hey on FamilyTreeCircles - about

hey on Family Tree Circles

About hey

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by hey Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

hey , from Ohio, USA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2009. is researching the following names: YINGER, HOPKINS, MILLFIELD and 7 other(s).


I am a widow, spouse of a WW11 veteran who served in the 2nd Armored Divison (Hell on Wheels). Have pursued family genealogy for over 40 years. Was a charter member of the Muskingum County, Ohio Genealogical Society and am a member of the Ohio Genealogial Society.Wore several hats in our local Muskingum Chapter-the last being over 9 years as librarian. Have helped others with their family research, also. Some countries of interest I have traveled to are Germany, France, Holland and Ireland as well as areas in the United States. Would welcome correspondence from any parties interested in family researching.