TULIP WRIGHT'S OBITUARY (and biography / genealogy in comments.)
As usual,it's a case of look for one thing,find another. I was after an article about William Ford's famous cook who been involved in the second war between England and America.Found it quickly and then this caught my eye.It doesn't say anything about Bulla,the Lincolnshire Arms Hotel at North Essendon or the Sir John Franklin Hotel at Sunbury, instead concentrating on his official roles.
POSTSCRIPT 15-12-2021.
Tulip was a native of Lincolnshire, England so I believe this is his death record.
WRIGHT William Death, names of parents unknown, place of birth:LIN
spouse at death: UNDERWOOD, Mary Anne, 64, 1856, 5015/1856
Suddenly, early on the morning of the 23rd instant,
at his residence, the Deep Creek Inn, William Wright,
one of the oldest colonists in Victoria, aged 64 years.
(P.4, The Age, 25-11-1856.
Death has carried off one of the oldest settlers in Victoria, Mr W. H. Wright, principal sheriff of the colony. Mr Wright died suddenly, of apoplexy, on the 1st inst, at the house of Mr George Higinbotham, Brighton,where he happened to be on a visit. The deceased gentleman was son of Captain Wright formerly Commandant of the military college at Sandhurst, and he came out to Norfolk Island as an ensign in a detachment of the 50th Regiment He landed in Sydney in 1838, and shortly afterwards quitted the army and joined the civil service.
He held the office of Crown Lands Commissioner in the Wimmera district, under the New South Wales Government from 1841 up to the time of the separation of Victoria from the parent colony. Then he filled successively the offices of chief gold commissioner, police magistrate, and secretary of railways. The last named position he was in from 1862 to 1871, when he was promoted to the office of sheriff, on the death of Mr Claud Fane. Mr Wright displayed at all times a strict conscientiousness in the discharge of his duties. He was greatly esteemed by a very large circle of private friends. He did not appear lately to be suffering from ill health, but it was known that he received a great blow in the death of his three children last year from scarlet fever, leaving only one young infant out of a promising family of four. At the time of his death Mr. Wright was about 63 years of age.
(P.1s, Argus, 21-2-1877.)
THE Friends of the late WILLIAM WRIGHT, Deep Creek, Bulla, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late elder son, Anthony William, to the place of Interment, Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral to move from the Junction Hotel, St.Kilda, on Thursday, the 25 inst., at 11 o'clock a.m. J. STEWART, undertaker.
(P.8,Argus, 24-1-1866.)
DEATH BY THE FLOOD?Deep Creek, 28th November, 1849?I beg to inform you that an accident, (h?)as occurred here yesterday, whereby two of my men (Francis Bruce and Thomas Harris) unfortunately lost their lives. The
bridge across the creek being flooded, the two men were employed preparing the punt for conveying passengers across, when they were swept away by the current. The bodies have not yet been found.?Your's obediently
W. WRIGHT. (P.4, South Australian, 28-12-1849. PORT PHILLIP.)
on 2013-10-25 03:23:14
Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.
If you want to find personal details about pioneers near Bulla such as Tulip Wright and John Dickens (Dickins?), you could do worse than to consult Harry Peck's MEMOIRS OF A STOCKMAN regarding the latter and Isaac Batey's numerous articles in the Sunbury News and other papers regarding both. Having left Redstone Hill about nine years earlier, Isaac's letter was in response to an article about the history of Gisborne and only part of it is reproduced below.
By the way, though Dr. O'Donnell speaks of "Tulip" Wright, I think he omitted stating he was once Chief Constable of Melbourne. Mr J.A. W. Greig, of the Histrionical Society, in the "Argus" of 4/16/13, (4/6/13?) shows sketches taken by the late W.F.E.Liardet. One of these, dated 1839, displays "Tulip" garbed as a
substantial farmer during the first three or four decades of the 19th century. Nothing in his outfit is omitted, even to the ponderous oak cudgel he carried when in Melbourne.
Mr. Forde informs us that William Joseph Hocson was sent down from Sydney as Chief Constable in 1836,When, after four months' service, he was dismissed, and was succeeded by Henry, brother of Mr. John Batman. Mr. Forde states that Henry Batman died in 1839, but he does not tell us of "Tulip" being appointed ; rather a singular omission, for, according to the era in which he lived, Mr. William Wright was a
notable man. There were two versions as to how he got his alias.Firstly, his love of tulips ; secondly, when he made an arrest, he addressed his prisoner with "Come
along, my tulip." It is highly probable, when he captured his man, that he used the above expression, hence he became known far and wide as "The Tulip."
His interests were in no wise connected with those of Gisborne, further than that he would attend court there when taking out a publican's licence. True, before his retirement from the police force, about 1842, business in connection with his office may have called him up. However he appears to have been esteemed by the citizens of
Melbourne, because his second daughter, Mrs. Frances Potter, informed me personally, when her father had retired, he was presented with a silver snuff-box. At the time she assured me that this souvenir was still in her possession.
(P.2, Gisborne Gazette,30-1-1914, OLD GISBORNE.)
The following has terrific biological and genealogical detail about Tulip.
Mary Ann Underwood and William Wright in Victoria | Heaven and ...
