield" Lyndhurst- .Ellza. dearly beloved wife of the late Alexander Cairns, and loving mother of Frederick and Leslie, aged 90 years. (P.1, The Age, 23-6-1941.)
One more detail missing from THE CAIRNS FAMILY OF BONEO was in regard to Alexander's death. After looking for his death notice for ages, and remembering that I'd previously found it, I googled LYNDHURST LIZZIE and found THE HALF BROTHERS OF THE CAIRNS FAMILY OF BONEO: "LYNDFIELD" IN THE PARISH OF LYNDHURST, VIC., AUST.
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 20 January 1920 p 1 Family Notices
... CAIRNS. -On the 19th January, at his residence, Cranbourne road Lyndhurst (late of Wonthaggi), Alexander Henry, the dearly loved husband of Elizabeth Cairns, aged 65 years.

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on 2013-05-31 22:04:05

Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.

Do you know someone who can help? Share this:


by itellya on 2013-06-13 19:55:51

Pasted from my CAIRNS GENEALOGY journal.

James and Janet Cairns (nee Cunningham) lived in Stirlingshire, Scotland. Stirlingshire is south of the river Forth and east of Loch Lomond. Some local names appearing on papers held by members of the family who made the trip to Australia, are Clackmannon (sic), Blairbogie, Alva and Menstrey(sic?).

Three sons of James and Janet Cairns, Robert, David and Alexander and a daughter Elizabeth, all came to Victoria and eventually settled at Boneo.

When James wife Janet died in Scotland he remarried. His second wife was a woman of some wealth. Together they reared a second family who were step-brothers to Robert, David, Alexander and Elizabeth. Members of the second family also came out to Australia in the 1850's. In Scotland they owned the "Carron" Timber Mills and also ships of their own. They brought with them prefabricated houses, one of which was to be erected ready to accommodate Robert and Mary Cairns on their arrival in Melbourne.

...with their three sons, James 3,John 2, and Robert, an infant, sailed from Scotland, via Liverpool,on the sailing ship,"Europa", 1088 tons, under its Master, Hamilton Oliver, on the 17th June 1852. They arrived in Melbourne on 15th September of the same year.

....Robert's age is shown as 36 years and Mary's 35. No reason can be given for the advancement of the ages, but they do show a discrepancy with those recorded later on the death certificates. It is generally accepted by the descendants that the ages shown on the death certificates are more accurate.

.......On the arrival of the "Europa" at Port Phillip Heads, Robert Cairns found the ship bringing his step brothers, and their prefabricated houses, delayed just inside the Heads. After an exchange of greetings, the "Europa" proceeded on to Port Melbourne.

The delay to Robert's step brothers was only short term and they were soon reunited at Port Melbourne. Robert stayed on in Melbourne and assisted with the location and erection of the prefabricated houses in Prahran.

Robert's step brothers are said to have settled at Port Melbourne, establishing the Carron Timber Mill, which in later years became Sharp's Timber Co.

Elizabeth's death certificate shows that she was indeed the sister of Robert, David and Alexander Cairns. The curious thing is that she was born in 1814 and that Alexander was born in 1827. If Janet died during or soon after Alexander's birth, the first of the step brothers would have been born in 1828, making him only 24 or so on his arrival in Port Phillip Bay in 1852.
Evidence examined in the genealogy journal suggests that Alexander was born well before 1927 and the step brothers would therefore be older.

by itellya on 2013-06-13 20:58:06

VICTORIAN INDUSTRIES. Story of Enterprise. Ninety Years of Progress.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 9 September 1926 Supplement: AN HISTORIC SOUVENIR p 26 Article Illustrated
... entered the service of Messrs. Cairns, Wilson, and Amos, of the Carron Timber Yards, which were ...

Colin McLear said that the Wilson who married Robert Cairns' Janet was a cousin of Godfrey Burdett Wilson, but I could find no mention of a Robert Wilson among the descendants of Henry William Wilson. R.Amos, who was a co-grantee with Alexander Cairns of Menstrie Mains at Boneo, and Robert Wilson may have been connected to the above partners in the Carron Timber Mills.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 5 February 1879 p 6 Article
... POLICE, At the PRAHRAN Court on Monday, young man named Herbert Stylea lea was charged with stealing a hat from Mr Cairns, butcher, of Prahran

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 13 August 1953 p 2 Article
... Loathsome I SAW the loathsome work of greyhound people - a heap of cats dumped in a Prahran lane. Their torn, twisted bodies were minus claws (their only protection). While retribution is sure, ... Chris- tian community. MARGARET CAIRNS

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 20 October 1859 p 4 Article
MARRIAGE. On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Ramsay, Robert Amos, to Jeanie, oldest daughtor of A. Cairns, Esq., ... 81 words

The co-grantee of Menstrie Mains?

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Monday 9 February 1863 p 4 Article
... ?wooden cottage, owned and occupied by a Mr. Redmond, and situated at the corner of Lang and Cairns streets, Prahran. (The street may have been named after the Presbyterian minister.)

CAIRNS. ?On the 2nd inst., suddenly, at Arnot-hill, Walker-street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Henrietta Wilson, the beloved wife of Alexander Cairns, late of Melbourne, aged 54 years.(P.4, Argus, 22-1-1873.) Possible connection.

George Cairns applied for 37 acres of land in the parish of Eumemerring.

J W Beilby Bangholme Dandenong protested by letter against tho granting of a license for a second allotment on his run to applicant on the ground that he was a dummy for Thomas Keys whose cattle were grazing on his land. Ho alleged that Cairns was house servant to Mr Keys, that his selection was only partially fenced and that it was not until the last few days there had even been a hut erected upon it. Mr Beilby applied for 20 of the acres in question for himself. Mr Callanan said Cairns' land was subject to floods and would not be fit to cultivate or to build on until it was drained. The board deferred the final consideration of the matter pending tho disposal of Cairns' application for a lease of his present holding.
(P.5,Argus, 12-12-1874, THE MELBOURNE LAND BOARD.)

by itellya on 2013-06-13 21:30:10

CAIRNS.-On January 20, at Melbourne, Grace Frederick, beloved wife of Albert George Cairns, loved and loving mother of Geoff and Pat, of 685 Point Nepean road,Carrum.
(P.2, Argus, 22-1-1945.)

HUNTING Melbourne Hounds
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Friday 31 May 1935 p 14 Article
... the railway Une and marked their I fox In a redgum tree In Cairn's, near the half-way house

The hunt report made little sense when I first saw it because G.Cairns' grant was near the National Water Sports Centre not the Halfway House (Carrum Hotel,now the Riviera Hotel.) Although street numbers have been changed on the highway,starting again in each suburb,they seem to have remained unchanged on the foreshore side near the Riviera, with number 680 being on the corner of Progress St in Melway 97 D9.

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