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Trying to eat the Elephant

Article by caeh63

About a week ago when my significant other (Jim) was out of town on a business trip for the week and after watching WDYTYA again..the bug to research came back with fury. (is it just me or have they never researched family in Ireland?-maybe I missed one.)

I do this... life comes up, I make no breakthroughs and for months just cant bear to touch my research again, but each time I pick it up my hope is that there will be something new to find online that just wasn't available before. Something that will get me INTO Ireland since I cant travel there....yet.

I did my usual, checked Ancestry, updated my genealogical software, hit some of my favorite sites and dug in. I watched a couple of very interesting video's held by Legacy Family Tree Webinars and found someone who does consultations, which at the very reasonable price of $50.00 I took her up on. I also learned that I have been doing my sources woefully wrong and with a tree of over 15,000 names I just wanted to pitch it all and start over... ugh, then I realized that so much of my data was missing in the form of census records that I had downloaded and had disappeared since I have changed computers no less than 7 times in all these years. And the elephant just keeps getting bigger!

So, one thing at a time.. HOGAN'S Only Hogan's, direct line...

While I was waiting for the results, I did manage to find some new information from Find A Grave submissions that filled in some dates from tombstones, sourced correctly and re-organized all my genealogical photos and documents by surname.. that should help.

3 days later, I'm exhausted and my brain hurts. Waiting for my consultation results so a path is clearly cut for me is what I need now.

Will post the results...

Surnames: HOGAN
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by caeh63 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-09-19 16:40:49

Limerick Co. Hogans - Removing walls brick by brick.

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