the WHITEHOUSE on PECK of TAITA (includes New Zealand settlers)
the WHITEHOUSE on the tree as at 15th October 2010
1. Whitehouse, Alfred William (1875 - 1951)
2. Whitehouse, Alfred John Francis (b.1906)
3. Whitehouse, Allan
4. Whitehouse, Blanch Mary Ada (1878 - 1908)
5. Whitehouse, Brenda Crone
6. Whitehouse, Charlotte Maud (1882 - 1882)
7. Whitehouse, Constance 'CONNIE' (b.1880)
8. Whitehouse, Eliza (1832 - 1912)
9. Whitehouse, Ernest Amley (1873 - 1940)
10. Whitehouse, Ernest Lamley
11. Whitehouse, Frances Millicent (b.1879)
12. Whitehouse, Helen May (1900 - 1967)
13. Whitehouse, Henry (1868 - 1935)
14. Whitehouse, John (1845 - 1895)
15. Whitehouse, Maisie Nola (b.1908)
16. Whitehouse, Sarah Ellen (1870 - 1951)
on 2010-10-16 04:00:27
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.