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I am trying to find a baptismal certificate for my mother born in 1924, her name is Gloria Margaret McDonald born 9/6/1924

I am trying to find a baptismal certificate for my mother who was born in 1924 to Hazel McDonald. My Mother's name is Gloria Margaret McDonald and her birthdate was 9/6/1924. She would have been baptized I think at St. John's the Baptist Catholic Church in Bangor Maine.

Also, I am trying to locate information about a business called Penobscot Beef in Bangor, Maine with Benjamin D. Eliott as mgr or owner.

That is I believe my mother's father,whom she never new and I am trying to get any information about him possible. Any way you could possibly help?

Thank you,

Margaret King

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago