the 'residents' of MOUNT STREET CEMETERY, Wellington from 1841 ... P-Q names
the Roman Catholic MOUNT STREET CEMETERY is a protected heritage site in Wellington, New Zealand (click link for more). It was the first cemetery in Wellington for Catholic burials and contains the graves of the first nuns and priests in Wellington. It remained open until 1891 although burials continued in existing family plots until 1954. The earliest surviving grave marker dates from 1851, and the latest from 1954. Although only around 200 headstones survive, it is estimated that there could have been as many as 1150 burials. Many of the early markers were simple wooden crosses, which have long since vanished
read here for more
'Residents' of MOUNT STREET Cemetery (as at May 2012) ref:220.45/4.24
* anything in italics is my addition
* dates may be of death OR burial
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . J . K . L . Ma-Mc. . Me-Mu . N . O . P-Q . R . S . T-V . W-Y
PAGON, Heinrich 'Henry' - 11 Sep 1854 aged 4
- son of Franz & Margaretha Pagon, see below
PAGON, Henry Patrick Joseph - 16 Feb 1880 aged 21
- son of Franz & Margaretha Pagon, see below
PAGON, Francis Joseph - 4 Aug 1873 aged 25
- son of Franz & Margaretha Pagon, see below
PAGON, Franz 'Francis' Joseph - 3 Jan 1883 aged 65
- Francis Joseph Pagon was from Neustadt, Silizia/Prussia. He was a Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. He married Margaretha (Margaret) Catherine HEINRICHS (as below) & lived in Mulgrave street, Thorndon, Wellington
NOTE Francis was 1st married to Margaretha's sister, Anna Catharina Heinrichs 1824-1846, who died giving birth)
the 7 children of Francis & Margaret
. 1 . 1847 - 1873 Francis Joseph Pagon
- Francis was born on the way to NZ, he died age 25
. 2 . 1851 - 1852 William James Pagon
- William died aged 17 weeks
. 3 . 1854 - 1854 Heinrich Pagon
- Heinrich died aged 4
. 4 . 1855 - 1927 Theresa Maria Pagon
- Theresa married John James CASEY 1872 at ST Marys Cathedral, Wellington
- see her bio at this link
. 5 . 1858 - 1880 Heinrich 'Henry' Patrick Joseph Pagon
- nothing known
. 6 . 1862 - 1947 Anna Catherina Pagon
- Anna died in Melbourne, Australia aged 85
. 7 . 1864 - 1947 Isadore Augustine Pagon
- Isadora moved to Victoria, Australia in 1888 (aged 24)
- he married Eliza Margaret BRADY in 1892 & had 7 children
4 Jan 1883 An old resident of Wellington has passed over to the great majority in the person of Mr F. J. Pagon, of Mulgrave-street, who died yesterday. The deceased came to this place as far back as 1847, and lived here almost constantly ever since. He was much respected, especially by the older residents of this city, and his death will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends
PAGON, Margaretha 'Margaret' Catherine (nee HEINRICHS) - 10 Dec 1879 aged 58
- Margaretha was born in Heligoland, Germany
- she married Franz Pagon as above
10 Dec 1879 On 10th December, at her late residence, Mulgrave-street, Margaret Catharine, wife of F. J. Pagon, aged 58 years
PAGON, William James - 26 Feb 1852 aged 17 weeks
- son of Franz & Margaretha Pagon, see above
PAGNI, Angiolo - ? June 1887 aged ?
PAISLEY, Elizabeth - 4 Oct 1864 aged 30
PARK (Moiri), Jane - 8 May 1880 aged 7
PARKS, Sarah - 8 Feb 1874 aged 22
PEGMARE, David - 23 July 1858 aged ?
