Thomas JACKA and Elizabeth GILBERT orignally from St Buryan, & then relocated to St Sithney, Cornwall
Thomas Jacka and Elizabeth Gilbert are my 5 x great grandparents
Thomas Jacka was christened on 15 Aug 1733 and married in 1760 to Elizabeth Gilbert, both events took St Buryan.
Elizabeth Gilbert was born 9 July 1732 in St Buryan (sources: IGI, collaborated by The Jelbert Society in ?Thomas Gilbart (Morvah & St Buryan)?, this assertion is support by the custom of the day that marriages took place in the brides's church.
Thomas and Elizabeth are both buried in St Erth (source: Dee?s St Erth, Cornwall, UK Genealogy Page)). It is thought that Thomas?s father, John Jacka, originally came from St Erth so perhaps this is why Thomas returned there, before he died, perhaps there was some family connection there that drew him back.
Establishing the links between different family members
Transcription of the Probate/Death Duty Register entry for Thomas Jacka
(Source Citation: IR 26/339, EXETER: Cornwall Archdeaconry, Repository The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU)
(Note this is not the original will, but instead a copy made by the clerk.(source:CORNISH PROBATE RECORDS))
Date of the Probate or Admin & Sum Sworn
- 1796, May 4th, Under ?300
Name and description of Testator or Intestate
-Thomas Jacka of St Erth, Yeoman
Names & places of Abode of the Exeors or Administrators
? John, Joseph & James Jacka, Residuary Legatees, sons of John Jacka, The remainder of his goods
Auxiliary Legatees -
- Abraham Jacka, son, One hundred Pounds
- Elizabeth Jacka, Daughter, Fifty Pounds
- Ann Jacka, Daughter, Fifty Pounds
(Note - A 'yeoman' described as such in a nineteenth century census or directory was someone who owned his own land. This could be a big or a small landowner, especially when the term is used in a directory, but the census might more usually describe a big landowner as a 'landed proprietor'. A yeoman might in other contexts be described as a 'gentleman'source:- Index of Old Occupations)
All the children (see list below) except the two eldest sons, Thomas and William, are included in the Will. Both sons had already married so perhaps their father had already given them their inheritance while he was still alive?
Cornish Will Abstract for Thomas Jacka, St Erth yeoman
written - 04-Apr 1796
proved - 04-May 1796
pages - 421/422
son - Abraham
daughters - Elizth, Ann Jacka
3 sons - John, Joseph, James
witnesses - Thomas Ellis, James Otey
(Source:- Cornish Will Abstracts 1793 ? 1797, Microfilm #0090202, Barons ? Morishe Reference found on.Dee?s St Erth, Cornwall, UK Genealogy Page))
Note yet to be sighted, may contain further information that maybe of interest
Thomas Jacka and Elizabeth Gilbert?s children:
1. Thos (Thomas) JACKA 1760-1833) who married Anna Moyse in 1790
2. William JACKA (1763- ?) who married Margaret Wood in 1790
3. John JACKA (1764- ?) who married Mary Lambrick in 1800
4. Elizabeth JACKKA 1766-1849) who married William Jelbart in 1800
5. Abraham JACKA 1769- ?)married ?
6. Joseph JACKA (1771- ?) who married Charity Berryman in 1798
7. James JACCKA (1774- ?) who married Eleanor Hammill in 1800
8. Ann JACKA (1777- ?)
Interested in making contact with anyone also researching the Jacka and/or Gilbert names in Cornwall.
Hi there.
Thank you for the great info. My g-g-g- grandfather is Abraham Jacka 1803
John Jacka 1785-1789 his father was married to honour. but the question that burns is Honour Who? Please help!
Hi Deb,
I have done some research on on the family you have mentioned but as yet have not found a definitive link between you family and mine, although I'm sure that it exists further back. I would be interested in any feed back that you have. Hope it all makes sense.
The Family of John Jacka & Honour Pentreath
John Jacka & Honour Pentreath family were based in St Buryan.
It looks as if the first three children died in infancy. Grace appears to be the first child to reach maturity, and it appears that she never married. Nothing is yet known of the daughter born following Grace. The next child Hugh
Parents: Hugh Jacka & Eliz Jacka (note Eliz surname may not Jacka)
Christened: 5 Jul 1760 in St Buryan, Cornwall
Died: 1844, Penzance
Burial: 20 Nov 1844, Paul, Cornwall, Honour was 82 yrs old at death. (?) John was 86 yrs old at death. (not able to verify. However we do know that he was dead by 16-Jul 1843 when his John JACCA got married to Elizabeth Tonkin
He married HONOUR PENTREATH 9 Dec 1780 in Paul, Cornwall .
Honour died: 1841, Penzance
Census: both husband and wife appeared in the 1841
Christened: 8 Jun 1781, Mousehole, Paul, Cornwall
Possibly died before 1793 when another son was also christened as John
There are no registrered deaths of a John Jacka before 1840, as registration of bdm began in September 1837 it is probably safe to assume that John died prior to 1837
Census: dead before 1841
Christened: 26 Jan 1783, Mousehole, Paul, Cornwall
(Probably died pre 1786 as the next child has the same name)
There are no registrered deaths for a Honour Jacka until 1841 after the 1841 Census, as registration of bdm began in September 1837 it is probably safe to assume that Honour died prior to 1837
Census: dead before 1841
Christened: 29 Oct 1786, Mousehole, Paul, Cornwall
There are no registrered deaths for a Honour Jacka until 1841 after the 1841 Census, as registration of bdm began in September 1837 it is probably safe to assume that Honour died prior to 1837
Census: dead before 1841
Christened: 9 Dec 1787, Mousehole, Paul, Cornwall
Married: appears not to have married, at least before 1851, or had any children
Possibly died between 1851 and 1861
Died: 1860, Penzance
Census: 1841, 1851, not able to find in 1861
Christened: 20 Sep 1789, Mousehole, Cornwall
No further information known
Christened: 9 Oct 1791, Paul, Cornwall
Died. 1829 - 1841.
(1) MARY CAREY 13 May 1822 in Paul, Cornwall
It appears that Mary may have died soon after they married and Hugh remarried at Paul
There is a Mary who died 20-Feb 1828 in Paul Cornwall at the age of 36 , this would fit with the idea that Hugh’s first wife died and then soon after he married again in 1829.
There are no registrered deaths of a Mary Jacka before 1840, as registration of bdm began in September 1837 it is probably safe to assume that Mary died prior to 1837
Census: first wife Mary Jacka nee Carey dead before 1841
(2) PHILLIS 1 Jun 1829 in Paul, Cornwall .
She was born Bet. 1792 - 1793 in Cornwall, and died in Mousehole, Cornwall.
Died: 1871, Penzance
Buried: 09-Apr 1871, Mousehole, Paul at the age of 79
Census: dead before 1841 but second wife still alive
Census: 2nd wife Phillis: 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871
1841 living as a widow with her daughter(?) in Church Lane, Mousehole
1851 still living as a widow in Chapel Street, Mousehole but now she is living with her neice, and working as a Dress maker
1861 living in Bosorne Terrace, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall a retired widow, with her son-in-law and daughter Phillis
1871 living in 6 Millpool Square, St Paul, Cornwall (living as a widow with her deceased husband, Hugh Jacka, brother William Jacka, son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath (Although Hugh married twice it appears that he had only one child Phillis JACKA, d. Bef. 1861.(she eventually married Henry Boyns), who appears in the 1851 Census living with her mother. She appears with widowed wife appears in the 1841, 1851, 1861 & 1871 and seems never to have remarried)
Christened: 23 Jun 1793, Mousehole, Cornwall
Buried: 04-Feb 1871, Mousehole, Cornwall, aged 78
Married: ELIZABETH TONKIN, 16 Jul 1843, Paul, Cornwall
On their marriage banns Elizabeth Tonkin’s father name was given as WILLIAM TREGURTHA, this could indicate that she had been married previously and that her birth name was Elizabeth Tregurtha. There is an Elizabeth Tregurtha marrying a Nicholas in 1834 , when she married John she may have been a widow?
