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BLUFF cemetery NZ - burials A-C

The BLUFF, previously known as Campbelltown but referred to as "The Bluff", is the southernmost town in New Zealand. The area was one of the earliest in NZ where a European presence became established. The first ship known to have entered the harbour was the 'Perseverance' in 1813 in search of flax trading possibilities. The first European settlers arriving 1823/1824. Bluff is world known as the home of the iconic Bluff Oysters. Because of the cold, clear waters no other oyster on the planet come close to the taste ..

BLUFF burials
* excludes still born
* birth date may be calculated from age at death
* date could be that of death or burial
* names grouped together not necessarily related
* a lot more info available by reading the headstones at above link
NOTES Original list of names was taken from the above database. Most people have been individually researched, but not all, use as a guide only to your own research

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ABLEY, Frederick - 20 Jan 1905 aged 36
Otago Witness, 25 Jan 1905
The body of a man named Fred Abley, aged thirty-six, missing since Saturday week (7th Jan), came out to the colony as a fireman and greaser on the Tokomaru two months ago, was found alongside the wharf at Bluff on Thursday after the departure of the Theresa Ward for the island. He was last seen on the evening of the 7th inst; walking down the wharf with a parcel under his arm and it is supposed that he fell between the wharf and the cutter variance when trying to get on board. Apparently the body was churned up from the bottom by the Aotea, which took its departure on Wednesday and carried underneath the wharf to the other side by the action of the waves. Deceased leaves a wife and two children in County Essex, England

ADAM, Ann - 10 Aug 1893 aged 15
ADAM, Elizabeth - 28 April 1901 aged 16
ADAM, James - 3 July 1910 aged 61
ADAM, Jane Elizabeth - 10 March 1877 aged 6 weeks
* BDM has her as Adams

ALBERTSON, Russell William - 14 Aug 1946 aged 7 hours

ALDER, Arthur - 18 Oct 1874 aged 39

ALLAN, Harold Robert Lewis - 27 Jan 1967 aged 67
ALLAN, Isabel Margaret - 10 Aug 1965 aged 65 (nee McDonald)
* Harold & Isabel married in 1920

ANDERSON, Andrew - 19 Jan 1888 aged 30
ANDERSON, Charles - 7 Oct 1931 aged 73
ANDERSON, Elizabeth Agnes - 2 March 1913 aged 26
ANDERSON, Elizabeth Jane - 8 Sep 1929 aged 69
ANDERSON, Jean - 14 May 1941 aged 23

ARNETT, Jane Mere - 14 March 2004 aged 101
ARNETT, Richard - 25 April 1937 age not found

ASHWELL, Annie Maria - 21 Dec 1949 aged 75
ASHWELL, Charles Victor - 10 July aged 46
ASHWELL, Dorothy - 5 Feb 1925 aged 30 minutes
ASHWELL, Joseph Stewart - 21 Jan 1906 aged 8 months
ASHWELL, Louisa - 19 Sep 1901 aged 6 months
ASHWELL, Thomas - 3 June 1930 aged 67

ATKINSON, Alfred Ernest - 6 June 1920 aged 49

BAGRIE, Alexander Hay - 9 July 1901 aged 77

BAILEY, Alexander 'Alex' - 3 April 1938 aged 71
BAILEY, David - 4 Aug 1956 aged 20 minutes
* buried with his granddad Perce
BAILEY, Mary Jane Cartsburne - 22 Dec 1926 aged 52
* wife of Alex
BAILEY, Perce Frederick - 24 May 1955 aged 62
BAILEY, Thelma Elaine - 8 Nov 1934 aged 19 months

BAIN, George Robert - 9 Jan 1900 aged 2 days

BALL, George - 3 Feb 1941 age not found

BALLANTYNE, James - 10 Aug 1959 aged 61
BALLANTYNE, Janet Jamieson - 4 Oct aged 61
BALLANTYNE, Stella Maude - aged 72
BALLANTYNE, William - 28 Feb 1929 aged 63

BANNERMAN, Lois Burns - 20 June 1919 aged 3

BARBER, Margaret - 28 Oct 1967 aged 96
BARBER, William - 20 June 1944 aged 84

BARCLAY, Susan - 14 Jan 1958 aged 4 hours

BARKER, Elizabeth - 11 Aug 1912 aged 72
BARKER, Raymond Blair - 29 Oct 1920 aged 6
BARKER, William - 6 March 1939 aged 65
BARKER, William - 26 March 1907 aged 67

BARNES, Albert James - 6 April 1909 aged 3
BARNES, John James - 9 June 1932 aged 71
BARNES, Louisa - 28 April 1901 aged 6 months

BARNETT, Agnes Lilian - 29 Aug 1961 aged 71
BARNETT, Albert James - 10 May 1920 aged 3
BARNETT, Algernon John Steptoe - 30 Jan 1956 aged 73
BARNETT, Thomas Richard - aged 24 July 1910 4 hours

BARNSDALE, Eliza Jane - 28 Aug 1957 aged 85
BARNSDALE, Laura Adelaide - 25 March 1983 aged 80
BARNSDALE, William Thomas - 14 Jan 1939 aged 67

BARRON, Hannah Ward - 10 Nov 1898 aged 68

BARRY, Daniel - 30 Nov 1911 aged 74

BARTON, George James - 16 July 1946 aged 80
BARTON, James - 21 Jan 1942 age not recorded
BARTON, Laura - 19 Dec 1941 aged 69 (nee Symonds)
* married George James Barton in 1897

BAXTER, Allan James - 14 July 2010 aged 75

BEAL, Percy Owen - aged 16 months

BEATON, Ada Louisa - 30 July 1896 9 months
BEATON, Alexander - 14 Jan 1898 aged 47
BEATON, Annie Eliza - 8 Dec 1927 aged 67
BEATON, Charles Thomas - 22 Feb 1977 aged 89
BEATON, Jack Ernest - 26 July 1983 aged 68
BEATON, Jennie - 11 March 1954 aged 15 minutes
BEATON, Violet Olivia - 29 Sep 1967 aged 76
BEATON, William James - 19 June 1893 aged 20 months

BERTRAND, James Robert - 24 March 1910 aged 69
BERTRAND, Mary Elizabeth - 25 March 1917 aged 62
BERTRAND, Robert Edmund - 27 Feb 1894 aged 19
BERTRAND, William Wickham - 4 July 1877 aged 9 months

BIELAWSKI, Ann/Annie - 3 Oct 1911 aged 42

BIGWOOD, Beatrice Mary - 3 Nov 1968 aged 80
BIGWOOD, Beatrice May - 14 Nov 1915 aged 10 months
BIGWOOD, Christina Ann May - 17 Sep 1973 aged 82
BIGWOOD, Emily Anne - 9 July 1924 aged 79
BIGWOOD, Ernest George - 31 May 1964 aged 84
BIGWOOD, Ernest Harold - 21 Dec 1990 aged 83
BIGWOOD, Jabez - 30 June 1922 aged 77
BIGWOOD, Margaret Emily - 27 Aug 2001 aged 80
BIGWOOD, Reginald Douglas - 7 June 1941 aged 18
BIGWOOD, Rupert Oliver - 19 Nov 1958 aged 68

BIRCHALL, Walter - 29 May 1887 aged 30

BIRD, Miss Sarah - 1 Feb 1902 aged 77
* buried with 5 Waddel family

BLACK, George Morton - 1 Jan 1944 aged 74
BLACK, John Kyron - 4 Sep 1967 aged 58

BLACKLOCK, William - 20 Jan 1895 aged 69 (see photo)
* from Callander, Perthshire

BOBERG, Bessie - 2 May 1934 aged 74

BOLLONS, John Peter - 18 Sep 1929 aged 66

BOWEN, Daniel - 14 Sep 1900 aged 50

BOWERS, Jane Barr - 6 Nov 1906 aged 66
BOWERS, Stephen - 21 March 1903 aged 75

BRADSHAW, Charles - 2 Nov 1909 aged 68
BRADSHAW, Peter Demetrius - 9 Sep 1999 aged 62
BRADSHAW, Thomas - 26 March 1925 aged 50
BRADSHAW, Ellen - 1 Jan 1926 aged 83
* all buried together

BREAYLEY, Alexander Thomas - 28 Nov 1930 aged 53

BROOKES, Wallace Ambercrombie - 19 April 1931 aged 71

BROWN, Henry Hope - 5 Aug 1894 aged 50

BUCKINGHAM, Roa Joan Goodwin (nee Hewitt, formerly Norman)
- 11 Jan 2000 aged 75. Buried with Sydney Thomas Buckingham & Carrie Pretoria 'Tory' McGarry
BUCKINGHAM, Sydney Thomas - 5 April 1992 aged 68

BULLARS, Catherine - 12 Oct 1940 aged 84
BULLARS, John - 19 Feb 1939 aged 88

BURCOMBE, Thomas - 1 Oct 1937 age not found

BURKE, Hannah - 30 Jan 1896 aged 68
BURKE, James - 1 Sep 1906 aged 84
BURKE, Thomas - 7 April 1916 aged 86

