karrienz on Family Tree Circles
About karrienz
karrienz , from New Zealand, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2010. is researching the following names: VOGEL, FITSHALL, FITSALL and 23 other(s).
Researching family history has been a very rewarding endeavour; learning about the social and political history of the times my ancestors lived in has proved to be a bonus and I enjoy learning more each time I delve further into the records and histories of the emigrants to New Zealand that I am descended from. The areas I've become interested in are: NZ/UK maritime/shipping; whaling/sealing; early settlement (pre 1870) of Stewart Island, Riverton, Wellington and Wanganui; British, Scandinavian, German emigration under the Vogel regime in NZ; the various trades and occupations of my ancestors ...I could go on and on. In other words my life has been enriched by looking at the past in a new light ....stuffy old school history books now have much more meaning. Just how busy were the oceans of the world when our ancestors were setting off for a new life in new lands?