She was Christened: between: 1803 - 1804, Mousehole, Cornwall.
Census: 1841, 1851, 1861, unable to find in the 1871 census so probably has died
Christened: 16 Oct 1796, Mousehole, Paul,Cornwall
Two possiblities – niether quite match-up with the burial details
Deaths Sep 1860, Jacka William, Penzance, 5c, 189
Deaths Sep 1862, Jacka William James Spargo, Truro 5c 99
Buried: 5 Mar 1862, Mousehole, Cornwall
Married: Phillis Willis
Phillis Willis was born c. 1799
Died: 1876, Penzanze
Buried: 25-Mar 1877, Mousehole, Paul
Census: 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871
Christened: 2 May 1798, Mousehole, Paul, Cornwall .
No further information known
Christened: 8 Aug 1800, Mousehole, Cornwall
Burial: 12 Dec 1800, Paul, Cornwall (unable to verify)
Census: dead before 1841
Christened: 28 Nov 1802, Paul, Cornwall
Died: 1872, Penanze
Buried: 13-Apr 1872, Mousehole, Cornwall , aged 70
He married PHILLIS PENTREATH 5 Jun 1827 in Paul, Cornwall .
She was born Bet. 1804 - 1805 in Mousehole, Cornwall
Census: 1841, mentioned in 1851, 1861 on his sailing vessel, 1871
Christened: 6 Oct 1805, Mousehole, Cornwall
No further information known
Locating where the Descendants of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath were living according to the British Census
1841 Census
John Jacka, 45, Fisher (son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
next to
Abraham Jacka, 38, Fisher (son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Phillis Jacka, 36
Abram Jacka, 13
Jane Jacka, 11
Elizabeth Jacka, 10
John Jacka, 5
Charles Jacka, 3
Phillis Jacka, 1
next to
John Jacka, 80, Fisher (parent of John Jacka 45, Abraham Jacka 38, Grace Jacka 50)
Honour Jacka, 80 (parent of John Jacka 45, Abraham Jacka 38, Grace Jacka 50)
Grace Jacka, 50 (daughter of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
next to
Elizabeth Pentreath, 50, independent (Honour Pentreath’s mother?)
Not far away, another son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath was living
William Jacka, 40, Fisherman. In county, (son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Phillis Jacka 35 In county,
William Jacka 18 In county,
Jane Jacka 15 In county,
Phillis Jacka 12 In county,
Richard Jacka 10 In county,
Hugh Jacka 8 In county,
John Jacka 6 In county,
Charles Jacka 4 In county,
Hezekiah Jacka 2 In county
Church Lane, Mousehole
Phillis Jacka, 48, Dressmaker, In county (second wife and widow of Hugh Jacka son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Phillis Willis 20 Dressmaker In county
1851 Census
1 Church Square Street, Mousehole, Paul
John Jacko, head, mar, 58, fisherman, Cornwall, Mousehole (son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Elizabeth Jacko, wife, mar, 47, fisherman wife, Cornwall, Mousehole (wife of John Jacka – who is the son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Next door to
2 Church Square
Phillis Jacko, wife, mar, 45, fisherman wife, Cornwall, Mousehole Mousehole (wife of William son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath, William was found On boat “Vanguard” Lying at Mousehole, Paul
at the time of the census)
Jane Jacko, dau, unmar, 21, fisherman daug, Cornwall, Mousehole (daughter of Abraham Jacka and Phillis Willis)
Charles Jacko, son, 12, fisherman son, Cornwall, Mousehole (son of Abraham Jacka and Phillis Willis)
Phillis Jacko, daug, 10, fisherman daug, Cornwall, Mousehole (daughter of Abraham Jacka and Phillis Willis)
Elizth Jacko, daug, 7, Scholar, Cornwall, (daughter of Abraham Jacka and Phillis Willis)
Next door to
Grace Jacko, head, unmarried, aged 64, Domestic Labourer, Cornwall, Mousehole (daughter of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Elizth Peutreath, ??, 78, Net repairer & maker, Cornwall, Mousehole (Honour Pentreath’s mother?)
