the TREVETHICK on my tree (includes New Zealand settlers)
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the TREVETHICKs on my tree as at 13th Octoebr 2010
1. Trevethick, Charles (1854 - 1928)
2. Trevethick, Clara (b.1876)
3. Trevethick, Doris Wilkie (b.1894)
4. Trevethick, Edgar Charles (1881 - 1886)
5. Trevethick, Edgar Sidney Charles (1889 - 1974)
6. Trevethick, Edwin Gordon
7. Trevethick, Flora (1877 - 1953)
8. Trevethick, Henry John (1884 - 1957)
9. Trevethick, Leonard Vernon (b.1891)
10. Trevethick, Rhoda (b.1887)
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on 2010-10-14 06:59:56
on 2010-10-14 06:59:56
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.