Trying to find any data on Cirilo, Crescencio, Felipe and Fabian Garcia. (In texas).<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Trying to find any data on Cirilo, Crescencio, Felipe and Fabian Garcia. (In texas).

Journal by rungetex

If anyone knows about any data on Cirilo Garcia, Crescencio Garcia, Felipe Garcia and Fabian Garcia, please let me know it. Cirilo was born in Camargo, Tamaulipas, Crescencio in Rio Grande City, Tx., Felipe Was born in Salineno, Tx. and Fabian Garcia was born in Runge, Tx. (Born dates range from 1800 to 1921).
Any help will be kindly appreciated.

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by rungetex Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-12-20 16:23:28

rungetex has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2014.

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user Nsueturney60 deactivated
by rungetex on 2014-12-21 17:27:16

1-Cirilo II Garcia, born about 1820 at Camargo, Tamaulipas, he married Maria Rita Garcia in year 1848 at Laredo, Tx. (He also married Maria Ynes Escobar on 28-Jun-1871.
2-Crescencio Garcia, born about 1854 in Runge, Tx, he married to Maria del Refugio Peña on 19-Aug-1874.
3-Felipe Garcia, born 26-May-1877 in Salineño, Tx, he Married to Quirina Flores Cuellar about 1920 in Runge, Tx. Felipe died 27-Apr-1935 at Rio Grande City, Tx.
4-Fabian Garcia, born 22-Dec-1921 in Runge, Tx and died in Mexico City on 08-Feb-1963.
he married Julia Olvera on 10-Apr-1943 at Matamoros, Tamaulipas-Mexico.
This is all data I know, so far.
And thanks for your kindness.

user Nsueturney60 deactivated
by rungetex on 2014-12-22 13:25:58

Dear friend: Yes, I need pictures of the gravesites and to know the names of their children. Concerning my father Fabian Garcia (Born 22-December-1921) he did not served in the civil war, which happened from 1862 to 1865, during the presidencial period of the great Abraham Lincoln.
NOTE: Let me see if I can get you their birthday dates or some more data.
Until soon from: Miguel Garcia.
Born in Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, but living at Apodaca, Nuevo Leon-MEXICO.

user Nsueturney60 deactivated

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