On boat “Vanguard” Lying at Mousehole, Paul
William Jacka, Captn, married, 55, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall (son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath. His wife is living in Regent Terrace, Mousehole )
William Jacka, Fshman, unwed, 28, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall, Deaf & dumb(son of William Jacka and Phillis Willis)
Richard Jacka, Fshman, unwed, 20, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets,b. Paul Cornwall (son of William Jacka and Phnillis Willis)
Hugh Jacka, Fshman, 18, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall (son of William Jacka and Phnillis Willis)
James Brownfield, Fshman, married, 45, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall,,
Henry Harvey, Fshman, unwed, 30, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall,,
William Prowse, Fshman, unwed, 20, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. St Levan Cornwall
Vessel - Industry,,Lying at Mousehole
William Harvey, Master, married, 56, Part Owner Of Boat & Nets, b. Paul Cornwall,
Richard J. Harvey, Fshman, unwed 19 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall,,
William Harvey Fshman unwed 17 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall,,
Abraham Jacka Fshman unwed 24 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall (son of ABRAHAM JACKA and PHILLIS PENTREATH)
James Pender Fshman married 30 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall,,
Daniel Richards Fshman unwed 18 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall,,
William Pender Fshman unwed 24 Part Owner Of Nets b. Paul Cornwall
Chapel Street, Mousehole
Phillis Jacka, Head, widow, 58, Dress Maker, b. Mousehole Cornwall (second wife and widow of Hugh Jacka son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Hester Harry, Niece, unwed, 21, Fisherman's Daur, b. Mousehole Cornwall
Bosorne Terrace, St Just in Penwith
Henry Boyns, head, marr, 31, Tin miner agent, b.St Just, Cornwall
Phillis Boyns, 29, b. Mousehole Paul Cornwall (daughter of Hugh Jacka & Phillis)
Henry Boyns, 3 Mo, b. St Just, Cornwall
Regent Terrace, Mousehole, Cornwall
Phillis Jacka, Wife, married, 62, Fisherman's Wife, b. Mousehole Cornwall (wife of William who was the son of JOHN JACKA and HONOUR PENTREATH)
Jane Jacka Dau unwed 25 Fisherman's Daur b. Mousehole Cornwall
John Jacka Son 15 Scholar b. Mousehole Cornwall Deaf,
Hezekiah Jacka Son 11 Scholar b. Mousehole Cornwall
1861 Census
1 Chapel St, Paul
Abraham Jacka, head, 58, Fisherman, Cornwall, Paul (son of John Jacka and Honour Penreath)
Phillis Jacka, 55, wife, Fisherman wife, Cornwall, Paul
Jane Jacka, 29, daugh, unmarried, net maker, Cornwall, Paul
Abraham Jacka, 32, unmarried, fisherman, Cornwall, Paul
Charles Jacka, 22, unmarried, fisherman, Cornwall, Paul
Phillis Jacka, 20, daugh, ?? , Cornwall, Paul
Elizabeth Jacka, 17, ?? maid, Cornwall, Paul
11 Post Office Square, Mousehole, Paul
John Jacka, Head, married, 66, Fisherman, b. Paul Cornwall(son of John Jacka and Honour Penreath)
Elizabeth Jacka, Wife, married, 56, Fishermans Wife, b.Paul Cornwall
10 Recent Street, Mousehole, Cornwall
William Jacka, Head, married, 64, Fisherman, b. Paul Cornwall(son of John Jacka and Honour Penreath)
Phillis Jacka Wife married 62 Fishermans Wife b. Paul Cornwall
William Jacka Son unwed 38 Fisherman b. Paul Cornwall Deaf & dumb,
Richard Jacka Son unwed 30 Fisherman b. Paul Cornwall
John Jacka Son unwed 26 Fisherman b. Paul Cornwall Deaf & dumb,
