bcagle on Family Tree Circles
Journals and Posts
Category: Lines by Marriage (in-laws)
JONES family joins the MILLER line
Recently at the request of my former brother-in-law, I began researching his family line. Although he is no longer 'officially' a member of our family due to divorce, he will always be integrated through the child he fathered with my sister.
Recently this child welcomed a child of his own. Almost 3 months early, she is doing well and growing stronger each day. You are now probably noticing that I have omitted names. This is for the privacy of living members however, I have some ancestors that I can report on from this new avenue of research.
Our 'Jones' is the son of JAMES LINCOLN JONES (1863 - 1957) and HALLIE ROOF (1917-1977), the daughter of JOHN R ROOF and DELPHA COATES.
Delpha Coates (1900-1971) is the daughter of THOMAS C. COATES and PHOEBE A. STURGEON.
Thomas C. Coates(1852 - ???) is the son of SIMEON COATES and SARAH ELIZABETH ???.
The mother of John R Roof (1890-1955) is HARRIET FRANCES DAVIS (1866-1922).
Harriet Frances Davis is the daughter of JOHN WHITE DAVIS (1842 - 1909) and MARY ANN HAZELIP (1841 - 1904)
and Here the wall emerges. If you have any information that can help me move through this family line, it would be appreciated.
Meanwhile, back to the research.
If you haven't visited my Family Genealogy site yet, you are welcome to drop in and see what has been added, including the new section, MyTrees which I am building to include the majority of results I have gathered in my research. Grab a free gift while you are there and you can also access the documents I have uploaded, such as the BOZEMAN family tree book.
Our Family is Growing Again!
First, let me apologize for my infrequent visits to this forum. I have been up to my eyeballs in genealogy as well as maintaining several other websites and writing books. BUT, as we have some new information I have re-registered at Ancestry.com and am updating my files. Look for Millerfull2011 (tree/31758862/family) for the most recent updates there.
New additions:
Richard F. Scott (my eldest son) and his wife Leah Noem Scott, now have a new daughter, Livia Scott. She was born in mid-June and is an absolute baby-doll. Growing like the leaves on a young tree. LOL.
We now have word that my nephew, Brandon Jones, son of my 2nd sister, Cynthia and Wayne Jones (div) is expecting his first child in August 2012. We wish them well.
Martha Jane 'Peter" Miller Wesley McArther is still with us and holding to her promise to reach 90. However, we said goodbye to my mother, Anne Elschner Miller on 12 Dec 2008, My Uncle Jack Miller on 10 Oct 2009, and my cousin, Peter's son, Doug Wesley, in Feb 2009.
I think that about updates most of what was missing (I hope). I have also begun researching Cindy's ex-husband's "Jones" family at his request so his information is now included. Additionally, the Cagle line is growing as well as I research my husband's family.
Have a wonderful Christmas season everyone. I'll be back in January with more info, I hope.
Elschner Connections - research updates
This is translated from german using google translate. Please overlook grammar or language diversions.
Ancestor list Hans and Liselotte Elschner
1a. Elschner, Hans Friedrich Wilhelm, cand.med. in Jena, * D?hringshof 09.05.1900, + St.Andresberg - Resin 03.04.1946, [] St.Andresberg - Resin
oo Landsberg Warta 15.03.1927 Sophie Kl?nne
1b. Elschner, Liselotte, * D?hringshof 12.03.1905, + 14.03.1905 D?hringshof
1. Ancestry
2. Elschner, Johannes Karl Emil, Protestant, MD. u. prakt doctor * Prettin 09/12/1869, 10/06/1869 Prettin ~, + D?hringshof, Brandenburg?
oo Brandenburg, Havel 10/03/1899 Anna Wegener
3. Wegener, Anna Elsa Matilde, * Brandenburg 2/25/1881 (or 2/12/1867?), + F?hringshof 01/26/1930
oo Brandenburg, Havel John Elschner 10/03/1899
2. Ancestry
4. Elschner, Emil Theodor, Protestant Pastor, * Wessnig 08/03/1835, ~ Wessnig 03.10.1835, + 09.07.1905 Bleddin
Pastor to Prettin, Elster and Bleddin
oo Dommitzsch 17/09/1867 Hedwig Hengesbach
Sources: progenitor of the line Wessnig - Bleddin
5. Hengesbach, Hedwig Wilhelmine Clara, Protestant, * Dommitzsch 28/02/1846, ~ Dommitzsch 16.03.1846, + 06.24.1918 Dommitzsch
