The Moore's McDonald's and Mcrae's
Alfred Moore born 1869 married Ellen McDonald born 1870, they wedded in Deniliquin NSW Australia around 1899. They had a daughter Marie Ellen Moore born around 1905 to 1909.
Alfred Moore Died 1937 (Euroa, Victoria)
Ellen Moore (McDonald) died 1942 (Euroa, Victoria)
Alfred's Parent's were John Moore and Elizabeth (Mayne)
Ellen's Parents were Alexander McDonald and Mary (Mcrae)
Any information in regards to the above mentioned names would be much appreciated.
Dear NicholasJohn, Welcome. A bit of help for you to find out more yourself.
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages free to search online, click on FAMILY HISTORY, click on SEARCH HISTORICAL INDEXES, click on SEARCH NOW etc. - Emigrants to Australia board
At rootschat site, you can register as a new user, it's free also. Then post a new topic, like a journal here, say with a subject heading "VIC bdm lookups pls" then include your known information. Lots of Rootschatters have the pioneers indexes on cd-rom and are most happy to do lookups for people.
Tip: The surnames you appear to be researching are most common and popular, so you will have to be careful that you are researching the correct families as you go up higher in the tree.
These sites will be of great assistance to me in my endeavours.
Thankyou allycat
You're welcome. There's so much more here at familytreecircles. Just have a quick look at any of the surname wiki pages, you will see lots of 'Australian websites' as I am biased being an Aussie myself, in creating most if not all of the surname wiki pages.
Think about how you are going to store your family tree data. You will be very surprised how much info you may obtain say by Christmas even if you focus your attention.
Ask yourself has anyone in your family (check the cousins) researched these names yet? I say this because you may save yourself time and money.
Also, try posting your family tree online, this site is free, and you can protect the privacy of the living by just having their names only, no other data, or by having ******** where living people should be. Goto TribalPages. You can add photos to your site, certs, password protect it, etc. And even upgraded from your free site to a paid one to add more photos, find automatic connections with other people's trees etc. I have one part of my tree there, and the rest of my tree is at GenesReunited this costs me under A$20/annum and is well worth it.