BURNETT, Alice - 18 Sep 1961 aged 82

BURROWS, Bessie - 17 Sep 1906 aged 63
BURROW, Nicholas John - 27 July 1903 aged 73

BURT, Gordon David - 28 Nov 1942 aged 14 weeks

BURTENSHAW, Alfred - 19 June 1940 aged 14 weeks
BURTENSHAW, Christina Alice - 22 July 1975 aged 84 (nee Anderson)
* married William Henry in 1919
BURTENSHAW, Clutha - 27 Dec 1944 ..
* Clutha James Burtenshaw (1919-1985), Porter, NZR 27518 WWII, son of William & Christina, worked in Bluff on the railways. The burial here in 1944 is the stillborn son of his & Alma Florence. Clutha James' ashes were taken from Southland, interment unknown
BURTENSHAW, Louisa Winifred - 7 June 1967 aged 88
BURTENSHAW, Margaret Alexandra - 5 Jan 1903 aged 4 months
BURTENSHAW, Shirley - 15 Oct 1949 aged 23
BURTENSHAW, Thomas - 11 Dec 1906 aged 12 weeks
BURTENSHAW, William Henry - 29 Oct 1981 aged 82

BURTON, George - 27 March 1944 aged 70

BUTCHER, Frederick - 29 July 1914 aged 65
Mataura Ensign, 30 July 1914 THE BLUFF FIRE One of the biggest fires that has ever occurred at Bluff for over a decade commenced in the Club Hotel Buildins at midnight on Tuesday. By the fire at Bluff in the Club Hotel buildings in the early hours of Wednesday (29th) morning three lives were lost namely Peter MONSON (55), Fred BUTCHER (66) and John Thomas BROOK (22)
Brook, a Private in the Bluff territorials, was a fireman and lodged at the hotel. He was due at his work in the railway shed at six o'clock and as he did not turn up inquiries were made. Brook had only arrived from Lumsden the previous week to take up his duties at the Bluff. He was a single man, 22 years of age. On the night preceding the fire he arrived at the hotel from a hard day's work and his remark to one of the hotel staff was, "I am dead tired and I am going to have a good sleep." He went straight to his room and from that minute nothing was seen of him again. A careful search of the place failed to reveal any human remains under the bedroom he occupied (room 6) but it is possible that the unfortunate man had groped his way out into the corridor and had been overcome by the heavy smoke.
Monson was an American Swede and had been employed on the barque Irene as ship's carpenter. His charred body was found in a bent-up tangled wreckage of the bedstead (room 15), where he was evidently suffocated in his sleep.
Butcher, the third victim, commonly known as "Blucher", was a well-known identity, an old character of both Invercargill and Bluff, being an ex man-o'-warsman.
There were many heroic actions during the progress of the fire. Two of he maidservants were rescued in the nick of time, one being unconscious with her night clothes on fire. Another became stupefied and was unable to move when a man caught hold of her and carried her down the fire escape. The fire brigade rendered excellent service under trying circumstances

BUTLER, Agnes Blair - 31 Oct 1946 aged 60
BUTLER, Beatrice Victoria - 27 May 1980 aged 82
BUTLER, Charles Blaney - 20 Oct 1929 aged 16
BUTLER, William Patrick - 26 Aug 1972 aged 88

BUTTERFIELD, Alice Louisa - 11 Nov 1953 aged 73
BUTTERFIELD, Gladys Louisa - 25 Oct 1923 aged
BUTTERFIELD, Henry Baden Powell - 23 Aug 1900 aged 3 months
BUTTERFIELD, Henry Benjamin - 27 March 1953 aged 78
BUTTERFIELD, James Joseph - 12 Dec 1955 aged 88
BUTTERFIELD, Jane - 9 Feb 1907 aged 15 hours
BUTTERFIELD, Lilian Evelyn - 1 May 1911 aged 5
BUTTERFIELD, Robert James William - 12 Aug 1915 aged 12

CAIRD, Andrew Banks - 16 May 1940 aged 45

CAITHNESS, Elizabeth - 11 May 1961 aged 72

CALDER, Ann - 22 June 1914 aged 71
CALDER, Arthur - 2 Oct 1936 aged 62
CALDER, Catherine Ann - 8 April 1953 aged 11 months
CALDER, Doris R - 9 Aug 1917 aged 7 months
CALDER, Ernest Alexander - 24 Oct 1967 aged 82
CALDER, Ernest Lewis 'Nobby' 22 April 2001 aged 79
CALDER, Ethel Ravine - 26 Nov 1932 aged 38 (nee Roderique)
* married Ernest Alexander in Dunedin 1916
CALDER, George Allan - 12 Dec 1931 aged 55
CALDER, Hannah Bella - 27 Nov 1934 aged 49
CALDER, James - 1 May 1911 aged 69
CALDER, James - 21 July 1954 aged 73
CALDER, James Alexander - 21 Aug 1920 aged 4
CALDER, Lindsay - 18 Sep 1925 aged 13 months
CALDER, Margaret Straughan - 28 Aug 1920 aged 6 months
CALDER, Marjorie Ann - 10 June 1983 aged 52

CAMERON, Duncan Burns - 16 April 1894 aged 41
CAMERON, Edith Raeburn - 21 April 1955 aged 70
CAMERON, John Mitchell - 13 Dec 1918 aged 6 months
CAMERON, John - 23 May 1945 aged 74
CAMERON, Minnie - 12 Aug 1905 aged 2 days

CAMPBELL, Clara - 30 Jan 1916 aged 40
CAMPBELL, George Alexander McDonald - 8 Nov 1904 aged 5 months
CAMPBELL, Herbert Arthur John - 9 April 1922 aged 9
CAMPBELL, Herbert W - 22 Feb 1939 aged 62
CAMPBELL, Insell - 5 May 1917 aged 2 weeks
CAMPBELL, Mary - 22 March 1938 aged 80
CAMPBELL, Minnie Syliva - 24 Aug 1932 aged 46
CAMPBELL, Norah Ann - 18 Sep 1963 aged 81
CAMPBELL, Robert - 28 April 1913 aged 41
CAMPBELL, William - 18 Aug 1929 aged 59

CANTRICK, John - 11 Dec 1896 aged 50
CANTRICK, Madeline - 23 April 1976 aged 89
CANTRICK, Mary - 18 Feb 1902 aged 41
CANTRICK, Walter - 2 Feb 1903 aged 84

CHAPMAN, Elaine Isabella - 11 April 1910 aged 6

CHARLESTON, Alexander - 27 May 1937 aged 73
CHARLESTON, James - 12 Jan 1889 aged 70
CHARLESTON, James - 30 June 1942 aged 83
CHARLESTON, Margaret - 28 June 1905 aged 84
CHARLESTON, Mary - 4 June 1938 aged 65

CHESHIRE, William Colin - 27 Dec 1945 aged 42

CHEYNE, Alexander - 1 Oct 1945 aged 71
CHEYNE, Isabella Thomson - 16 Dec 1959 aged 77

CHISHOLM, Marie Margaret - 2 Oct 1944 aged 24 hours

CHRISTIE, Agnes - 16 Nov 1927 aged 71

CHURCHOUSE, Albert Edward - 31 Oct 1899 aged 27

CLARE, Anne Alexa - 26 April 1975 aged 94
CLARE, Emily - 16 Nov 1906 aged 70
CLARE, Joshua - 23 Feb 1897 aged 75
CLARE, Walter McNeil - 13 Oct 1963 aged 84

CLARK, Alexander - 23 Aug 1888 aged 69
CLARK, Catherine - 2 Jan 1906 aged 79
CLARK, James - 23 May 1883 aged 45
* James Clark was born Edward McGraw. Born in Liverpool, Lancashire, he emigrated to Otago c1857-1862. Edward married Harriett Jubber in Dunedin in 1863. After the death of their son John in 1866 Harriet left Edward to go back home to her parents. While she was there she found out she was pregnant with Margaret and her parents sent her back to NZ. Around this time, for some reason, Edward McGraw changed his name to James Clark. He then started working for the Marine Department as a Lighthouse Keeper and all records from then onwards are under the name of James Clark. He was first appointed to the Lighthouse Service on 1 May 1867 as a Probational Assistant Lighthouse Keeper at Taiaroa Heads.
He later served at the Nuggets and then Dog Island until his death by a fall down Dog Island Lighthouse, 23 May 1883.