oo Dommitzsch 17/09/1867 Emil Elschner
6. Wegener, Julius, sawmill owners, *?, + Brandenburg?
3. Ancestry
8. Elschner, Johann Karl, Protestant, cantor and teacher, * Schildau 10/21/1803, ~ Schildau 10.24.1803, + 07.17.1893 Lossnig
oo Beck joke 11/05/1828 Johanna Schultze
Sources: progenitor of the line Wessnig
9. Schultze, Johanna Dorothea, Protestant, Taura * 10/01/1800, 03/19/1800 ~ Taura, + Wessnig 11/03/1860
oo 05.11.1828 Johann Beck joke Elschner
10. Hengesbach, John, Cath., Merchant, Siedlingshausen * iW 05.08.1819, + 01.03.1896 Dommitzsch
and Senator
oo I. Dommitzsch 12/10/1843 Johanne Hoffmann, II Emilie Thekla
11. Hofmann, Johanne Caroline Louise, Protestant, Dommitzsch * 04/11/1819 + 30/08/1890 Dommitzsch
oo Dommitzsch 10/12/1843 John Hengesbach
4. Ancestry
16. Elschner, Johann Georg, Protestant, hoof-and weapons master blacksmith, * 02/19/1768 Taura, Taura ~ 19.02.1768, + 11.22.1813 Schildau
The hoof-and weapon smith and citizens Johann Georg Elschner Schildau has a family or domestic character, the hammer and tree as a sign of his craft contained. He died at the age of 45 years and his fourth Son Johann Christian Elschner, who later also learned the blacksmith trade, was the death of his father's only 12 years old. The forge was therefore not in the family but was sold. This course was also the old house characters are lost. Through oral traditions we were the characteristics of the sign. Johann Karl Elschner (6th child of Johann Georg) helped in 1900 than 90 years in the reconstruction of today's family coat of arms ...
oo Schildau 7/31/1791 Juliana Herber
Sources: 1 Family and domestic character of the "family Elschner" came from Johann Georg Elschner
17. Herber, Juliana Johanna, * 20.1.1772 Schildau, + Schildau 26/05/1817
oo 07.31.1791 Johann Schildau Elschner
18. Schultze, Johann Christoph, Protestant, linen weaver, H?fner and church leaders and Taura * 07.26.1769, + 01.20.1843 Taura
oo Taura 07/10/1796 Hanna Rohland
19. Rohland, Hanna Dorothea, * 1774, + Taura 05/31/1834
Taura oo 07.10.1796 Johann Schultze
20. Hengesbach, Henry, Cath., Baker, * Siedlingshausen iW 29/02/1780, 03/01/1780 ~, + Siedlingshausen i.W. 09.03.1862
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 23/06/1805 Regina Ritter
21. Knight, Regina, Cath., * Siedlingshausen i.W. 12.19.1779, + Siedlingshausen i.W. 21.10.1857
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 23/06/1805 Heinrich Hengesbach
22. Hofmann, Johann Gottlob, Protestant, innkeeper, * Roitzsch 09.04.1776, + 27.01.1847 Dommitzsch
Owner of the inn "Zum red deer" in Dommitzsch
oo Roitzsch 09/30/1804 Johanne Richter
23. Richter, Johann Christian, Protestant, Roitzsch * 13/06/1782 + 24/11/1844 Dommitzsch
oo 09.30.1804 Johann Hoffmann Roitzsch
5. Ancestry
32. Elschner, Johann Christian, landlords, Taura * 01.05.1741, + 08.25.1816 Taura
Owner of the parent material in Taura "half-H?fner"
oo Taura 16/01/1766 Hanna Beyer
33. Beyer, Hannah Sophia, * 18.5.1746 Taura, Taura + 03/16/1811
Taura oo 01.16.1766 Johann Elschner
34. Herber, Johann Christian, hoof-and armourer, * Hohenroda?, + Schildau 04/19/1791
oo Schildau 01/10/1769 Johanna Kauffert
35. Kauffert, Johanna Magdalena, * 16.11.1739 Schildau, + Schildau 04/19/1791
oo 10.01.1769 Johann Herber Schildau
36. Schultze, Johann Georg, neighbors and residents, Taura * 08.19.1741, + 21.12.1804 Taura
oo Sitzenroda 10/01/1764 Anna Hempel
37. Hempel, Anna Marie, * Sitzenroda 17.10.1744, + 25.01.1809 Taura
oo 01.10.1764 Johann Schultze Sitzenroda
38. Rohland, Johann Gottfried, Huefner, * 11.2.1739 (or 1734), Taura + 28/08/1813
oo 1770 Dorothea?
