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Reinhold Gross

After long hours of learning a little German have found my Great great grand father Reinhold (Theodor ) Gross.I Was always lead to believe. that the surname was Bogun .Bogun did come into play as Charlotte's sister was Gottliebe (Katerina Gross Married name Bogun. She married Johann John Bogun .my Aunt . Katerina sister is my great grand mother Charlotte Gross Married Frediand Ulmrick or Ulmrich. Would like to find out more about Anitte Dorothea Komnieder born Abt 1815 Germany wife of Reinhold Gross .she was 22 when she married on August 13 Osterode. I did find that Charlotte and Frediand had another son who stayed in Germany .Fredrick William came out to NZ after the death of his Grandmother Anna Catherina Haar M Gross .Carl Gross died in 1827 I do not have a death for Anna .Fredrick Ulmrick shows on nz electron Roll 1895 he .. last appears 1916 his mother Charlotte passes away 19 June did he go home Germany . Lots of unknowns was he married .any help would love to here from any researching Bogun Gross.