CLEAVE, George Brian - 14 June 1957 aged 71
CLEAVE, James Henry - 17 May 1960 aged 91
CLEAVE, Mary Louisa - 2 Nov 1966 aged 77

CLEAVER, Carl Frederick - 21 Jan 1904 aged 39

COBBETT, William H - 30 May 1894 aged 20
Western Star, 2 June 1894
On Wednesday about 1.30pm, a body was observed floating close to the wharf at the eastern end at the Bluff. Messrs F. Fordham, A. Beaton and Smith took a boat and brought it ashore, when it was found to be that of the young lad Cobbett, who was supposed to have deserted from the barque Lochnagar during her recent stay at port. He had acted as a cabin boy and was a smart young fellow, fairly well educated, steady and popular among his shipmates. As he had left letters for London in his berth, also clothes &x., his shipmates thought he had probably fallen overboard. Captain Gasson thought he had deserted and, after acquainting the police, wrote him off the articles as having deserted. The body was much decomposed and it seems that the skull was fractured across the crown from side to side, indicating that deceased when falling overboard must have struck something. The night was very dark when he was lost and it is supposed that he walked over the wharf when returning to the ship. He was rather shortsighted and this may have had a good deal to do with the accident which caused his death. It is understood he has a mother living in London and that he was her only son.

COBBITH, Ellen - 8 Oct 1886 aged 10 days
COBBITH, James - 16 April 1884 aged 4 months

COFFEY, Edward - 30 Jan 1880 aged 42

CONDREN, Carmen Louisa - 4 Jan 1961 aged 39

CONNELLY, Catherine Agnes - 9 July 1956 aged 87

CONNOR, Charles - 9 March 1904 aged 27

CONWAY, David/Davis - 31 Dec 1916 aged 76
CONWAY, John David - 6 Dec 1918 aged 30
CONWAY, Margaret May - 17 June 1935 aged74
CONWAY, Thomas Henry - 12 March 1915 aged 20

COOPER, Albert Owen - 13 Aug 1903 aged 2 months
COOPER, George Owen - 4 May 1916 aged 68
COOPER, Margaret Orminston - 18 Dec 1946 aged 85
COOPER, Sarah - 14 Nov 1938 aged 83
COOPER, Thomas - 15 July 1913 aged 66
COOPER, William Owen - 23 Oct 1897 aged 6

COOTE, Ivy Irene - 19 Nov 1954 aged 53

CORLETT, Robert - 8 April 1897 aged 56

COTTER, Slyvester Miles - 26 May 1908 aged 40

COUPAR, George Greig - 12 May 1915 aged 58
COUPAR, James Stuart Haereroa - 23 Jan 1934 aged 83
COUPAR, Mrs Nancy - 3 Sep 1937 aged 72
COUPAR, Stewart Anglem Bruce - 27 March 1944 aged 43

CUFF, Eileen - 21 Nov 1906 aged 1

CULLEN, James - 31 March 1945 aged 51

CULLING, Coral Patricia - 20 Dec 1940 aged 4
CULLING, Sidney George - 15 May 1954 aged 59
* married Laura Emily Haywood in 1932

CUNNINGHAM, Maud Anderson - aged 10 weeks
CUNNINGHAM, Ruth - aged 16 months

CURWOOD, Francis Henry - 14 Oct 1896 aged 3 weeks
CURWOOD, William - 23 Sep 1896 aged 12 hours

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William Blacklock (1825-1895)

Plot 145, Block 5, General
Sacred to the memory Of
William Blacklock
Native of Callander, Perth-shire Scotland
Who died 20 Jan 1895 Aged 69 years

passengers on the ARETHUSA Wellington, NZ 1879

The ARETHUSA to New Zealand
Ship: 1272 tons
Captain: John H Stiven
Surgeon Superintendent: Dr Edward Husband
Sailed: Plymouth 3 Sep 1879
Arrived: Wellington 7 Dec 1879

Evening Post, 8 Dec 1879
~ with 375 Immigrants ~

The fine ship Arethusa, under command of Captain J. H. Stiven and chartered by the N.Z. Shipping Company, arrived in harbor with the change of wind last night. Captains Rose and Holliday, with Dr Johnston and Mr Redwood, went on board and, after examination, reported the passengers all well. The captain reports leaving Plymouth on third September and had fine weather till crossing the Line on 8th October; the Cape was passed on 3rd November and Tasmania on the 29th; Farewell Lighthouse was made on the 6th and she anchored at the Heads on Sunday morning till the wind changed last night, when she was brought in by Pilot Holmes. The passage was particularly find throughout. The health of the passengers was very good. Four deaths occurred during the first seven weeks - one adult and three infants. There were also four births, one of which was stillborn and twins prematurely. All the immigrants, excepting about 70, are nominated; about 50 go to Wanganui by the 'Stormbird' to-night and the Manawatu takes a like number to Foxton to-morrow. Those for Wellington will be landed by the 'Moa' to-morrow morning.

* The ages people gave to immigration back then were usually adjusted, if necessary, to suit the 'requirements' of immigration. NZ expected that young, healthy people would populate the country, therefore most older immigrants dropped a few years off their birth age to be allowed to emigrate. Best to remember that when reading the list below and use their birth dates as a guide only to your own research.
* The spelling of some names probably differs from how we spell them today
* Apart from wives and very young children, all immigrants had to list an occupation. Most men listed Labourer and single women chose Servant, Dairymaid etc. Immigrants could (and did) turn their hand to anything, so writing their 'occupation' here is demeaning and not at all indicative of their abilities, which is why I have not added them
* People with the same surnames, grouped together here, may not always mean they were related

John aged 20 (1859-) blacksmith from Tyrone
Thomas aged 17 (1862-) carpenter from Tyrone
Margaret aged 15 (1864-) servant from Tyrone
James aged 14 (1865-) servant from Tyrone
* nominated by Isabella Anderson, servant c/o W. S. Levy, Roxburgh St., Mt Victoria, Wellington

Alfred aged 24 (1855-1918) wheelwright from Herefordshire
Elizabeth aged 22 (1857-1932)
* nominated by John Apperley, carpenter of Masterton. However, Alfred & Elizabeth appear to have gone straight to Hawke's Bay where 10 children were born (8 sons) from 1880-1900
Poverty Bay Herald, 5 Nov 1932
Hastings recently lost another of its old and respected citizens who had resided there for about 53 years (1879), in the person of Mrs Elizabeth Apperley, widow of the late Me Alfred Apperley.

ARMSTRONG Robert aged 22 (1857-) from Antrim

Benjamin aged 38 (1841-) from Shropshire
Ann aged 37 (1842-)
Robert aged 19 (1860-)
William aged 14 (1865-)
Thomas aged 12 (1867-)
Martha aged 9 (1870-)
Sarah Lucy aged 6 (1873-)
* nominated by Seamen Farraday, blacksmith of Wellington

BAINFORD Miriam aged 23 (1856-) servant from Staffordshire

Anne M aged 40 (1839-) from Oldford, London to join husband
George J I aged 20 (1859-)
* nominated by John G Barnes of Ingestre St., Wellington

BARRISCRIL/BARRISCRIEL Samuel aged 22 (1857-) from County Monaghan

BERRY Elizabeth aged 12 (1867-)
* travelled with the Pearce family

* also Blenkarne, Blinkhorne
Charles aged 54 (1825-1893) from Leicestershire
Sarah aged 59 (nee Brooks 1820-1882)
* dropped their ages considerably. Charles was born 1813 & Sarah 1809
* nominated by William Blinkhorne, carpenter of Masterton (note spelling)
* they are buried in Archer street. A son, William Blenkarne (1837-1911) & wife Hannah (nee Kite 1839-1910) arrived in 1874 on the 'Conflict' with 3 children. A daughter, Mary Ann Blinkhorne (1841-1934) married John Hayes & arrived with the 1st 4 of their 11 children in July 1879 on the 'Zealandia'

Hales aged 26 (1853-) joiner from Yorkshire, Essex
Jane aged 25 (1854-)
Harry aged 3 (1876-)
Bertha aged 4 months (1879-)
* nominated by Richard Gill, civil service of Wellington

Annie aged 55 (1824-1879) housekeeper from Abbeyleix, Laois, Queens County, Carlow
* nominated by Mrs Miller, Adelaide - died on board from pulmonary haemorrhage
Isabella H aged 21 (1858-) servant born Carlow
Alice M aged 18 (1861-) servant born Carlow
John J aged 17 (1862-) born Carlow
Emily aged 14 (1865-) born Carlow
Frances aged 12 (1867-) born Carlow

BOWIE David aged 29 (1850-1897) shipwright from Kincardine, Scotland
Agnes aged 26 (1853-1892)
Euphemia aged 1 (1878-)
* nominated by Mrs Hannah Bowie, Ingestre St., Wellington

BOYD Thomas aged 22 (1857-) from County Down

BOYLE Thomas aged 19 (1860-) from County Antrim

Patrick aged 34 (1845-) from County Meath
Mary aged 30 (1849-)

BRISTOL Thomas aged 25 (1854-1919) from Staffordshire

BROAD Edward F aged 20 (1859-) carpenter from Surrey
* nominated by George Henry Broad (1853-1922), bookbinder of Wellington

BROGAN Elizabeth aged 18 (1861) from County Cavan

Richard aged 43 (1836-) wharf labourer from Dublin
Margaret aged 42 (1837-)
Margaret aged 19 (1860-)
Thomas aged 16 (1863-)
Patrick aged 14 (1865-)
Richard aged 11 (1868-)
Joseph aged 7 (1872-)

CALL Patrick aged 23 (1856-) from Tipperary
* nominated by Pat Slattery, farm labourer of Karori