39. ?, Dorothea Elizabeth, * 13.11.1747, + 09.05.1820 Taura
oo 1770 John Rohland
40. Hengesbach, Caspar, *?, + 01/09/1824
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 09/15/1774 Gertrude Ricker
41. Ricker, Gertrud
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 09/15/1774 Caspar Hengesbach
42. Ritter, Johann Christoph, * Siedlingshausen i.W. 1746 + Siedlingshausen i.W. December 1814
oo Theresia G?rdes
43. Gordes, Theresia, *?, + Siedlingshausen i.W. ?
oo Johann Ritter
44. Hofmann, Johann Gottlieb (or Gottfried), H?usler, * 1738, + Roitzsch 04/19/1815
oo Waidenhain 28/11/1775 Marie Thiemich
45. Thiemich, Dorothy Marie, * 1750, + Roitzsch 19/03/1816
Waidenhain oo 28.11.1775 Johann Hofmann
46. Richter, Johann Gottlob, bartender, gardener, Roitzsch * 11.17.1757, +?
oo Roitzsch 17/04/1781 Anna Heyne
47. Heyne, Anna Marie Mueller, * Roitzsch 06.30.1750, + 08.10.1797 Roitzsch
oo 17.04.1781 Johann Richter Roitzsch
6. Ancestry
64. Elschner, George, landlords, Taura * 1698, + before 1766
Owner of the parent material in Taura. Stood as a young dragoon with the Saxon troops, assaulted the success together with Prussian and Danish troops in 1715 Stralsund.
oo late married before 1741? ?
65. ? Woman *?, +?
oo married very late before 1741 George Elschner
66. Beyer, Michael, resident, * 8.2.1705, + Taura July 1761, [] Taura 18/07/1761
oo Maria K?rner
67. Grains, Maria Elizabeth, * 18.2.1708 Taura, Taura + December 1773, [] Taura 10/12/1773
oo Michael Beyer
68. Herber, Samuel, neighbor and Pferdner in Hohenroda, *?, In summer 1758 +
70. Kauffert, Johann Christian, city and town musician Pfeifer, *?, + Schildau 06/03/1765
oo Johanna?
71. ?, Johanna Magdalena, * 1700, + Schildau 06/08/1779
oo Johann Kauffert
72. Schulze, Johann Christian, Huefner, * Taura about 1715 (or 1719), + Taura March 1779, [] Taura 03/28/1779
oo Anna?
73. ?, Anna, *?, +?
oo Johann Schulze
74. Hempel, Johann Gottfried, linen weaver
and alderman in court Sitzenroda
82. Ricker, Conrad, *?, +?
oo Maria K?ster
83. Koester, Mary, *?, +?
oo Conrad Rickers
84. Ritter, Rudolph, *?, +?
oo Magdalena Schumacher
85. Schumacher, Magdalena, *?, +?
oo Rudolph Ritter
90. Thiemich, Johann Christian, Huefner, * 1722, +1798, [] willow grove 20.07/09.1798
and neighbor in Willow Grove
oo Anna?
91. ?, Anna Rosine, *?, + Weidenhain 04/01/1800
oo Johann Thiemich
92. Richter, Johann Paul, gardener, * 1731, + Roitzsch 11/06/1808
and church father Roitzsch
oo Roitzsch 02/06/1757 Marie Mueller
93. Mueller, Marie Elisabeth, *?, + Roitzsch 12/05/1760
oo 02.06.1757 Johann Richter Roitzsch
94. Heyne, Johann Christoph, gardener, * 1722, + Roitzsch 02/23/1773
and residents in Roitzsch
oo Maria before 1750?
95. ?, Maria Elizabeth, * 1720, + Roitzsch 07/11/1802
oo before 1750 Johann Heyne
7. Ancestry
128. Elschner, George, landlords, Sitzenroda * 1654, + Taura 06/03/1717
Owner of the parent material in Taura, Taura H?fner and residents in
oo 1687 Maria F?rll
129. F?rll, Maria, Taura * 1662, + 1726 Taura
1687 oo Georg Elschner
134. K?rner, Andreas, *?, +?
married to a ... Elisabeth,
184. Richter, Johann Heinrich, gardener, * 1704, + Roitzsch 12/30/1772
and residents in Roitzsch
oo Sabine?