- mistakenly Segmare
PEPPER, Alexander - 30 March 1854 aged 5
PETITJEAN, Rev Father Jean Baptiste - 21 Sep 1876 aged 65
- in Oct 1842 Father PetitJean became the first official resident priest. St. Mary's Hill Street. Wellington, was founded by the Very Rev. Father Petitjean in 1851
21 Sep 1876 The Rev. Father Petitjean, a well-known Catholic Priest, dropped dead in St Mary's Cathedral this evening, at about half-past five. The immediate cause was heart disease
27 Sep 1876 Whilst praying in the Catholic Church in Hill-street, Wellington, at five o'clock on the evening of the 21st September, the Rev Father Petitjean fell down exhausted. Dr Grace was promptly in attendance, but the Rev Father died within ten minutes. Father Petitjean never recovered from a serious illness he had last winter and was always ready for death, as he suffered from advanced organic disease of the heart. Nothing, however, could induce him to interrupt the severity of his religious practices, or diminish his assiduous labours in the care of his flock. He was beloved and esteemed by both old and young and will be regretted not only by his own flock, but by many friends belonging to other denominations. Father Petitjean was borne in France in the Diocese of Lyons, on the 30th March 1811 and was ordained prist about the year 1839. He was a brilliant subject and held the highest post in the seminary of Lyons. At an early period in the history of this Colony he felt called to the mission cause here and came to Auckland, where he labored for some years; but when Dr Viard was made Bishop of Wellington he came with that ecclesiastic and remained ever since in this city. He was ever active, ever beloved and respected and died almost at the altar, having received the last rights of his church from the hands of the Bishop
29 Sep 1876 The Dunedin Evening Star tells us that the late Father Petitjean, whose sudden death in the Cathedral Church at Wellington we noticed last week, visited this Province in the early days. In 1853 or 1854 he walked through every part of it - a no mean task in those days, when there were no roads - in order to visit the scattered members of his Church. On one occasion during that visit he got lost and passed a night alone in the bush at Mataura, which nearly resulted in his death. The Post speaks of him as a true Christian, universally loved by his congregation and respected by all who knew him
PHELAN, William - 12 Dec 1876 age 46
13 Dec 1876 Another old settler has left us to join the majority. Mr William Phelan, who died last night, at the age of 46, was one of the early colonists and at one time owned considerable property here. He was a baker by trade and made a very fair fortune by supplying the troops with bread at the time of the Maori war, and by other Government contracts; but he was always ready to lend to those who sought to borrow and the result was that he lost most of his savings. He was much esteemed by all who knew him. Latterly he suffered much from ill-health and general debility, which ended in his death as stated. He was an active member of the A.O.F., and was one of the founders of Court Sir George Bowen. His funeral will take place on Sunday next, leaving his residence, Taranaki Place
18 Dec 1876 The funeral of the late Mr William Phelan took place yesterday afternoon. It was attended by fully 300 persons, the majority of whom belonged to the A.O.F., of which body the deceased had been a much respected member. His remains were interred in the Roman Catholic Cemetery
PHILLIPS, James - 24 Dec 1868 aged 53
24 Dec 1868 On the 24th inst., at the Provincial Hospital, James Phillips, aged 53 years
24 Dec 1868 LOYAL WELLINGTON LODGE, I.O.O.F., M.C. - The Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of the late Bro. James Phillips, which will leave the Colonial Hospital to-morrow, Friday, th 25th inst., at half-past 3 o'clock p.m. Visiting Officers and Brethren are also respectfully invited to attend. - By order of the N. G., CHAS. MILLWARD, Secretary
PHILLIPS, George - 19 April 1873 aged 19
- only George Phillips recorded in 1873 aged 19 was the one below on the 27th