Margaret A aged 22 (1857-) from Antrim
Sarah aged 20 (1859-) from Antrim

Pat aged 18 (1861-) from Roscommon
Ann aged 20 (1859-) from Roscommon
* nominated by Bridget Carty, cook at the Princess Hotel, Tory St., Wellington

CLARKE James aged 21 (1858-) from County Cavan

COLE William aged 22 (1857-) from Gloucestershire
* nominated by Frederick Cole of Greytown

Annie aged 19 (1860-) from Queens County
Ellen aged 17 (1862-) from Queens County

CONDON Michael aged 19 (1860-) groom from Limerick

CONNOR Peter aged 30 (1849-) groom from County Cork
* nominated by John Reane, Turakina - additional entry has: James Meehan, Marton

Martha aged 28 (1851-) from Donegal
David aged 8 (1871-)
Martha aged 7 (1872-)
Isabella aged 5 (1874-)
* nominated by Mrs Isabella Roulstoy, dressmaker of Mulgrave St., Wellington

George James aged 35 (1844-) fitter from Plumstead, London
Emily aged 16 (1863-)
Henry Charles aged 14 (1865-1907)
Mildred E aged 12 (1867-)
George J aged 11 (1868-)
Marian aged 8 (1871-)
Eleanor aged 4 (1875-)
* nominated by R Duff, carpenter

CORKER William J aged 26 (1853-) from Derry

Frederick aged 44 (1835-) signalman from Kent
Charlotte aged 44 (nee Gardner 1835-)
* Charlotte was actually born in Dover 16 Nov 1829 so was aged 50, as was Frederick. In a letter to family in England, Charlotte wrote about the dull routine of shipboard life and comments on the poor food. On arrival they stayed at the NZ Company depot while searching for jobs. Charlotte comments on wages and prices and reports that two of her daughters, Jane aged 16 and Martha aged 10, had found situations as nursemaids. By 24 Dec the family had moved to Bulls where Jane and Martha were employed in a hotel.
* Charlotte died in Wanganui Hospital 17 Oct 1902 aged 74

Charles Frederick aged 24 (1855-1938) carpenter from Sussex
* son of Frederick & Charlotte above
Eliza Victoria aged 22 (nee Thornhill 1857-1933)
Emily aged 1 (1878-)
Frederick aged 5 months (1879-)
* another 8 children born in NZ

Frederick aged 22 (1857-) railway worker from Sussex
John aged 20 (1859-) railway worker
Horace aged 18 (1861-) railway worker
Jane aged 16 (1863-)
William aged 13 (1866-) shop boy
Martha Ann aged 10 (1869-)
* children of Frederick & Charlotte above

Charles aged 50 (1829-) dairy farmer from Ayrshire
Euphemia aged 48 (1831-1880)
Elizabeth aged 20 (1859-) dairy maid
Charles aged 16 (1863-) farm boy
George aged 14 (1865-) farm boy
Euphemia aged 11 (1868-)
Robert aged 7 (1872-)
* Euphemia died of consumption just 7 weeks after arrival

CRAVEN joiner from Lancashire to Feilding
John aged 30 (1849-)
Alice aged 29 (1850-1892)
Sarah aged 8 (1871-)
Elizabeth aged 6 (1873-)
Frederick aged 2 (1877-)
Herbert aged 1 (1878-)
Feilding Star, 11 Oct 1892
CRAVEN - At Ashhurst, on October 9th, Alice, beloved wife of John Craven, aged 43 years. She is buried Plot 5, Block 27 at Terrace End

Annie M aged 19 (1860-) from County Fermanagh
Eliza aged 17 (1862-)
* nominated by John Frane, ploughman of Hunters Farm

John aged 22 (1857-1914) from Derry
Joseph aged 18 (1861-1932) from Derry
* sons of William Crockett & Matilda Patterson
John married Elizabeth Ovenden in Hawera in 1883
Joseph married Eliza Honnor in 1884
* They are buried in Te Henui cemetery

DARLING William H aged 24 (1855-) from Leitrim
* possibly William Rutherford Darling (see child .. 1)

Joseph H aged 23 (1856-) carpenter from Yorkshire
Mary aged 23 (1856-)
Shaw aged 8 months (1879-1879), died on board from dentition & diarrhea

John 34 (1845-) blacksmith from York
Mary aged 34 (1845-)

DICKENSON James aged 22 (1857-) from Northumberland

Hayden E aged 36 (1843-1896) shipwright from Hamptonshire
Annie aged 33 (1846-1926)
Fritz E aged 2 (1876-)
Alfred William aged 2 (1877-1961)
* nominated by George Inman, carpenter of Masterton

William aged 31 (1848-) chairmaker from Middlesex
Harriet aged 25 (1854-)
* nominated by Mrs Mary Chainley, Willis street

Andrew aged 29 (1850-) from Fife
Honora aged 28 (1851)

ELLIOTT Robert aged 21 (1858-) from Derry

FARRELL Kate aged 22 (1857-) dairymaid from Kerry

FAWCETT Jane aged 20 (1859-)

William aged 38 (1841-) ship joiner from Lanark
Margaret aged 35 (1844-)
Thomas aged 6 (1873-)
William aged 5 (1874-)
John H aged 3 (1876-)
James aged 2 (1877-)
Alex aged 8 months (1879-)

FITCHLEY Hugh aged 29 (1850-) driller from Lancashire

Abbey aged 19 (1860-) from Cork
Mary aged 18 (1861-) from Cork

FLETCHER Joseph aged 24 (1855-) from Lancashire

FOX John aged 21 (1858-) from Rosscommon

Allen aged 35 (1844-) joiner from Yorkshire
Mary Ann aged 36 (1843-)
Ada aged 11 (1868-)
Elizabeth aged 7 (1872-)

James aged aged 27 (1851-1887) railway guard from Bradford
Henrietta aged 24 (nee Riley 1855-)
Martha aged 5 (1874-)
* James died in Marton, 14 Nov 1887, aged 36. Marton, 14 Nov 1887 A man named James Garnet, dropped dead this morning while at work. It is supposed heart disease was the cause of death.
* also read

GARUHAM/N Henry aged 19 (1860-) from Suffolk

Gaven aged 26 (1853-) from Lanark to Feilding
Sarah aged 23 (1856-)
William aged 6 (1871-)
James aged 4 (1875-)

* Isaac aged 32 (1847-) bootmaker from Lancashire
Ann aged 32 (1847-)
Mary aged 10 (1869-)

* William aged 34 (1845-) from Lancashire
Mary aged 35 (1844-)
John Henry aged 14 (1865-)
Benjamin Wilson aged 8 (1871-)
Joseph aged 3 (1876-)
William aged 1 (1878-)
* siblings, settled in New Plymouth

Lawrence aged 24 (1855-) stevedore from Middlesex
Sarah aged 22 (1857-)
Ellen aged 2 (1877-)
Mary aged 11 months (1878-)
male infant (1879-) born on board

Michael aged 20 (1859-) from Monaghan
John aged 19 (1860-) from Monaghan

GRIFFITHS James aged 13 (1866-) scholar from Essex
* was nominated but not known by whom. Not known who he travelled with

* Mary aged 39 (1840-1923) from Devonshire
* She was the wife of Job Ham (1835-1925) coal trimmer of Morwellham, Devon, who arrived two months before her, in Oct 1879 on the 'Zealandia' with their oldest son William Ham (1862-1940). Job worked for the Westport Coal Company. Mary died in Queen's St, Mt Victoria, Wellington July 1923 aged 82. Job died in Wellington June 1925 aged 90 from bronchitis & pneumonia. They are buried Karori.
* Henry 'Harry' aged 10 (1869-1948)
* Harry married Mary Carolina Debreceny in Kumeroa, Woodville in 1899 & had 2 children. In 1903 a fight erupted over possession of the house Harry built on the land owned by his father-in-law. In 1908 Mary sued Harry for the £5 maintenance due. In 1915 he was sentenced to 6 months gaol for not paying maintenance. In 1917, Mary living in Feilding, & Harry living in Wellington, were divorced after being separated for years. Harry died Aug 1948 & buried Karori
* James aged 8 (1871-1950)
* John aged 6 (1873-1934)

James aged 39 (1840-1884) millwright from Forfar
Helen Ferrier aged 37 (nee Webster 1842-1908)
Mary aged 10 (1869-1933)
Margaret aged 8 (1871-1937)
Helen aged 6 (1873-1948)
Agnes aged 4 (1875-1942)
James aged 2 (1877-1940)
They had two more children in NZ
* James drowned in the Wanganui River 24 June 1884 aged 44
Manawatu Standard, 24 June 1884
A man named Harper, an engineer employed on the steam crane used at the Heads railway contract, fell off the breakwater this morning and was drowned almost immediately. It was a steep incline and no appliances were at hand for saving his life. He is a married man with six young children.
* Helen died in Wanganui 24 Nov 1908 aged 65
Wanganui Chronicle, 26 Nov 1908
HARPER - On the 24th inst., at her residence, 101 Harrison Street, Helen, widow of the late James Harper, aged 65 years
They are buried at Heads Rd., Cemetery