Jan 30, 2011 - On the voyage to Port Philip, in the Hetty on its last voyage, during a gale of wind, which lasted six days, Mrs. WRIGHT, wife of Mr. William Tulip ...
There is an excellent sketch of Bulla showing Tulip's crossing and probably the Deep Creek/Bridge Inn. It was done in 1849 by an art student who copied an earlier work by his teacher,Gilbert.
View of the ford at the Deep Creek (Tulip Wright's). - Version details ...
William Wright (d.1856), known as 'Tulip' Wright was a pioneer of Port Phillip settlement and a Chief Constable of the new colony. Notes. Copy by an unknown ...
When Tulip went to the Lincolnshire, Gilbert was poundkeeper for a brief space; thereafter Tulip, I fancy, reoccupied the position until it passed to Smith. Before the flood of May, 1852, had subsided, a large concourse of people were often seen on both sides of the river, where Tulip's boat was busily plying. A long rope passed through a ring, with a painter attached, enabled the men to haul the craft over
easily enough. The boat would carry six passengers, and the fare was one shilling a man, a fact I can speak to, as I saw the money paid. A horseman coming along, the tackle was put aboard, a rope put around the animal's neck, then, the boat pushing off, the horse had to go whether he liked it or not. Next a dog-cart appeared.
The quadruped was handled as above described. A rope being affixed to the vehicle's axle, its opposite end was taken over, whereupon willing hands seized the rope and dragged the trap over in grand style, tail first. Possibly ten shillings was the fee for this service. How the people did for food I know not, unless Tulip was in a position to supply them, because on Melbourne side of the river there were not any
accommodation tents. I went to Melbourne in 1850, and in 1851, and at both times there was neither tent nor hut over water from Tulip's.
(P.2, Sunbury News, 17-9-1910.)
By A. S. KENYON, Secretary and Past President of the Historical Society of Victoria.
BULLA-The name is derived from the parish of Bulla Bulla, which means in blackfellows' tongue "the large ant eater." In Gippsland it is the name of the lyre-bird. The first name of the town was Deep Creek, which gradually became Wright's Inn, as it was there Tulip (William) Wright, Melbourne's well-known chief constable from 1838 to 1841, opened his hostelry. Tulip, with his furry white topper, low
crowned and curly brimmed, olive green tail coat, red plush waistcoat,snuff-coloured breeches, with pearl buttons, and yellow-topped boots, was a perfect John Bull. He died in 1856, six years before the Bulla Road District was created. The shire was constituted in 1866. (P.19S,Argus,14-5-1938.)
To the Editor of the Argus.
Sir,?The number of sudden deaths which has lately occurred at Bulla Bulla (better known as the Deep Creek) is truly distressing. The little cemetery (if I may so call it) which has been erected by Mr. Wright in front of his own dwelling, has received so many friendless 'strangers in a strange land' to their last resting place, that it has become necessary to inter the last two individuals- both within a period of six weeks, and in apparently good health six hours previous to their deaths - beyond its precincts, the extension of which must now entirely depend upon the generosity of the ' Samaritan,' whose character shone forth so brightly in the restoration of Mr.Hayden's child to his disconsolate parents.
The death which has given rise to the preceding and following remarks, is that of Mr. William Ward, formerly a superintendent of Judge Donnithorne's, and at the time of his decease, overseer to Messrs Brodie, whose unhappy end affords to the attentive observer the ruinous tendency of an immoderate use of intoxicating liquors, either to satisfy the cravings of a vitiated thirst, or, as in the instance
before us, to drown by gone recollections,and to soothe the pangs of worldly
adversity. The facts, or circumstances attending Mr. Ward's melancholy death, have doubtless already met the eyes of many of your readers, previous to the publication of the present letter; so that my recapitulation of them would bewholly unnecessary; it is therefore only needful, in justice to the ' Tulip,' to say that the ' fiery draught' which accelerated, or rather caused his death, was not obtained from the Bridge Inn, but was a quantity of that liquid poison, which, under the name of Cape, finds such a ready market in this colony, and whichis pregnant with so many of those tragical occurrences with which the Deep Creek has been abundantly visited, as will doubtless be shewn by the absence of all fatalist purchasers, and mayhap
sanatory agitators at the public sale of the township in January next.
I was present when the body of this poor man was committed to that ' bourne from which no traveller returns,' and although the service was read in as becoming a manner as the limited talents of the neighbouring inhabitants would allow, yet it struck me as strange, that within such a short distance of Melbourne, no messenger of the Most High was to be found to impress upon the minds of the beholders the uncertainty of life, and the sure and certain hope of a joyous resurrection; etc.
I remain, Sir,
Yours respectfully,
K. S. Y.
November 13, 1848.
P.S.?I would also suggest to the Bishop, the propriety of having this little burial ground consecrated, as upon enquiry I find that there are no less than eight bodies interred therein - a suggestion which Bishop Perry will find compatible with his duties to carry out.(P.4, Argus,21-11-1848.)
THE Friends of the late Mrs. MARY ANN WRIGHT (relict of the late Mr. William Wright)
are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral procession to move from her late residence, Deep Creek Inn, Bulla, this day, Saturday, September 11, at 9, and pass the
Flemington Bridge about half-past 12 o'clock.
JOHN SLEIGHT, undertaker, 71 Collins-street east.
(P.8, Argus, 11-9-1858.)