PHILIPS, John - 15 Dec 1872 aged 11
PHILIPS, John - 21 Jan 1876 aged 67
PHILLIPS, Elizabeth (nee DAYLEY) - 2 Jan 1885 aged 55
- from Westmeath, Ireland, married Thomas Phillips (1815-1890 below) in 1844, had 11 known children (the first born, Abraham Phillips (1845-1930) in Sheerness, Kent)
2 Jan 1885 On the 2nd January, very suddenly at her son-in-law's (at Masterton), William Parker, Eliza, the beloved wife of Thomas Phillips, late of Kaiwarra, in her 56th year; deeply regretted by all who knew her
PHILLIPS, George - 27 April 1873 aged 19
27 April 1873 On the 27th inst., at Kaiwarra, George, fourth son of Mr Thomas Phillips, aged 19 years
PHILLIPS, James - 7 June 1865 aged 9.5
7 June 1865 On the 7th June at the residence of his father, Kai Warra, James, sixth son of Mr Thomas Phillips. Aged nine years and 5 months
PHILLIPS, John - 16 June 1867 aged about 20
18 June 1867 The Friends of Mr Thomas Philips are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his son John, which will leave his residence, Kai Warra Warra, next Wednesday, 19th inst, at one o'clock
20 June 1867 A fatal accident occurred at Kai-warra-warra last week, the particulars of which we should have given in our last issue had they not reached us too late. On Thursday evening a young man about 20 years of age, named John Phillips, son of Mr Thos. Phillips, carter, went into his father's hay-loft and while there, fell through a trap-door to the floor of the barn. There was no one in the barn at the time and it was not till the next morning that the young man was discovered lying where he had fallen, quite paralysed, through his spine having been badly injured. He was taken home, where he lingered three days, being helpless, but perfectly sensible, during the whole of that time and then expired
PHILLIPS, Maria - 26 April 1865 aged 5
26 April 1865 On the 26th inst., at Kai Warra Warra, Maria, the beloved daughter of Mr Thomas Phillips. Aged 5 years and 4 months
27 April 1865 The Friends of Mr T. Phillips are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his daughter Maria, which will leave his residence, Kai Warra Warra, This Day the 27th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m. - F. J. PAGON, Undertaker
PHILLIPS, Robert - 27 March 1873 aged 25
27 March 1873 On the 27th March, at Kaiwarra, Robert, third son of Mr Thomas Phillips, Kaiwarra, aged 25 years
PHILLIPS, Sarah Ann - 4 May 1865 aged 6.8
4 May 1865 On the 4th May, Sarah Ann, fourth daughter of Mr Thomas Phillips
PHILLIPS, Thomas - 3 Nov 1872 aged 20
3 Nov 1872 On the 3rd inst., at his father's residence, Kaiwarra, Thomas Phillip, aged 20 years
PHILLIPS, Thomas - 10 June 1890 aged 75
- husband of Eliza nee Dayley above
10 June 1890 The District Coroner (Mr Robinson, R.M.), will hold an inquest at the Hospital at half-past seven o'clock to-night on the body of an Asylum patient named Thomas Phillips, whose death has been reported by the Asylum authorities
11 June 1890 The District Coroner held an inquest at the Hospital last evening upon the body of Thomas Phillips, an inmate of the Mount View Asylum who died yesterday morning. Dr Rowland, who has charge of the Asylum during the absence of Dr Hassell, stated that the cause of death was senile decay with dementia. The doctor also said that during the time he had assumed charge of the institution the deceased's condition had been very weak and he constantly needed stimulants. The jury, of whom Mr J. W. Braithwaite was foreman, returned a verdict in accordance with the doctor's opinion. Phillip's had been in the Asylum since June 1888 when he was admitted from Featherston. It is believed he has a daughter living at Kaiwarra
PICKERING, Jane Lightfoot - 21 May 1871 aged 68
21 May 1871 On the 21st inst., at Molesworth-street, Wellington, Jane Lightfoot the wife of William Phelps Pickering, of Loxley Hall, Kaiwarra, aged 68 years
23 May 1871 The Friends of Mr William Phelps Pickering are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late wife Jane to the place of interment, from her late residence, Molesworth street, opposite the Government Building, on Tuesday, the 23rd instant, at 1 p.m.