Harriet aged 33 (1846-) from Erith, Kent to join husband George Harris, baker, Taranaki St., Wellington
Harriett aged 13 (1866-)
George aged 8 (1871-)
Lucy aged 5 (1874-)
Henry aged 4 (1875-)
Charles aged 2 (1877-)
Sarah aged 1 (1878-)

William aged 22 (1857-) from Lancashire to Feilding
Alice aged 23 (1856-)
Mary aged 1 (1858-)
* nominated by P. Pope, builder of Feilding
Ralph aged 26 (1853-) joiner from Lancashire to Feilding
Ellen aged 25 (1854-)
Mary E aged 4 (1875-)
Ralph aged 8 months (1879-)

HIBBERD Clara aged 25 (1854-) cook from Yorkshire

HURLEY Patrick aged 21 (1858-) from Cork

HURLSTON Mary aged 67 (1812-) widow from Somerset

HURLSTONE Charles aged 29 (1850-) shipwright, born Bristol, from Somerset. Probably same spelling (or vice versa) as widow Mary Hurlston above
* nominated by S. A. Hurlston, shipwirght, Clyde Quay

Thomas aged 28 (1851-) blacksmith from Cheshire
Elizabeth aged 26 (1853-)
Edward aged 2 (1877-)
Elizabeth aged 3 days (1879-)

ILPATRICK Annie aged 19 (1860-) from Derry
* married Herbert Thomas in 1882

Robert aged 24 (1855-) from Durham
Ellen aged 22 (1857)
Jane aged 1 (1878-1879) died on board from mucoenteritis

JONES Daniel aged 32 (1847-) blacksmith from Monmouth

Michael aged 20 (1859-) shipwright from Kerry
Mary aged 18 (1861-) from Galway

KEATING Thomas aged 23 (1856-) from Cavan

KENNEDY Samuel aged 21 (1858-) from County Down

KERVEN(S) Mary aged 21 (1858-) from County Kerry

KNIGHT Sarah aged 56 (1823-) a nurse from Worcestershire
* Her address was listed as c/o Sutton, 52 High St., Kates Hill, Dudley, Worcester
* nominated by John Kite, labourer of Masterton
* Sarah died in Masterton 8 Aug 1889 aged 80, making her birth year 1809

LENOWRY Joseph aged 29 (1850-) boat builder from Guernsey

William aged 24 (1855-) mason from Aberdeen
Mary aged 20 (1859-)

MADIGAN Michael aged 25 (1854-) from county Clare

Cornelius aged 23 (1856-) from Kerry
* nominated by Daniel Mahoney, contractor of Tinakori
Honora aged 19 (1860-) from Kerry
Ellen aged 17 (1862-) from Kerry

MARKEY Alice aged 21 (1858-) from Monaghan

Arthur aged 19 (1860-) tailor from Warwickshire
Albert aged 16 (1863-) tailor from Warwickshire

Frances aged 49 (1830-) from Middlesex, 'Matron' on board
James aged 44 (1835-) from Salop (Shropshire)
Fanny aged 40 (1839-)
Patrick aged 23 (1856-) from Cavan
Martha aged 20 (1859-)
Elizabeth aged 17 (1860-)
George aged 14 (1865-)
Kete aged 12 (1867-)
Lucy aged 10 (1869-)
John aged 7 (1872-)
William aged 5 (1874-)
Henry aged 1 (1878- )
* nominated by Seamen Farraday, blacksmith of Wellington

Jane aged 20 (1859-) from Antrim
Mary A aged 17 (1862-) from Antrim

MAY John aged 22 (1857-) from Kerry

James aged 30 (1849-) from Tyrone
Harriet aged 27 (1852-)
Harriet aged 6 (1873-)
James aged 2 (1877-)
Eva aged 8 months (1879-)

McCULLOCH William aged 42 (1837-) from Ayrshire
* travelled with Stuarts

McDONOUGH John Joseph aged 19 (1860-) from Rosscommon

McEVOY Joseph aged 18 (1861-) from Meath

McGILL William aged 23 (1856-) from Antrim

Elizabeth aged 42 (1837-) nurse from Lanark
Mary aged aged 32 (1847-) nurse from Lanark
Peter aged aged 13 (1866-)
David aged 11 (1868-)

John aged 43 (1836-) from Tyrone
Mary A aged 32 (1847)
James aged 8 (1871-)
Mary aged 6 (1873-)
John aged 4 (1875-)
Margaret aged 11 months (1878-)

James aged 24 (1855-) from Rosscommon
Bridget aged 22 (1857-) dairymaid from Rosscommon
Agnes aged 20 (1859-) dairymaid from Rosscommon

MITCHELL William aged 33 (1846-) gardener from Forfar

Jane C aged 28 (1851-) teacher from Queens County
David H aged 6 (1873-)
Robert J aged 4 (1875-)
Thomas J aged 3 (1876-)
Georgina aged 2 (1877-)

MORAN Thomas aged 22 (1857-) from Kerry

Edwin aged 24 (1855-) farmer from Cheshire
Juliet aged 26 (1853-)
Harry aged 10 months (1879-)

MUIR to Feilding
Joseph aged 25 (1854-)
Euphemia aged 30 (1849-)
Jessie aged 2 (1877-)

MURPHY, Patrick aged 22 (1857-)
* Agricultural Labourer from Lighthouse, Castleisland, County Kerry

James aged 39 (1846-) machine fitter from Forfar
Mary A aged 39 (1846-)
Margaret aged 12 (1867-)
David aged 9 (1870-)
William aged 6 (1873-)
Catherine aged 4 (1875-)
Robert aged 2 (1877-)

O'CONNELL Cornelius aged 20 (1859-) from Kerry

O'CONNOR Honora aged 20 (1859-) from Cork

Daniel aged aged 21 (1858-) from Cork
Florence aged 21 (1858-) from Cork
Elizabeth aged 20 (1859-) from Cork

OLSEN Frederica aged 17 (1862-) from Norway

O'SULLIVAN Mary aged 19 (1860-) from Cork

PAGE George aged 26 (1853-) puddler from Staffordshire to Nelson

Jemima aged 38 (1841-) cook from Aberdeen
Isabella aged 17 (1862-) from Aberdeen
Alice M aged 15 (1864-)
George aged 12 (1867-)
Ada I aged 9 (1870-)
Jane E aged 6 (1873-)
Rose H aged 3 (1876-)

Leonard aged 26 (1853-) railway guard from Sussex
Marion aged 26 (1853)
Amy R aged 6 (1873-)
Lilly M aged 3 (1876-)
Alice F aged 11 months (1878-)

Richard aged 29 (1850-) carpenter from Wiltshire
Charlotte aged 30 (1849-)
* 12 year old Elizabeth Berry travelled with them

Robert aged 30 (1849-1920) platelayer from Westmoreland
* son of Thomas Pearson & Margaret Edger. Married his brother's widow and had 3 children with her before emigrating
Agnes aged 34 (nee Armstrong 1845-1910)
* wife of Robert. Had first married his brother George Pearson (1838-1874) and all but the last 3 children are George's children. She & Robert had another 5 children in Turakina
Thomas Winter aged 16 (1863-) errand boy
George Henry aged 14 (1865-) errand boy
Edith Annie aged 12 (1867-)
Eleanor Agnes aged 10 (1869-)
Mary Jane aged 7 (1872-)
Colin Winter aged 5 (1874-)
Bessie aged 2 (1877-)
John aged 1 (1878-)
Agnes aged 5 months (1879-)

Thomas aged 34 (1845-) mason from York
Martha aged 37 (1842-)
George William aged 7 (1872-)
Edith aged 10 (1869-)
Mary aged 5 (1874-)
Sarah I aged 1 (1878-)

Lawrence aged 65 (1814-) Kilkenny
Ann aged 60 (1819-)
John aged 18 (1861-) Kilkenny to New Plymouth
Julia aged 16 (1863-1942) born Kilkenny, from Queens County to New Plymouth
* This Power family were among the 50 or so immigrants to be sent to Taranaki. They left Wellington 4 days after landing, on 11 Dec, on the steamer 'Waitaki'
* Julia married (arranged) John Francis O'Donnell (1840-1913) from Donegal in 1883 in Wellington & had 6? children. Two young sons buried Mount St cemetery. John is buried in Nelson. Julia moved to Huntly, Waikato with her 3 daughters and is buried in Kimihia, Huntly

PRETIOUS William Henry aged 10 (1869-1942) scholar from Yorkshire
* not known who he was travelling with

RAFTIS Mary aged 18 (1861-1926) from Kilkenny
* Mary married William Nicholas Tregonning (1862-1947) in 1897 & had 5 children. William was born at Pleasant Creek, Victoria, Australia. He was a Post Master in Wellington. They are buried in Karori

RIELLY Thomas aged 20 (1859-) from Cavan

Elizabeth aged 47 (1832-) widow from Yorkshire
Hannah aged aged 25 (1854-) from Yorkshire

