the TOWNSLEY on my tree (includes New Zealand settlers)
Journal by
the TOWNSLEYs on my tree as at 13th October 2010
1. Townsley, Agnes (b.1880)
2. Townsley, Annie (1879 - 1949)
3. Townsley, Ethel Elizabeth (b.1883)
4. Townsley, Florence (1887 - 1968)
5. Townsley, Fred (b.1881)
6. Townsley, Frederick 'Fred' (1850 - 1938)
7. Townsley, Gladys May (b.1895)
8. Townsley, Harry (1874 - 1853)
9. Townsley, James Hewson Mallinson (1876 - 1955)
10. Townsley, Winifred (1893 - 1948)
by ngairedith Profile | Research |
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on 2010-10-14 06:29:25
on 2010-10-14 06:29:25
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.