NOTES In 1858 William had his licence for the Karori Hotel renewed. In 1863 they lived in Kaiwarra. In 1874 he occupied Section '518', 1 acre 1 rood 34 perches at Wellington. In March 1861, Mr Carpenter proposed William as a candidate to represent the district in the Provincial Council
PIKE, Mary (nee Willis) - 8 Feb 1874 aged 27
* married John Pike, a Railways worker in 1866. She died suddenly in Wellington Hospital. She was carried in the same procession as John Long. Both coffins were carried by working men who were engaged on the railway or other public contracts. There were a large number of followers who were thoroughly drenched in a heavy downpour of rain
PILLIET, Walter Hippolyte - 7 Nov 1885 aged 45
7 Nov 1885 On the 7th November, at College Green, Wellington, Walter Hippolite Pilliet (late M.H.R. for Stanmore), aged 45 years. Mr Pilliet was in Auckland during the past month, apparently in good health
14 Nov 1885 A FORGOTTEN SOUTHLANDER, Mr Walter H. Pilliet, who died of typhoid fever at Wellington last Saturday, arrived in the colony when quite a youth and was first employed as a cadet on Messrs Clifford and Weld's Flaxbourne Station. He was connected with both the Clifford and Weld families and came out under the firms auspices. After acquiring a knowledge of colonial life (says the Post), he had a somewhat chequered career, having been for a time a land surveyor and land agent in Invercargill, then engaged under Lieut. Woods in the marine survey of the colony. He was also for a time private secretary to Sir Donald McLean when native Minister, and was subsequently appointed Warden and Resident Magistrate on the Marlborough goldfield and afterwards Resident Magistrate at Akaroa. From an early period Mr Pilliet took an interest in journalistic work and he was at various times connected with, or a contributor to, most of the leading journals of the colony. He was an able and incisive writer and thoroughly well informed in New Zealand politics. Several years ago Mr Pilliet edited the Evening Post in Wellington. More recently he held a share in the Christchurch 'Telegraph'. After resigning the resident magistracy, Mr Pilliet represented Akaroa in the Provincial Council of Canterbury and in the general election of 1881 he was elected to the House of Representatives as member for Stanmore, but failed to secured re-election. It is only a few weeks since Mr Pilliet determined to settle in Wellington and brought his wife and family there. He leaves a widow and several daughters. Mr Pilliet was a native of France, but spent most of his youth in England
- Walter married twice. His first marriage was in 1865 at Nelson to Mary Ann JOHNSTON. They had two sons and three daughters. Mary Ann died on 31 May 1872, aged 26 years. This was after complications following the birth of her fifth child, Caroline, on 22 May 1872. In 1872, he married Agnes HAY of Pigeon Bay on Banks Peninsula. There were no further children from the second marriage
PIO, Aperahama - 8 Aug 1851 aged 45
PLUNKETT, Daniel - 8 Sep 1918 aged 85
8 Sep 1918 At Clifton-terrace Hospital, Wellington, Daniel Plunkett; aged 85 years. R.I.P.
PLUNKETT, Margaret (nee MURPHY) - 11 July 1911 aged 76
- married Daniel Plunkett in 1873, they had a son:
1877 - Daniel James Plunkett
POLLOCK, Margaret Adelaide (nee O'BEIRNE) - 30 Jan 1879 aged 32
- she married Robert Pollock in 1871:
27 Sep 1871 On the 27th, at St Paul's Catheral, by the Rev C. M. Nelson, Robert, second son of Robert Pollock Esq., engineer, London, to Margaret Adelaide, youngest daughter of James O'Beirne, Esq., of Sydney. Sydney and Wellington papers please copy
they had 5 children
1873 - Mary Adeliade Pollock
1873 - 1882 John Pollock (aged 9)
1875 - Catherine Pollock
1876 - 1950 Frank Pell Pollock
1877 - 1877 John Leys Pollock (aged 9 months)
POWER, Mary - 26 Nov 1886 aged 67
26 Nov 1885 On 26th November, at her late residence, Tattersalls Hotel Cambridge Terrace, Mary Power, aged 68 years. R.I.P.