Charles Jacka Son unwed 24 Shoe Maker b. Paul Cornwall Deaf & dumb,
Bosorne Terrace, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall
Henry Boyns, Head, widow, 41, Agent In Tin & Copper Mine, b. St Just Cornwall (widowed husband of Hugh & Phillis’s daughter Phillis)
Elizabeth E Boyns, Dau, 8, b. St Just Cornwall,
Phillis Jacka, Ma-Law, widow 68, Formerly Dress Maker, b. Mousehole Paul Cornwall(second wife and widow of Hugh Jacka son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
1871 Census
6 Millpool Square, St Paul, Cornwall
William Harvey, Head, M, 72, Fisherman, Mousehole Cornwall
Elizabeth Harvey,Wife, M, 72, Fishermans Wife, Mousehole Cornwall
Julia Harvey, Dau, U, 29, Netter, Mousehole Cornwall
Samuel Harvey, Son, U, 26, Fisherman, Mousehole Cornwall
Phillis Jacka, Sislaw, W, 78, Formerly Dressmaker, Mousehole Cornwall (second wife and widow of Hugh Jacka son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Elizabeth E Boyles,Visitr, U, 18, N K, St Just Cornwall
Next door to
7 Millpool Square, St Paul, Cornwall
Peter Harvey, Head, M, 46, Fisherman, Mousehole Cornwall
Jane P Harvey, Wife, M, 41, Fishermans Wife, Mousehole Cornwall (daughter of ABRAHAM JACKA and PHILLIS PENTREATH)
John P Harvey, Son, 7, Scholar, Mousehole Cornwall
Peter Harvey, Son, 5, Scholar, Mousehole Cornwall
Mary A Harvey, Dau, 2, Mousehole Cornwall
Elizabeth Jacka, Aunt,W, 67, Fishermans Widow, Mousehole Cornwall(wife of John Jacka – who is the son of John Jacka and Honour Pentreath)
Elizabeth Jacka, Sislaw, U, 27, Tailoress, Mousehole Cornwall (daughter of ABRAHAM JACKA and PHILLIS PENTREATH)
10 Recent Terrace,Mousehole, Cornwall
Phillis Jacka Head widow 70 Fishermans Widow, b. Mousehole Cornwall (widow of William Jacka, son of John Jacka and Honour Penreath)
William Jacka Son unwed 48 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&db,
Richard Jacka Son unwed 40 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall
John Jacka Son unwed 36 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&db,
Charles Jacka Son unwed 35 Shoe Maker b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&db,
33 Fore Street, Mousehole, Cornwall
Abram Jacka, Head, married, 69, Fisherman, b. Paul Cornwall(son of John Jacka and Honour Penreath)
Phillis Jacka, Wife, married, 66, b. Paul Cornwall
Abram Jacka, Son, unwed 42, Fisherman, b. Paul Cornwall
1 Portherms Place, Mousehole, Paul
Henry Harvey, head, married, 51, fisherman
Jane Harvey, wife, Mar, 45
Henry Harvey, 7, scholar
Jane Edmond Harvey, 11, scholar
Augustine Harvey, 4, scholar
Census 1881
1 Parade Pl, Mousehole, Cornwall
Henry Harvey Head married 61 Fisherman b. St Buryan Cornwall,
Jane Harvey Wife married 55 b. Mousehole Cornwall
Henry Harvey Son unwed 17 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall
Jane E. Harvey Dau unwed 21 b. Mousehole Cornwall
Augustine Harvey Dau 14 Scholar b. Mousehole Cornwall
William Jacka Brolaw unwed 57 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&dmb
John Jacka Brolaw unwed 46 Fisherman b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&dmb
Next door to
2 Parade Pl, Mousehole, Cornwall
Richard Jacka, head, unwed, 50, fisherman, b. Mousehole Cornwall Df&dmb
St. Buryan Parish Register some Jacka Entries transcribed by Mark Moorhouse - John Jacka, bpt 5 Jul 1760, son of Hugh & Eliz Jacka
FreeBDMs - Deaths Dec 1844, Jacka John, District Penzance, Vol 9, Page 159
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08, 16-Jul 1843 Paul John JACCA Elizabeth TONKIN, witnesses- RICHARDS / WILLIS
