the HAMMOND on PECK of Taita (includes New Zealand settlers)
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a list of the HAMMONDs on THE tree as at 24th September 2010
1. Hammond, Amos (1833 - 1892)
- married Catherine HARVEY in Nelson 1856
2. Hammond, Ann (b.1800)
- married Robert Leavesly ROBINSON 1830
3. Hammond, Bertha May (b.1883)
4. Hammond, Eda Evelyn Florence
5. Hammond, Henry Ernest
6. Hammond, James Richard (1899 - 1974)
- ,arried Vera Deith MELLOR 1902
7. Hammond, Richard Pearson
8. Hammond, Rose (b.1844)
9. Hammond, Ruth (1890 - 1981)
10. Hammond, Zerinan
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on 2010-09-23 06:43:11
on 2010-09-23 06:43:11
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.