Thomas aged 23 (1856-) joiner from Cheshire to Feilding
Ellen aged 22 (1857-)
William A aged 2 (1877-)
Annie aged 1 (1879-)

ROBERTSON William aged 42 (1837-) from Renfrew to Feilding

George aged 29 (1850-) carpenter from Rosshire
Mary aged 22 (1857-)
Annie aged 5 months (1979-)

SLATTERY Thomas aged 20 (1859-) from Tipperary

SMITH William aged 26 (1853-) from County Down

Mary aged 47 (1832-) widow from Lancashire
Thomas aged 22 (1857-) bricklayer from Lancashire

John aged 23 (1856-) from Ayrshire to Feilding
Sarah aged 23 (1856-)
James aged 6 (1873-)
Mary aged 4 (1875-)
John aged 2 (1877-)
Jane aged 6 months, died on board from meningitis

George aged 23 (1856-) mason from Aberdeen
Mary aged 22 (1857-)
Andrew aged 21 (1858-) from Aberdeen
David aged 19 (1860-) from Aberdeen
* all nominated by James B Taylor, blacksmith of Waverley
James M aged 6 (1873-), travelled with Leonard

TEIDEMAN Elizabeth aged 30 (1849-) cook/housemaid from Surrey

THOMSON William aged 20 (1859-) carpenter from Aberdeen

THORNHILL Eliza Victoria aged 22 (nee Couchman 1857-1933). Buried Taita
* married Charles Frederick Couchman in 1876, related to the other Couchman

Bridget aged 25 (1854-) from Rosscommon
Mary aged 27 (1852-) from Rosscommon

Robert aged 31 (1848-) cabinetmaker from Roxburgh
Euphemia aged 28 (1851-)
John C aged 5 months (1879-)

VEITCH Robert aged 23 (1856-) upholsterer from Edinburgh

WADDINGTON William aged 23 (1856-) Lancashire to Feilding
* travelled with Wilkinson

WATKINS James aged 24 (1855-) coachman from Fermanagh

WATSON James T aged 30 (1849-) joiner from Glasgow
* c/o Andrew Watson, 8 Dish St., Kelvinhough, Glasgow, Perth ??
Jessie B aged 29 (1850-)
James J aged 9 months (1878-)
* nominated by C. Watson, carpenter of Cruickshanks Sash 7 Door Factory, Wanganui

John aged 44 (1835-) from Lancashire to Feilding
Mary aged 44 (1835-)
Sarah aged 24 (1854-) from Lancashire
* travelled with Heald
John aged 22 (1857-)
William aged 20 (1859-)
Mary aged 18 (1861-)
George E aged 13 (1866-) joiner
Margaret aged 11 (1868-)
Kate aged 9 (1870-)

Mary A aged 23 (1856-) from Stafford
Michael aged 22 (1857-) from Tipperary
* nominated by Pat Slattery from Karori

George aged 24 (1855-1936) from Monaghan
Robert J aged 21 (1858-) from Monaghan

WOOD Anna Maria aged 58 (1821-) widow from Tyrone

ARETHUSA in Wellington 1879

William Donaldson & Eliza Mercer's 17 children, Otago

The journal was researched for FaithD, who asked (28 Jan 2018) ... I'd love to know if anyone has any information on Margaret Donaldson, or any photographs of her. She was born 1896 in Dunedin, NZ. Her parents were William and Eliza (nee Mercer) Donaldson from Kinnardineshire and Dollar Scotland respectively. After the research we've done I'm fairly sure she was our grandmother. She was unmarried when my father was born and never married.

Margaret was the 13th child of 17 children of William & Eliza Donaldson. The original info on the 17 children was taken from the journal
DONALDSON from Dunnottar, Kincardineshire
* This is the (expanded) Fifth Generation from that journal ..

William Donaldson (1846-1932) was born 25 Aug 1846 on "Glithno", a farm in Kincardineshire, Scotland to James Donaldson & Helen Walker
* In Dunedin on 19 July 1876, William married Eliza Mercer (1857-1906). It was Eliza's 19th birthday, William was 29. Eliza was born 19 July 1857 in Dollar, Clackmannan, Scotland to Charles Mercer & Eliza Herron

the children of William & Eliza
NOTE for some (yet unknown) reason, William & Eliza didn't registered the birth of their last 7 children until 1907
.. 1 ..
1876 - 1935 William Donaldson

William was born on 9 Aug 1876 in Dunedin
William married Alice Sarah Martin (1879-1914) in Glebe, Sydney in 1901. Alice was born 10 Sep 1879 in Sydney, 1 of 15 children of William Henry Martin (1842-1916) & Sarah Eliza Cain (1849-1916) who married in 1864 when Sarah was 14 and they died in Sydney 3 months apart).
known children of William & Alice
* 1904 - 1980 Edna Bernace Donaldson (born Ashfield, Sydney)
* 1910 - 1941 Thelma Muriel Donaldson (born NZ)
* 1912 - Myrtle Ivy Donaldson (born NZ)
* Alice died 17 Aug 1914 aged 35 in Wanganui
Wanganui Chronicle, 19 Aug 1914
- On the 17th inst., at her late residence, 69 River Bank, Alice, the beloved wife of William Donaldson, aged 35 years. (Feilding and Dunedin papers please copy). FUNERAL NOTICE - Friends are informed that the Funeral will leave her late residence on Wednesday, the 19th inst., at 2.30pm
William died 18 Oct 1935 aged 58 in Dargaville
Press 21 Oct, 1935
- A NATIVE OF DUNEDIN dies at Dargaville. The death took place suddenly last night of Mr William Donaldson, a widower, aged 58, a well-known Hoanga farmer. He had not been well for some time. He was taking part in a dance at a Scottish Society gathering and at the conclusion he walked to the door where he died. Mr Donaldson was a native of Dunedin. He served in the Boer War as a member of a Queensland unit. He was prominent in Scottish Society circles and was a popular farmer in the district where practically all the settlers are returned soldiers
William is buried Mount Wesley Old Cemetery
photo credit Terry Love

.. 2 ..
1878 - 1939 James Donaldson

James was born on 9 Feb 1878 in Dunedin
James died on 27 March 1939 aged 61
* nothing else known at this time

.. 3..
1880 - 1936 Charles Leonard Donaldson

Charles was born on 3 March 1880 in Dunedin
Charles emigrated to Patagonia about 1902 after the Boer War, in which he served in the Otago Mounted Hussars.
Charles married Elizabeth Noel Oakes McKay (1884-) on 18 May 1912 in Punta Arenas. Elizabeth was born on 25 Dec 1884 to James McKay, outfitter. They had a daughter in 1913, Elizabeth Mercer Donaldson, who married in a religious ceremony on Feb 12th 1936 in Punta Arenas, Chile to Jocelyn Garrett Grimwood (1902-1995, died South Africa). They had a son, Charles Anthony Garrett born 21 Oct 1939 in Punta Arenas, Chile, died 1992 in South Africa aged 53
In 1915 Charles was a farm manager at Estancia Oazy Harbour, which is in Provincia de Magallanes, Magallanes, Chile
Charles died 1 Dec 1936 in Estancia Punta Delgada, Chile. He was buried in Punta Arenas, Chile

.. 4 .. 1881 - 1897 Helen Eliza 'Nellie' Donaldson
Nellie was born on 31 Dec 1881 in Dunedin
Nellie died on 23 Nov 1897 aged 16 in Andersons Bay.
Otago Witness, 25 Nov 1897
- On the 23rd November, at her parents' residence, Anderson's Bay, Helen Eliza (Nellie), the beloved eldest daughter of William and Eliza Donaldson, after a long and painful illness; aged 16 years. Deeply regretted
Nellie was buried Plot 50, Block 4 at Anderson's Bay with her mother & others (see photo at end)

.. 5 ..
1883 - 1967 Clemintina 'Jessie' Donaldson

Jessie was born 25 Dec 1883 (Xmas Day)
Jessie was named as a next of kin on her brother Neil's war enlistment of 1916, as living at 25 Waterloo Ave, Pipitea, Wellington. She never married.
Jessie died 29 March 1967 aged 83.
She was cremated at Karori, Wellington