Boyd's Marriage Index 1538-1840 – 1780, JACKA, JN, PENTREATH, HONOUR, PAUL, CORNWALL
West Penwith Resourses,, 09-Dec 1780 Paul John JACKA Honour PENTREATH
FreeBDMs - Deaths Dec 1841, JACKA Honour, District Penzance, Vol 9, Page 128
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
FreeBDMs - Deaths Mar 1860, Jacka Grace, District Penzance, Vol 5c, Page 265
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
Paul Parish Marriages Register: 13 May 1822 by Banns, Hugh Jacka & Mary Carey, Witnesses: John Treweek, Richard Pentreath
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08, Paul, Mary Jacka, age 36, Mousehole Transcribed by Diane Donohue
1 Jun 1829 by Banns Hugh Jacca widower & Phillis Willis widow [her mark] Witnesses: Stephen Bodinnar, Richard Pentreath
FreeBDMs - Deaths Jun 1871, Jacka Phillis, aged 79, District Penzance, Vol 5c, Page 207
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08 - Paul, 09-Apr 1871, Phillis JACKA, 79, Mousehole, Mousehole Transcribed by Diane Donohue
1841 Census - Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 38; Page: 36; Line: 20; GSU roll: 241265.
Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 38; Page: 36; Line: 20; GSU roll: 241265.
1861 Census - Class: RG9; Piece: 1598; Folio: 50; Page: 35; GSU roll: 542837.
1871 Census - Class: RG10; Piece: 2338; Folio: 18; Page: 32; GSU roll: 835093.
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08 - 04-Feb 1871, Paul, John JACKA Transcribed by Diane Donohue
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08 - 16-Jul 1843 Paul John JACCA Elizabeth TONKIN, witnesses- RICHARDS / WILLIS
Paul Parish Marriages Register: 16 Jul 1843 by Banns, John Jacca, full age Fisherman of Paul (Father: John Jacca, Dead) & Elizabeth Tonkin, full age Servant of Paul [her mark], (Father: William Tregurtha, Dead) Witnesses: James Richards, Eliza Willis Transcribed by Mark Moorhouse
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08 – 09-Mar 1834 Paul Nicholas TONKIN Elizabeth, TREGARTHA, witnesses Mary MURLEY & Richard PENTREATH
OPC Online Website on 16-Feb-08 – 05-Mar 1862, Paul, William JACKA, aged 66, Transcribed by Diane Donohue
Paul Parish Marriages Register; 19 May 1822 by Banns, William Jacca & Phillis Willis [her mark], Witnesses: Elizabeth Murley, Richard Pentreath, transcribed by Mark Moorhouse
FreeBdm - Deaths Mar 1877, JACKA Phillis 78 District Penzance Vol 5c Page 236
OPC Online Website on 9 feb 2008 - 25-Mar 1877 Paul Phillis JACKA
IGI - Parish registers for St. Buryan, 1653-1998 Church of England. Parish Church of St. Buryan (Cornwall) FHS 0226178
IGI - Parish registers for Paul, 1595-1981 Church of England. Parish Church of Paul (Cornwall) - Female Christening: 08 AUG 1800 Paul, Cornwall, England, FHS 0226178
IGI - Parish registers for Paul, 1595-1981 Church of England. Parish Church of Paul (Cornwall) - Male Christening: 28 NOV 1802 Paul, Cornwall, England
FreeBdm - Deaths Jun 1872, JACKA Abraham 70 Penzance 5c 220
OPC Online Website on 9 feb 2008 - 13-Apr 1872 Paul Abraham JACKA
OPC Online Website on 9 feb 2008 - 05-Jun 1827 Paul Abraham JACKA Phillis PENTREATH
IGI - Parish registers for Paul, 1595-1981 Church of England. Parish Church of Paul (Cornwall) - Female Christening: 08 AUG 1800 Paul, Cornwall, England, FHS 0226178
1841 Census - Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 34; Page: 29; Line: 4; GSU roll: 241265.
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 37; Page: 35; Line: 16; GSU roll: 241265.
Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 38; Page: 36; Line: 20; GSU roll: 241265.
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece: 1918; Folio: 216; Page: 23; GSU roll: 221072-221073
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece: 1918; Folio: 200; Page: 51; GSU roll: 221072-221073.
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece: 1918; Folio: 200; Page: 51; GSU roll: 221072-221073.
Conrish Online Census -Transcript of Piece HO107/1918 (Part 4), Civil Parish of Paul, Enumeration District 1a, Eccl. District of -, Folio 199 Page 49,
Class: HO107; Piece 143; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Paul; County: Cornwall; Enumeration District: 21; Folio: 38; Page: 36; Line: 20; GSU roll: 241265.
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece: 1919; Folio: 288; Page: 1; GSU roll: 221074.
1851 Census - Class: HO107; Piece: 1918; Folio: 176; Page: 3; GSU roll: 221072-221073.
1861 Census - Class: RG9; Piece: 1592; Folio: 27; Page: 14; GSU roll: 542836.
Conrish Online Census,, RG9/1592 (Part 1), Enumeration District 2 , Civil Parish of Paul, Eccl. District of - , Folio 27 Page 13
Conrish Online Census,, RG9/1592 (Part 1), Enumeration District 2 , Civil Parish of Paul, Eccl. District of - ,Folio 21 Page 2
1861 Census - Class: RG9; Piece: 1598; Folio: 50; Page: 35; GSU roll: 542837.
1871 Census - Class: RG10; Piece: 2338; Folio: 18; Page: 32; GSU roll: 835093.
1871 Census - Class: RG10; Piece: 2338; Folio: 18; Page: 32; GSU roll: 835093.
Conrish Online Census,, 1871—Transcript of Piece RG10/2338, Enumeration District 1, Civil Parish of Paul, Eccl. District of - Folio 17 Page 29
Conrish Online Census,, 1871—Transcript of Piece RG10/2338 (Part 1), Enumeration District 1, Civil Parish of Paul, Eccl. District of - , Folio 38 Page 29
1871 Census - Class: RG10; Piece: 2338; Folio: 35; Page: 23; GSU roll: 835093.
1881 Census - Class: RG11; Piece: 2344; Folio: 41; Page: 27; Line: ; GSU roll: 1341563.
1881 Census - Class: RG11; Piece: 2344; Folio: 41; Page: 27; Line: ; GSU roll: 1341563.
I agree with you totally. After wrestling with this for many hours, I can not make Thomas join my clan. I will have to be satisfied to welcome a"heart" cousin and thank her a lot for all she has done. I shall publish your study with your website in it's current state. A fine piece of work deserves all the credit! Here is my website. I would apreciate any advice or opinions you entertain.
I am researching Dina JACKA, dau of William JACKA and Dina.
Baptism details as per Cornwall Online Parish Clerks Database;
Parish: Buryan, St.
Date: 27-Aug 1671
Name: Dina JACKA
Sex: Dau
Father: William
Mother: Dina
Marriage details as per Cornwall Online Parish Clerks Database;
Parish or Registration District: Buryan, St.
Date: 27-Jan 1694
Considering that, prior to 1736, there are no baptisms records of a Dinah HUTCHENS or any other marriages of a HUTCHENS to a Dinah, this must be her burial.
Burial details as per Cornwall Online Parish Clerks Database;
Parish: Buryan, St.