27 Nov 1886 We regret to have to announce the demise of Mrs Mary Power, who died yesterday afternoon at her residence, Tattersall's Hotel, Cambridge Terrace, after a long and painful illness, extending over a period of two years. Mrs Power, who has been engaged in the license victualler's business in Dunedin, Hokitika and Wellington for the last quarter of a century, was justly esteemed for her many amiable qualities and her open handed charity which exhibited itself both so far as the relief of private cases of distress was concerned, and also in instances of public charities. The deceased lady on the breaking out of the rush at Gabriel' Gully, Otago, left Victoria and since that time she has been known as hostess of a number of hotels in different portions of the Middle Island and in Wellington in which latter city she conducted at various times the Star Hotel, the Albert Hotel and more recently Tattersall's Hotel. Mrs Power has left a grown up son, who is at present at Kimberley and two married daughters
29 Nov 1886 The respect in which the late Mrs Mary Power was held was shown yesterday by the large number of persons who followed the remains of the deceased lady to the cemetery. The cortege, which left Tattersall's Hotel at half-past 3, halted at St Mary of the Angels' Church, Boulcott-street, where a portion of the funeral service was read, at the conclusion of which the Rev Father Kerrigan gave a short address on the uncertainty of life. The Rev Father extolled the many good qualities of the deceased and exhorted the congregation to take an example from her life. The body was then removed from the church and conveyed to the Roman Catholic Cemetery, where the interment took place, amidst a large concourse of persons of either sex
POWER, Monica Manu - 16 Aug 1880 aged 3
PRENDEVILLE, Eleanor Maude - 21 March 1889 aged 4 months
- daughter of John & Amelia below, she died 4 months after her father
PRENDEVILLE, John Sweeney - 23 Nov 1888 aged 38
- John was from County Kerry, Ireland
note in newspaper reports of his death, John's name is spelt Prenderville
23 Nov 1888 On 23rd November, at the residenceof his father-in-law, Mr P. Monaghan, Karori, John Sweeny Prenderville, teacher of the Makara Public School, aged 38 years, R.I.P.
23 Nov 1888 It is with the most sincere regret that we have to record the death at an early hour this morning of Mr J. S. Prenderville, the highly esteemed teacher of the Makara State School. Mr Prenderville has for some time been suffering from diabetes, but up to last Wednesday afternoon he was able to attend to his duties. After school hours on that day he mounted his horse to come into town to see Dr Cahill, as he felt very unwell, but on the way he became so ill that on reaching Karori a trap had to be procured to convey him to the residence of his father-in-law, Mr Monaghan, J.P. Dr Cahill was at once sent for, and attended the deceased gentleman, who, however, became unconscious yesterday afternoon and expired as already stated. Mr Prenderville was only 38 years of age and was very popular in the district, with his pupils and with all who knew him. He was a most successful teacher and was secretary to the Wellington Teachers' Association. He leaves a widow and seven children - the eldest only 12 years and the youngest a few months old - to mourn his loss. His life was insured for £300 (2012 equivalent of $59,000)
26 Nov 1888 The remains of the late Mr J. S. Prenderville, master of the public school at Makara up to the time of his death, were interred in the Catholic Cemetery yesterday afternoon, and were followed to the grave by a large number of friends. The coffin was conveyed to the cathedral at 3 o'clock and after the usual rites had been performed the cortege proceeded to the cemetery, where the service was conducted by the Rev Father Power
19 Dec 1888 Mr Young suggested that a vote of money should be made to the widow of the late Mr J. S. Prenderville, teacher at Makara, but it was decided not to take any action unless she makes an application to the Board. THe Makara Committee recommended that Miss Welch, who has been in temporary charge of the school since Mr Prenderville's death, should be appointed permanently. This was agreed to.