.. 6 ..
1885 - 1949 Gordon Donaldson

Gordon was born on 28 Jan 1885 in Oamaru
Gordon married Catherine 'Kate' Bayne (1881-1965) on 17 Feb 1909 in Otakou, Otago.
Otago Witness, 31 March 1909
- A very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Maori Kaik Hall, Otakou on February 17. The contracting parties were Miss Catherine Bayne, daughter of John Bayne of Otakou and Mr Gordon Donaldson, son of William Donaldson, sen., Macandrew Bay. The hall was elaborately decorated with the flowers of the season. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of cream silk, with beautiful bouquet and the usual bridal wreath and veil. The bridesmaids were Misses Christina, May, Isabella, Florence and Mabel Bayne. Miss Christina wore a beautiful cream crepon dress, the Misses May and Isabella, cream crepe and the Misses Florence Eveline and Mabel A. C. A. (Mabel Agnes Caroline Anderson) Bayne white. Mr Hislop filled the position of best man. The Rev Father Hearne conducted the marriage ceremony, after which the Wedding March was played by Miss Hansen. The bridal party, with close on 300 guests, sat down to the wedding breakfast, after which speeches were given by Mr J. Karetai sen., Mr D. Ellison sen., Mr Hislpo, the Rev Father Hearne, Mr G. Donaldson and Mr Pope. Numerous toasts were honoured. The presents were numerous, valuable and useful. After these were inspected the happy couple took their departure, amidst showers of rice, on their honeymoon.
In the evening a dance was held, which lasted till the early hours of the morning. At intervals songs were given by Miss M. Hansen. Miss McKay and Messrs George Taiaroa, Charles Te Au, P. Karetai, Martin Taiaroa, George Ryan, John Tobin and the M.C., Mr Smith. Duets were given by Miss M. Fitzpatrick and Mr John Tobin and also Messrs John and James Tobin. Miss M. Hansen, with assistants, supplied the music for the evening. Messrs Titama Pahi and George Taiaroa obliged the company by dancing the sword dance. The haka, which caused much excitement, was performed by Messrs Dave Ellison, John Russell, Charles Te Au, George Taiaroa, George Ryan, Harry Taphi and Mrs Philip Eyan
* Catherine was born 21 Aug 1881 in Owaka, South Otago, 2 of 15 children of John Bayne (1854-1945) from Perthshire, Scotland & Margaret Eveline McGrory (1857-1931) from County Fermanagh, Ireland
their known children
* 1910 - 1978 Gordon John Bayne Donaldson
* Gordon married Helen Riddex Stevenson in 1932
* 1911 - 1976 Margaret Eliza Donaldson
* 1915 - 2011 Catherine Ellen Donaldson
* 1917 - 1970 Alice Agnes Donaldson
* 1918 - 2006 George William Donaldson
* 1920 - 1940 Mary Louisa Donaldson
* 1923 - 2017 David Alexander Donaldson
* 1927 - 1998 Nancy Patricia Donaldson
Gordon died on 21 Nov 1949 aged 64 in Highcliff, Dunedin
* Catherine died 14 June 1965 aged 81 in Highcliff
They are buried Plot 91, Block IV at Green Island Cemetery with son Gordon John Bayne Donaldson (1910-1978)

.. 7 ..
1886 - 1961 John Glen 'Jack' Donaldson

John was born 27 Feb 1886 in Dunedin
John married Mary Margaret Boorman (1894-1977) on 21 Dec 1911 in Otago Peninsula. Mary was 1 of 4 daughters of Frederick Samuel Boorman & Mary Margaret Doran
their known children (of 6)
* 1912 - 1986 Frederick John Glen Donaldson
* 1916 - 2008 Ethel Novena May Donaldson
* 1932 - 2000 Edna Frances Ruth Donaldson
Jack died 17 Aug 1961 in Stirling, South Otago aged 75.
He is buried Plot 96/97, Block 2 at Balclutha
* Mary Margaret died 2 May 1977 aged 84 & is buried Plot 96, Block C

.. 8 ..
1887 - 1897 Robert Donaldson

Robert was born 11 Nov 1887 in Dunedin
He died 22 June 1897 aged 9 at Tomahawk, southwestern end of the Otago Peninsula (known since 1930 as Ocean Grove)
Otago Witness, 24 June 1897
- On the 22nd June (accidentally killed at Anderson's Bay), Robert, sixth son of William and Eliza Donaldson; aged nine years and six months. Deeply regretted.
Press, 25 June 1897
A SAD OCCURRENCE - SUFFOCATED IN A STONE WALL. A little boy named Robert Donaldson, aged nine and a half years, the son of Mr William Donaldson, farmer of Anderson's Bay, near Dunedin, met with his death in a most extraordinary and pitiable manner on Tuesday. In the company his younger brother, he left his father's place on a rabbit-hunting expedition on the property of Mr A. Mathieson, of Tomahawk on on the Peninsula. About midday they chased a rabbit into a hole in a dry stone wall. The boy Donaldson put his head and shoulders into the hole and in doing so evidently dislodged a large stone, weighing 50lb, and other smaller ones, which fell upon his neck and shoulders, pinning him so securely that although he struggled desperately he was unable to extricate himself. His brother endeavoured to render aid, but the stone was so heavy that he was not possessed of sufficient strength to remove it. The boy Donaldson then told the other lad that he was dying and requested him to go and tell his father. The lad started off for Mr Donaldson's place, which was about a quarter of a mile away and the father hurrying to the spot removed the stone with difficulty from off the poor little fellow. When taken out the lad was found to be quite dead. The body was removed to the house and doctor Gordon Macdonald was telephoned for. The latter arrived as quickly as possible and made an examination of the body. The face was found to be covered with blood and there was a slight abrasion on the boy's back, but no bones were broken. He expressed the opinion that death was due to suffocation. At an inquest held on the body the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the lad was accidentally killed while rabbiting in a stone wall fence by stones loosening and pressing their weight on his body.
Robert is buried in Plot 49, Block 4 at Anderson's Bay, with his mother Eliza, sister Helen Eliza .. 4 .. & sister in-law Rebecca, 1st wife of his brother David .. 17 ..

.. 9 ..
1889 - 1967 Novena Mary 'Midgie' Donaldson

Midgie was born on 21 Sep 1889 in Dunedin.
Midgie married Gilbert Scott (1879-1932) on 8 Sep 1920 in Wellington. Gilbert was born on 11 Sep 1878 in Carlisle, Cumberland, England, a son of James Scott & Mary Jane Edgar. He died on 4 April 1932 aged 53
Otago Daily Times, 7 April 1932
SCOTT - On April 4, 1932, at the Military Annexe, Auckland, Gilbert, dearly loved husband of Midgie Scott, of 47 First avenue, Kingsland, Auckland; aged 53 years. Buried Waikumete Cemetery, Service Persons Area B, Row 4, Plot 55
Novina Mary Scott died 9 July 1967 in Auckland aged 77. She is buried Waikumete Cemetery, Protestant Berm B, Row 25, Plot 72

.. 10 ..
1891 - 1941 George Thomas Donaldson

George was born on 3 Mar 1891 in Dunedin
George married Catherine Hornby Berry (1893-1977) on Xmas day 25 Dec 1916, in St James Parish, South Dunedin. Catherine was a daughter of John Bowen Berry & Elizabeth Harrison Hornby.
their known children
* 1917 - 1978 Thomas William Donaldson
George died on 25 May 1941 in Wrights Bush, Southland aged 50.
* Catherine died 36 years after him, on 20 July 1977 aged 87, also at Wrights Bush.
They are buried together in Grave 165, Block VI at Wallacetown cemetery
photo credit Loopy Lass

.. 11 ..
1892 - 1966 Ronald Donaldson

Ronald was born on 14 April 1892 in Dunedin
Ronald enlisted for WWI from 115 Stafford St., Timaru. His next of kin was his father in Abbotsford, Dunedin. He served as Trooper 7/1349 with the Canterbury Mounted Rifles, 6th Reinforcements (this is not confirmed)
Ronald died 3 Sep 1966 in Nelson aged 74
* He may have married Helen Bauchope Collins (nee Hall 1879-1953) in 1930. He may have married Edna May Fittall (1905-1968) in 1937
Ronald is buried Plot 78, Row 5, Block B at Richmond Ward
* Edna May Donaldson is buried Plot 80, Row 5, Block B

.. 12 ..
1894 - 1957 Jean 'Molly' Donaldson

Molly was born 21 March 1894
She moved to Australia, apparently about 1918
Molly died in 1957 in Sydney
* nothing else known

.. 13 ..
1896 - 1972 Margaret Donaldson

Margaret was born 24 May 1896 in Dunedin. She used to look after elderly widowed men & farmers. She also used to work at the old (2nd built) Mount Cook Hermitage (see comments below)
Margaret gave birth in Christchurch on 15 Oct 1929 to a son, Bruce Donaldson. She was 33. Margaret never married. During the depression, as a single woman, she found herself unable to bring Bruce up. He was placed in foster care. Bruce died 23 Nov 2017 aged 88
Margaret died 2 Dec 1972 aged 76 in Christchurch. She was cremated at Bromley
* anyone know of Margaret and her life ?