Date: 04-Mar 1736
Name: Dinah HITCHENS
Regards Grantley Hutchens
Hi Grantley,
I've just done a quick review of all the notes that I have on Dina related Jacka information and found the following. Let me know if it is of any help. There appears to be three spellings Dina, Dinah & Diana. I'me not sure if we are connected or not if we are it is way back and a strong possibility in my mind. I don't have any information on the surname Hutchens so I'd be interested if you find any further info that connects the names.
Cheers, Sandra
St. Buryan Parish Register
Dina Jacka bpt 27 Aug 1671 dau of William & Dina Jacka
Dinah Jacka bpt 14 oct 1722 dau of Abraham & Grace Jacka
Dinah Jacka bur 2 Nov 1799
Madron Parish Register.
Margaret Hutchins Jacka 5 Apr 1779 dau of Charles Jacka
Some notes on families trees done by other researchers
Dina #1
Children of WILLIAM JACKA and DIANA are:
I. ALICE JACKA, b. Bef. 16 Mar 1655/56, St Buryan, Cornwall.
II. DINA JACKA, b. Bef. 27 Aug 1671, St Buryan, Cornwall.
Burial: 19 Sep 1713, St Buryan, Cornwall
Dina #2
ABRAHAM3 JACKA (HUGH2, WILLIAM1) was born Bef. 26 Dec 1688 in St Buryan, Cornwall, and died Apr 1761 in St Buryan, Cornwall. He married GRACE RICHARDS 18 Aug 1718 in St Buryan, Cornwall. She was born Bet. 1693 - 1694, and died Jan 1766 in St Buryan, Cornwall & Buried: 26 Jan 1766, St Buryan, Cornwall
Abraham was parish clerk at the time of his death and buried 23 Apr 1761, St Buryan, Cornwall Given age at death was 72 years old.
i. JOAN4 JACKA, b. Bef. 21 Feb 1720/21, St Buryan, Cornwall.
ii. DINAH JACKA, b. Bef. 14 Oct 1722, St Buryan, Cornwall; d. Oct 1799, St Buryan, Cornwall. Buried: 2 Nov 1799, St Buryan, Cornwall
iii. GRACE JACKA, b. Bef. 2 May 1725, St Buryan, Cornwall. May have been born 1725 or 1726 baptism same date. Possibly died 1786 at St Buryan.
iv. ELIZABETH JACKA, b. Bef. 16 Oct 1730, St Buryan, Cornwall.
My 5x ggrandparents are Thomas Jacka and Elizabeth Gilbert. My 4 x ggrandparent was William Jacka 1763 his daughter Elizabeth 1793 was my 3x ggrandparent she married a Jacob Harris in Illogan Cornwall. Elizabeth had a brother William 1794 who married a Grace Hollow on the 1841 census he was listed as a Yeoman on the 1861 census he was living on the Scily Isles as a market gardener. On the wedding certificate for Elizabeth one of the witnesses was a Jelbert, she had a son John who married a Eliza Benney, on the 1841 census Eliza's faher was a yeoman living with William Jelbert I don't know the connection. John had a son John who married a Christiana Nancarrow the witnesses at their wedding were William and Edward Gilbert.
William 1794 had a son Josiah 1832 who emigrated to Victoria Australia Josiah's grandson Albert Jacka 1893 was the first Australian to win a V.C. at Gallipoli a book has been written about him called Hard Jacka.
Hi farrowbmf,
Who did Elizabeth marry? I have William Jacka & Elizabeth Wood having an Eliza b. 1795 who married a Johnson Quintell and an Elizabeth b.1793 (is this your Elizabeth?) but I don't have a marriage for her. I would be interested in details about Elizabeth b.1793, her life and her descendants. You can privately message me on Family Tree Circles if you don't want to put all the data up in a journal and I can give you my private email address if you like.
Happy to share anything that maybe of interest to you as well.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers, Sandra
Hi Sandra
I sent a message did you receive it
HI Betty,
There's no message in my family tree circles mailbox - have another go and try to send again.
I look forward to receiving it.