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bcagle on Family Tree Circles

About bcagle


by bcagle Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

Climb Your Tree to Uncover Your Roots. Find helpful resources, conduct a search, enter the forums, or just hang out and read interesting historic accounts and watch vintage videos. Resources and info at http://familygenealogy.us and my photo gallery at http://Caglegenealogyonline.com has what you want. Get my article feed to stay up to date.


Researching: USA,England, Wales, PEI Canada, Italy, Germany, Poland, Bavaria, Prussia, Austria

Update: I am Now a certified teacher in Florida. I made it!
I am restructuring my website and scanning like crazy, so check out my site for some applicable research documents.

Recent Update: Jonathan Lloyd Miller, son of W. G.Miller died on 10 Oct 2009. He was 79 years young. Of the Miller children of that generation only Martha Jane "Peter" remains.

My mother, Anne Elschner Miller (8 Dec 1927) passed away in Orange Park Florida on 12 Jan 2008. Those of you with links to my family, please update your information. Also, my cousin, Frank Douglas Wesley, passed away on 2 Feb 2008.

I began my research into my father's line about 1988, picked up my mother's line the following year and have been branching along each family twig since.
I have a melded family of 9 children and 9 grandchildren,(make that 10 now, oops 11 in late June 2011).
I am the the eldest of 5 daughters.
Married (after 2 times widowed) to a history teacher.
I do all sorts of hand crafts, woodworking, sewing, cooking as a caterer, as well as work on my genealogy.
I began designing simple websites in 1987, and was soon doing sites for all sorts of friends and small businesses.
I also do quite a bit of DTP (desk top publishing)work for schools and small businesses.
I read whenever I can and am a real sci-fi nut.
In my spare time I now work on the internet creating and maintaining websites, writing, and publishing my genealogy and cookbooks.
So, now that my children are all grown, I am looking to spend a little more time with the genealogy.
I recently finished my first 'great american novel' entitled 'Destiny'. It is a sci-fi fantasy adventure. It is available in pdf format. Contact me if interested.

Currently working on a revised compilation genealogy book of my family