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William Butcher born 1808 in England and died April 18, 1883 in Philadelphia, Pennyslvania,

Looking for any information regarding William Butcher and his decendants. He married Margaret Fox Hicks. Looking for any Butchers with any of these missing links.

10 comment(s), latest 4 years ago

William Butcher born in 1808 England and came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Still having trouble finding any information on my great-great-grandfather William Butcher I have leads that are very difficult distinguishing which Williiam is mine.

William Butcher born in 1808 England and came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Still having trouble finding any information on my great-great-grandfather William Butcher I have leads that are very difficult distinguishing which Williiam is mine.

Butcher family form England

Searching for ancestors for William Butcher born 1808 in England and died at the age of 75 April 18, 1883 in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, United States. William married Margaret Fox April 5, 1830. Margaret died at the age of 66 on Oct. 22nd 1880. William is my great-great grandfather. William and Margaret had 6 children that i am aware of they are as follows: My great grandfather Henry B Butcher born Dec. 14, 1836 in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania and died Dec. 7, 1915 in St. Louis, Missouri. Benjamin F Butcher born 1838 died 1901, Casper S Butcher born 1841 died 1907, Margaret Fox Maggie Butcher born 1845 died 1895, Thomas S Butcher born 1846, and Martha E Butcher born 1856. I have no information about the ancestors or the life's of William and Margaret Fox Butcher.The only information I have for Margaret Fox is her fathers name and year of birth which was 1770 and no mention of her mother or anyone else for that matter.

I have been told my blood line comes from Royalty.

Any and all information would be most appreciated.I am also on