* in Nov 1872 (aged 22), John was appointed the Schoolmaster of South Makara. From 1874 to 1888 he spent half the day at North Makara School and the other half at South Makara School until they merged in 1879
* in 1873 (aged 23), he was one of the 'leaders' instrumental in the building of St Patrick's Catholic Church (now called Makara Settlers Church) in Makara. Built because the community could not get across the hills to mass in the city
* in Dec 1873, (aged 23), John was a Private with the Makara Rifle Volunteers when he proposed at their monthly meeting that "we return our heartfelt thanks to the Wellington Artillery Brass Band for kindly attending the funeral of our late comrade, James Monaghan and desire Color-Sergeant McLeavey to convey the same to the members"
* in Sep 1874, (aged 24), John took the chair at the annual meeting of the Wellington Catholic Young Men's Society
* in June 1878 (aged 28), he was a Clerk for the Karori-Makara Highway Board
* in Oct 1880, (aged 30), he was Presiding Officer of the Karori-Makara Highway District Ward when Charles Hendry appointed him a Warden for the No 3 Ward of the same
* in July 1887, (aged 37) he read a paper on 'NZ Forestry' at the Wellington Philosophical Society General Meeting
* in Sep 1888 (aged 38), he paid the annual fee of ?1 1s as a member of the Irish Nation League
* in Oct 1888 he was the Secretary/Treasurer of the Wellington Branch of the NZ Educational Institute
* in 1891, because John had been a Military Settler/Volunteer, his widow Amelia was granted ?30 per annum (equivlant in 2012 to $109 per week)
- In 1875 he married Amelia MONAGHAN (1856-1934)
they had 8 children
1876 - 1951 James Prendeville
- James married Helen Katherine SUTHERLAND in 1906
1878 - 1882 Mary ELizabeth Prendeville (aged 4) as below
1880 - Phoebe Elizabeth Prendeville
1882 - 1914 Amelia Jane Prendeville
1884 - 1950 John Henry Prendeville
- John married Evangeline SEYMOUR in 1913
1885 - 1966 William Maurice Prendeville
1887 - 1936 Edward Charles Prendeville
- Edward married Mary TURKINGTON in 1922
1888 - 1889 Eleanor Maud Prendeville
- Eleanor died aged 4 months, as above
NOTE There is a 'Prendeville Window' in the St Patrick's Church. There is a picture of him at the very top and below are illustrations of the school. John is also represented in the middle of the window, riding from the South to the North Makara Schools. The design is bordered by shamrocks and native manuka. THe window was donated by the Prendeville family.
PRENDEVILLE, Mary Elizabeth - 18 Nov 1882 aged 4.6
- daughter of John Sweeney PRENDEVILLE & Amelia MONAGHAN above
PRICE, Ellen - 16 Oct 1883 aged 35
PRINCE, Edward - 31 March 1862 aged 60
31 March 1862 On Monday, the 31st March, at his late residence, Hill-street, Mr Edward Prince, aged 60 years
1 April 1862 LOYAL ANTIPODEAN LODGE, I.O.O.F.,M.U. The Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge and also those of the other Lodges in Wellington, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late lamented brother Edward Prince, on Wednesday next, the 2nd April. The Funeral will leave his late residence, near the Catholic Church, Thorndon, at one o'clock
PRINCE, Maryann (nee BEVAN) - 11 Oct 1875 aged 65
11 Oct 1875 On the 11th inst., at the residence of Captain Fraser, Roxburgh-street, Mrs Mary Ann Prince, aged 65 years
PRINGLE, Robert Oliver - 9 Nov 1895 aged 2.9
- son of Robert PRINGLE & Agnes Selina Wilson GREIG (1874-1956)
12 Nov 1895 A distressing accident happened at Petone on Saturday morning, resulting in the death of a little boy named Robert Oliver Pringle, aged two years and nine months, son of Robert Pringle, of Beach street. It appears that about 11 o'clock the child was wandering about the drainage works between Richmond and Queen streets, when he was struck by a pick wielded by a labourer named Patrick Healy. The poor child was at once conveyed to his parents house, and Dr Hislop was sent for, but the blow, which had struck the cild on the head, resulted fatally in about three-quarters of an hour. As far as can be ascertained no blame whatever attaches to Healy, who is greatly distressed at the occurrence. He happened to be wearing a large hat and as a strong wind was blowing, he drew it far down over his head. Just as he raised his pick the child ran forward, unseen by him, and received the blow which resulted so disastrously. Much sympathy is felt for the parents of the child. They live at Petone and the father is himself employed on the drainage works. He formerly resided in Christchurch
