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Hoping a new member or guest will have knowledge of Robert Chambers Parents / Grand Parents

Born Circa 1804 in St John New Brunswick Canada.
Emigrated to UK and settled in St Hellier Jersey Channel Islands as a brick burner, and married Sept 15th 1833 to Elizabeth Carter, Died Sept 26th 1892 in St Hellier.
Thank you in advance

Looking for parents/Siblings/birthplace etc for Peter Garrick

Peter Garrick was born 1817 unsure where, married Charlotte Rudman May 23rd 1853 Lower Hutt New Zealand, they had five children Julia 1856,Peter 1861,Amelia 1866,Annie 1869,one other daughter in June 1870 who passed away 2 months later in August 1870 (Charlotte also passed away soon after giving birth to her in June 1870).
Peter passed away in 1899 in Wellington New Zealand and like Charlotte buried at Bolton Street Cemetery.

9 comment(s), latest 8 years, 2 months ago

Looking for James & Jean Robertson nee Wilkie Scotland

Married July 6th 1810, both from Fife Scotland, one know son David born 1813 who was the past sexton of Bolton Street Cemetery Wellington New Zealand, I'm seeking to find James Robertson's parents names which i think are John and Jean White and if he had any siblings, also Jeans parents and siblings, i think her father was David and mother Isabelle or Isabella.
James and Jean Robertson lived on a farm run by her brother David Wilkie along with another brother William in Lindores Fife.
Any information either way would be great thank you.
I have photo's of David Robertson and some of the New Zealand family if anyone is requiring them.

looking for information on Hemmings From Harrow England

I'm seeking information on George Joseph Hemmings, I'm guessing he was born about 1925 i think from South Harrow England, was married to a May Prudence ? from Bournemouth England, and had a daughter Lynda about 1950.
I would like to find out Mays maiden name, any dates, and any known ancestors if at all possible please.

Thank you

Chambers from New Brunswick

If anyone can help with the birth parents / grand parents of Robert Chambers born New Brunswick in 1804 I'd be grateful.

Cowdrey roots

I have come to a standstill on this family, the furthest i can go back is John Henry Cowdrey born 1882 in Highworth Wiltshire,served in the military , married Eva Lillian Rudman Dec 25 1905 and i have all the family from there on.
But unable to trace back his parents,grandparents etc from Wiltshire.

2 comment(s), latest 11 years, 12 months ago

Trying to help a friend trace down the Goldman family Australia, South Africa and UK

The only information i have is Yvonne Goldman born in Sydney Australia Sept 28 1922, married Harold Jessop June 1st 1947, had two children Diana Feb 25th 1950 and Naomi Nov 15th 1953.The big question is trying to locate the father born in Johannesburg South Africa circa 1900 and the grandfather born in UK (unsure of district)circa 1876.
Thanks in advance

names for photo

4 comment(s), latest 12 years ago

Looking to fill in names on photos Rudman,Cowdrey,Haywood,

A few old family photos from the 1800's etc and needing help in filling in some names if at all possible.

11 comment(s), latest 3 years, 10 months ago