_Meloney_Ashworth1969 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

_Meloney_Ashworth1969 on Family Tree Circles

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Meloney Ashworth Genealogy

Hi I am Meloney Ashworth. I was born Meloney Sue Thomas and my surname changed a few years later to Meloney Hawkins.
My parents were Sue Leonard (Florala, Alabama)and Marty Thomas (Paxton, Florida). My Dad's family tree has been researched more than my Mother's.
These are some of my Surnames.Maternal-Leonard, Adams, Geoghagan, Turbeville, Mitchell, Harrison, Weaver, Garrison, Lowery, Warren, English, Skinner.
Paternal-Thomas, Busby/Busbee, Weeks, Martin, Harrison,Lasiter, Harper.