- Robert & Agnes married in 1892
their children
1893 - 1896 Robert Oliver Pringle, as above
1894 - Agnes Elizabeth Pringle
1897 - Ellen Oliver Pringle
1899 - Alexander Pringle
1902 - Alice Mary Pringle
1907 - Francis William Pringle
PUTNAM, Annie (Addis) - 23 Oct 1930 aged 76
23 Oct 1930 On 23rd October, Mrs A. Putnam, of Northland. Private interment. No flowers. R.I.P.
27 Oct 1930 A great many friends will hear with regret of the death of Mrs Putnam, a well-known and much respected resident of Northland, who went to reside there in the early days, when that part was known as "Governor's Farm". Mrs Putnam, who was a woman of culture and of a hospitable and kindly disposition, was born in Auckland, her maiden name being Addis and her people coming from India with the 65th Regiment. She lived as a child through the troublous times in the Bay of Plenty during the Maori Wars, her father having been a member of the first Waikato Regiment. In later years she told many most interesting things of those early days, making those who heard realise the straits and dangers of the early pioneers of New Zealand. Her husband, who predeceased her many years ago, was Mr Philip Putnam, who went through long campaigns in the North and on the East Coast of the colony. He arrived by the ship Annie Wilson in 1864, finding friends in the 65th Regiment and joined them as a trumpeter continuing with them till he was old enough to join the Armed Constabulary in 1870. He was present when Te Kooti was taken prisoner, and remained in the King Country till the Maori War was over. Later Mr Putnam joined the Public Works Department, rising in the course of years of good service to the position of auditor. He was a member of St Mary's Choir for many years, becoming choirmaster later on. Many will remember that the original St Mary's Church was burned down and the Basilica occupies the site. Mr and Mrs Putnam were prominent in musical circles and their family has followed on in the same artistic lines. The eldest son is Mr W. Putnam (1876 - 1941 William Addis) and the younger, Mr P. H. Putnam (1879 - 1954 Philip Harry) of Wellington. There are five daughters - Mrs H. Stott (Wellington) (1882 - 1945 Martha Charity), Mrs Monaghan (New Plymouth) (1886 - 1973 Stella Elizabeth), Miss Putnam (1877 - 1975 Adelaide Mayo May) and Miss Barbara Putnam (1884 - 1933 Barbara Constance) who reside at Northland and Miss Ruth Putnam (1888 - 1978 Ruth Mary) who is in London at present. The burial took place at the Mount Street Cemetery, the family being among the few still privileged to use the old Roman Catholic Cemetery situated there
PUTNAM, Philip - 19 Nov 1890 age 43
- arrived in North of New Zealand in 1864 on the 'Annie Wilson'. He found some friends in the 65th Regiment and joined them as a trumpeter and continued till he was old enough to join the Armed Constabulary in 1870
19 Nov 1890 On the 19th November, at the Wellington Hospital, Mr Philip Putnam, late of the Public Works Department, aged 43 year
19 Nov 1890 Mr Philip Putnam, of the Public Works Department, who was thrown from a trap on Monday night, died in the Hospital at noon to-day. Deceased was choirmaster of St Mary's Cathedral and conductor of the Wellington Operatic Company
21 Nov 1890 the LATE MR PUTNAM
.. Although no one appears to have really seen the lamentable trap accident which was the cause of the untimely death of Mr Philip Putnam, several persons were in the immediate vicinity at the time it occurred amongst them being Mr Robinson, R.M., Mr W. P. James, Clerk of the Resident Magistrate's Court, Mr A. R. V. Lodder, of the City Bufffet Hotel and Mr B. F. Whittaker, bookseller. Even Mr Putnam's two sons, aged about nine and eleven, were unable to afterwards give anything like an accurate account of the cause of the accident. They told Mr Whitaker, who took them to his house, that when they left home at Karori one of the shafts of the trap was damaged and in coming down the new road into Sydney street they heard the shaft crack. Their father remarked, "Never mind; it will be all right and will carry us safe". Somewhere between Sydney and Featherston streets they believe that the fractured shaft gave way entirely, frightening the horse till it bolted, causing the accident opposite Messrs Johnston and Co.'s office. Strange as it may appear, it would seem that Mrs Putnam had some sort of presentment of coming evil on that eventful evening. Knowing of the damaged state of the shaft of the dog cart and that her husband had only repaired it temporarily, she expressed a wish that he would walk instead of drive into town. He however, lightly answered that there was nothing to fear and told her not to be nervous. As it afterwards turned out, Mrs Putman's advice, if followed, would have preserved a life. The above is the substance of the evidence adduced at the enquiry into the circumstances connected with the accident which was held at the Hospital yesterday afternoon, by the District Coroner. As regards the injuries Mr Putnam received, Dr Ewart, Superintendent of the Hospital, said that the skull was fractured, presumably at the base and death was due to hemorrhage on the surface of the brain, brought on from that cause. The jury, of which Mr Joshua Bell was foreman, decided not to require the attendance of the sons of the deceased and returned a verdict that the accident occurred through the shaft of the trap he was driving giving way. It had been broken and bound up with wire, but he persisted in using it. He met his death through being 'Accidentally Thrown from a Trap'.
