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Hi I am searching the Robert Marshall Family . Robert age 33 a weaver. immigrated from Dumphries Galloway Scotland 1/May/1775 William Sheridan ships Captain on The ship The Lovley Nelly in 1775. They Landed on ST. Johns Island now PEI Canada. Robert had his wife Elizabeth 32 and sons John 8 ,Andrew 4, James 4 months.They wintered in PEI and in the spring he and hois family went to Pictou County Nova Scotia. He was my grandfathers great great grandfather. Frank Marshall my grandfather married Ann Mae McGuigan and had eight kids. Anyon searching this family I'd love to change info. Thanks Barb

4 comment(s), latest 2 years, 11 months ago

LeLacheur, Luddington

Hi I am searching for my dad's mothers family. William Lelacheur from Ireland married a Jessie ? In 1880 Census William was in Providence Rhode Island. He had wife Jessie born in Nova Scotia? and a son William born in Nova Scotia. This family had a girl Marion who was a WACC in Texas I think. Beatrice married a Charles William Horne in New Glasgow. They brought up a son Douglas Not theirs, possibly Marion's. Also Jessie who Married William Henry Luddington my grandparents. They had one girl and Catherine Beatrice and Harvey Dimock , Joseph William, Windsor Howard, Charles Robert, and my dad Norman Henry who married Marion Marshall and had three girls. If you are searching this family I'd love to hear from you. Thanks Barb


Hi John McGuigan sailed to PEI in 1839/1840. He settled on lot 61 St. Mary's Rd PEI. He married Margaret Hughes. He was from Castleblarney Monagan Ireland. Edward was born in PEI ST.Mary's Rd. PEI. He married Mary McKearney/McKarney. They had four kids. James, Florence, Vincent, and Ann Mae my grandmother. Ann married Frank L. Marshall in Nova Scotia and had eight kids one was my mom. Vince married an Agnes and had a large family also in Nova Scotia. Ann dies March 1979. I have more info to share with anyone who can help in my family search. Thanks Barb


HI I am searching Luddingtons. William 1607 Turvey england married Ellen Nichols. Immigrates to Malden Mass USA. Titus went over border to Manchester Guysbrough County Canada. He married Miriam Parker and I descend from him. Barb