185. ?, Sabine, *?, + Roitzsch 23/09/1764
oo Johann Richter
186. Mueller, Gottfried, gardener, *?, +?
on 07.19.1757 mentioned in Roitzsch, full translation in Wittenberg and gardeners in Roitzsch
8. Ancestry
256. Elschner, Johann Georg (II), landlords and Huefner, * Sitzenroda around 1623, + before 3.1.1698 Taura
erwab in 1666 the family estate in Taura, residents in Sitzenroda and Taura, later H?fner
oo I. Dorothea Thimich, II Magdalena?
257. Timich, Dorothea, *?, +?
oo Johann Elschner
258. F?rll, Peter, resident, *?, + Taura?
oo Maria?
259. ?, Maria, *?, +?
oo Peter F?rll
Bozeman Family
I have been getting emails requesting information on the book by
Loraine Walker titled "Sketches of the Bozeman Family".
I have made the book available on my website at Barbaracagle.org
Go to the downloads page link to find it.
Also, There is another book about this family also called
"Sketches of the Bozeman Family". It was written about 1885
by Rev. Jos. W. Bozeman, D.D.
It can be read as a pdf file on the Family History Archives site at
Sketches of the Bozeman Family
I noticed This address is quite long and runs into the sidebar, alternately you can go to
Family History Archives
and search for BOZEMAN in the surname box. The second listing is the
above mentioned book
Take a little time to do a search for your family name on this free site and you may find some interesting information.
Family History Archives
Good Luck
TURNERS in Caifornia and Oklahoma
Looking for the ancestors of my sister's husband, Mark Ray Turner (19 60, CA), son of Albert Ray TURNER and Freida Lou OWNBY. Freida traces her line back to the mayflower, bunt not much on Albert as yet.
Any Help would be appreciated.
Researching my Husband's family (maternal line).
His mother, Marie FAMOLARE 1935 is the daughter of Anthony Joseph FAMALORE (1905 - 1978)and Mary TRICHITTA(1908 - 1996).Anthony is the son of Joseph FAMALORE Jr. (1873-1950) and Josephine SILVA (1873-1970). Joseph FAMALORE Sr. was born in Sicily, but so far no other info.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
CAGLE family research
Looking for the ancestors of my husband, James Donald Cagle, Jr.
I have back to William Riley CAGLE born 15 Feb 1885 -29 Dec 1954 n San Diego, CA. William married June B. EVANS born 17 Nov 1885 - Oct. 1975 also in San Diego. Also looking for June's parents (EVANS)
Father of William is probably named Abraham, but that is all I can find.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
I have now posted the scanned pages as well as a large print version on my website. Here is the direct page link. Hope this helps some.
From "SKETCHES OF THE BOZEMAN FAMILY" by Loraine Bozeman Walker. 1956.
This is a continuation of the work by the Reverend Joseph W, BOZEMAN, D.D. to 1885.
The BOZEMAN Family in the United States
Howell BOZEMAN, 1780
Meady BOZEMAN, Jr.m 1784-1857
Luke BOZEMAN, abt. 1791
Colonel John BOZEMAN, 1793-1848
Sally BOZEMAN, 1795 - 1835
James BOZEMAN, 1796 - 1843
Nancy BOZEMAN, 1785
Elizabeth BOZEMAN, 1799 - 1823
Meady BOZEMAN, Sr., 1745 - 1809
"In 1985, the Rev. Joseph Woodruff Bozeman, E.E., while pastor o fthe First Baptist Church of Meridian, Mississippi, completed a family history of the Bozeman Family in the United States." Rev. Bozeman was born in Lowndes County, Alabama on 1 Nov. 1833.
He was a noted educator and preacher until his death about 1900. According to is research the first BOZEMAN immigrant came from Holland or Germany about 1650, and settled either in New York or Maryland.
"There were a number of BOZEMANs in the USA duuring the time of the Revolutionary War who fought and served with the Continental Armies." This is substantiated, according to this volume, by substantial records from Halifax, Chowan, Washington, Bladen and Columbus Counties of North Carolina, 1756.
Rev. Joseph Woodruff BOZEMAN presents an unbroken chain of this family back to 1730 when Samuel BOZEMAN was born in Bladen County, North Carolina in 1750. He married Ann RICHARDSON and they had nine (9) children.
Joseph BOZEMAN (oldest of Samuel and Ann) married Miss Wood in 1784 and their son Nathan BOZEMAN was the father of a celebrated surgeon Dr. Nathan BOZEMAN of New York.
I will be scanning this book in its entirety over the next few weeks and will post a link to the pages asap. Meanwhile, if you need info that may appear in this volume, please contact me and I will be glad to do a lookup.
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