The body was removed to St Mary's Cathedral in Hill-street last night, and the coffin left open in order that the members of the congregation might take a last view of the features of their departed choirmaster. The church was largely visited during the evening and many beautiful floral wreaths were laid upon and around the coffin. Amongst these was one from the members of the Cathedral Choir, another from the members of the Wellington Amateur Operatic Society (of which the deceased was conductor) and also one from the Public Works Department. St Mary of the Angels choir sent a beautiful floral cross and numbers of other wreaths came from private sources. At 9 o'clock this morning a solemn Requiem mass was sung at the Cathedral, in the presence of a large congregation and his Grace Archbishop Redwood delivered a panegyric upon the deceased, referring principally to his universal popularity and noble work as a musician. The service at the grave, whither the coffin was followed by a great number of the personal friends associates of the deceased, were conducted by the Very Rev Father McNamara. Here the choir sang an anthem and many additional floral tributes were placed upon the coffin.
The choir of the Cathedral decided at a meeting held last evening to erect a memorial stone over the grave of their late revered conductor. The congregation will also be asked to join in the movement in order that a substantial memento may be reared
QUAINTANCE, A - ??? aged 12
PROBABLY Mary Ann Quaintance
12 Sep 1886 on 12th September, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Joseph Quaintance, aged 44 years. R.I.P.
(see also B names) .. 15 Sep 1885 The somewhat unusual spectacle of a friendly society turning out to two funerals in one afternoon was presented yesterday when the Hibernians of Wellington followed to the cemetery the remains of Mrs Hugh Bradley, wife of Mr H. Bradley and Mrs Quaintance (Mary Ann nee BOLT 1842-1886), wife of Mr Joseph Quaintance (1839-1907) caretaker of the Wainuiomata Waterworks. The Rev Father Moore performed the burial service on each occasion.
- (Joseph Quaintance remarried in 1889 to Emily Louisa GLADWIN 1850-1925)
known children of Joseph & Mary Ann
1879 - Amelia Cecilia Quaintance
*1880 - 1880 Joseph Alphonso Quaintance
1877 - Josephine Augusta Quaintance
1875 - Julia Amelia Quaintance
known children of Joseph & Emily Louisa
1892 - Ernest Joseph Quaintance
1890 - Jessie Alice Quaintance
NOTE A Joseph Alphonso Quaintance died Xmas Day 1880 aged 12 days and the above burial could be his, but then Mary Ann Quaintance is missing from Mount Street Cemetery PDF
QUINLAN, David - 11 March 1875 aged 35
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . J . K . L . Ma-Mc. . Me-Mu . N . O . P-Q . R . S . T-V . W-Y
Walter Hippolyte Pilliet JP (8 February 1840 ? 7 November 1885) was a 19th century Member of Parliament in Christchurch. His father, Chevalier Jean Hippolyte Pilliet (1793?1881), was an army officer who distinguished himself at Waterloo
on 2012-06-01 23:27:38
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.