TWISS family throughout the world
Hello. My name is Ava. I am researching: TWISS, TWISSE, TWYSS, TWIST, TWYST, TWISTE, plus, other variations for both surnames.
I live in Canada and have been collaborating with my 6th cousin, Gerald, in NZ, for about 3 (eight) years (our Branches are both from Ireland) where he has been putting together Updates on all of the info. which he has collected from other TWISS researchers, plus, myself, to show what we have done to date with pride and accomplishment.
We have, so far, collected more info. from Ireland, England and the U.S. but, as usual, there are gaps in every Branch.
We are interested in anyone who can help us with any info. from around the world where we would be willing to share info. with anyone who contacts us.
We are researching: Canada, United States, Ireland, UK, Holland, France, Germany, Africa, India, China, Phillipines, Australia and New Zealand, where, Gerald, himself, is researching it, but, if anyone has info. on TWISS, TWIST, etc., we would welcome any info.
Please, contact me @: and please, put: TWISS family in the Subject line so that I may be able recognize that it is a TWISS/TWIST researcher.
Thank you very much.