.. 14 ..
1898 - 1957 Neil Donaldson

Neil was born 18 Dec 1898 in Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. He wrote on his enlistment paper that he was born in Australia.
Neil worked as a lorry driver/ploughman, starting work as a farm worker for W. Waddell in Sutton, central Otago.
Neil enlisted for war on 21 Sep 1916, aged 17, with the Otago infantry Regiment. His address was 22 Brown street, Dunedin. As he was underage he enlisted under the name Ronald Neil McDonald, #49439 (from Sep 1917 19 year-olds required permission of parents to enlist. Before this the age was 20). He listed his next of kin as his sister, Miss Jessie Clementina Donaldson, c/o Mrs Brien, 25 Waterloo Avenue, Wellington, also his brother John Donaldson of North East harbour, Otago.
Neil served as Private 36429, 27th Reinforcements, D Company, in France & Belgium and was badly injured in the field with a gunshot wound to the head at Passchendaele on 12 Oct 1917. He was admitted to hospital 6 Nov 1917 when, under a Statutory Declaration dated 5 Dec 1917, his name was proved to be "36429 Neil Donaldson". He was fully discharged 15 April 1918 as no longer physically fit for war service and returned to NZ
Neil married Ivy Christina Preston in 1920. Ivy was born 6 Sep 1894 in Hobart, Tasmania, a daughter of Albert Ernest Keep Arthur Joseph Albertus 'Albertis/Alberto' Preston (1868-) & Annie Christina Mazey (1866-)
Neil died 7 Dec 1957 aged 58 in Dunedin and his ashes buried Plot 55, Block 45S, Soldiers Interment. Not known what happened to Ivy

.. 15 ..
1899 - 1973 Nora Donaldson

Nora was born 28 Dec 1899
Nora attended North East Harbor School. She received a prize for her good attendance in 1908 and for sewing in 1910. In 1912 she was in Standard V at Broad Bay school on the Otago Peninsula and received prizes for attendance & writing
Nora married William Joseph Gini (1886-1965) 28 July 1925
Otago Daily Times, 27 July 1925
GINI - DONALDSON On July 28 1925, at St Andrew's Church, Christchurch, by the Rev M. L. D. Webster, William Joseph, eldest son of Mr and Mrs O. Gini of Wellington, to Nora, daughter of Mr William and the late Eliza Donaldson, Burnside (and late Otago Peninsula)
* William was born 14 Feb 1886 in Wellington, the 1st of 5 children of Orazio Gini (1864-1940) & Julia Ann Allen (1885-1955). Orazio was from Livorno, Italy, naturalised in 1890 and a timber worker in Wellington.
* William Gini had first married Rhoda Mary Veronica Chapman (1890-1962) in 1915. They had a son, Nigel William John Gini (1917-2012) in Wellington. William received a decree nisi in Christchurch, 19 June 1924 on the grounds of Rhoda's desertion
Nora died 5 April 1973 in Auckland. Burial not found

.. 16 ..
1901 - 1923 Annie 'Don' Donaldson

Annie was born 1 Jan 1901 in Otago
Annie attended North East Harbour School. She came 3rd in writing in Standard II in 1910. In 1912 she was in Standard III at Broad Bay school on the Otago Peninsula and won a class prize
Annie married Sydney William Knight (1891-1966) on 24 Jan 1923.
* Sydney was 1 of 9 children of William Edward Short Knight, chairman of the Otago Hospital Board, & Eliza Candwell
Annie died 3 Aug 1923 during childbirth, at Waipori Falls, Dunedin. Her daughter living only a few hours
Annie is buried Plot 18, Block 51 at Anderson's Bay. With her is her sister-in-law Rowena Ann 'Rowie' Knight in 1918 aged 20 (a victim of the Flu Pandemic). Annie's mother-in-law Eliza Knight in 1936 aged 65 and her father-in-law William Edward Knight in 1946 aged 88. Also on their headstone is written: "In Memory Of Oswald Bertram Reynolds, Gunner 2/2519, 1st Battery, Killed in action 25 Sep 1916 aged 24". Oswald was killed at Somme, France. He rests in peace in Guards Cemetery, Lesboeufs. He was a son of Alfred Reynolds & Margaret Rachel Lewis of Dunedin (because his name is on the headstone directly below Rowena's, I only assume he may have been her fiance?)
* Annie's widower, Sydney William Knight next married Ina McLeod (1906-1997) in 1931. Sydney died 23 Sep 1966 aged 75 in Dunedin and his ashes buried Plot 277, Block 45S, Soldiers Interment at Andersons Bay. The plague reads: "Trooper 9/376, Sydney William Knight of the 1st NZEF, Otago Mounted Rifles". Ina died 31 Aug 1997 aged 90 at Ross Home, Dunedin and her ashes buried with Sydney on 3 Sep 1997. On 22 June 1999 her son added her name on the plague beneath Sydney

.. 17 ..
1901 - 1977 David Donaldson

David was born 18 Dec 1901 in Dunedin
David attended Broad Bay school on the Otago Peninsula in 1912 when he won a class prize
David married Rebecca Callaghan (1910-1936) 24 Oct 1929 in Dunedin. Rebecca was born in East Taieri, Otago, 1 of at least 9 children of James Callaghan born Donagal, Ireland & Maria Harris born Saddle Hill, Taieri
the known children of David & Rebecca
* 1930 - 2011 Lorna Donaldson
* 1931 - 1987 Colin James Donaldson
* 1933 - 1944 Alma Donaldson
* 1935 - Gwendoline Donaldson
* Rebecca died 24 March 1936 aged 27 in Dunedin Hospital and was buried Plot 49, Block 4 at Andersons Bay Cemetery. With her is her 9 year old brother-in-law, Robert Donaldson in 1897 & 49 year old Eliza Donaldson (nee Mercer), her mother-in-law in 1906
David next married Eliza 'Lylee' Brown Thomson (1908-2001). Eliza was a daughter of Henry Andrew Thomson & Mary Leah Mawson
David & Lylee had a son
* 1944 - Malcolm Mawson Donaldson
David died 3 July 1977 in Palmerston South, Otago He was buried in Palmerston

ELIZA Donaldson (Mercer) died in Dunedin on 27 Dec 1906 aged 49
Evening Star, 27 Dec 1906
- On the 27th December, at 84 High street, Dunedin, Eliza, the beloved wife of William Donaldson, of Macandrew's Bay, Peninsula; aged 49 years. Deeply regretted.
Eliza is buried Plot 49, Block 4, at Anderson's Bay Cemetery

WILLIAM Donaldson died in Marton, Manawatu, on 26 March 1932 aged 85
Otago Daily Times, 30 March 1932
- On March 26, 1932, at his son's residence, Marton, North Island, William, beloved husband of the late Eliza Donaldson, late of Macandrew Bay, Otago Peninsula; aged 85 years. Interred at Marton
William is buried Plot 22, Block 1, Row VII in the Old area at Mt View Cemetery, Marton
William died at his son's residence in Marton in 1932. At this time, by process of elimination, I am presuming the son was either William (1876-1935) because he was up in that area. His wife had died in Wanganui in 1914 and her death notice said 'Feilding Papers please copy', although by his death in 1935 he was a 'well known' farmer in Dargaville. Or, it may have been James (1878-1939) of whom I have no information yet. Research continues

also see Donaldson buried Dunedin

Plot 49 & 50, Block 4
Andersons Bay, Dunedin
burial place of
* Eliza Donaldson (nee Mercer) and
* her daughter .. 4 .. Helen Eliza Donaldson
* her son .. 8 .. Robert Donaldson
* her daughter-in-law .. 17 .. David Donaldson's wife, Rebecca (nee Callaghan)

5 comment(s), latest 4 years, 2 months ago

burials at PUKETAHA, Hawkes Bay 1874-1974

80 burials at PUKETAPU Cemetery 1874 - 1974
PUKETAPU as it was in 1908

* excludes still born
* birth date may be calculated from age at death
* searching above link provides plot number & more info

ADAMS, James Michael
died 24 Oct 1979 aged 80
married in 1933 (& buried with), Alva Enid Harper (1906-1994)

ALEXANDER, Archibald Robert
died 25 Aug 1924 aged 18

died 29 Aug 1964 aged 67
married in 1923 (& buried with), Ivy Isobel Dolbel (1902-1977)

ANDERSON, Edith Eleanor (nee Hughes)
died 17 Dec 1943 aged 60
married Joseph Alfred Anderson in 1901
buried with Joseph & 7 month son Stanley Francis (1907-1907)

ANDERSON, Abel Joseph
died 4 Oct 1941 aged 68
note name difference from above

BETTINGTON, Reginald Henshall Brindley
died 24 June aged 69
from NSW. Wife Marion (1905-1988) buried Napier

BICKNELL, Elizabeth Rachel 'Betsy' (nee Howell)
died 18 Nov 1903 aged 68
married John Bicknell (1831-1884) & had 11 children

BICKNELL, Isabella (nee Boggs)
died 29 March 1924 aged 72
married in 1885 (& buried with) Joseph Bicknell

died 24 March 1884 aged 52
born East Chinnock, Somerset
husband of Elizabeth Rachel above
father of some buried here

died 4 June 1933 aged 76
son of John Bicknell & Elizabeth Rachel Howell
married in 1886 (& buried with) Kate Annie Sabin

died 21 Nov 1916 aged 63
son of John Bicknell & Elizabeth Rachel Howell
married in 1885 (& buried with) Isabella Boggs

BICKNELL, Kate Ann (nee Sabin)
died 24 Oct 1940 aged 76
married in 1886 (& buried with) John Bicknell

BOYD, Adelaide Victoria (nee Fearn)
died 4 Aug 1941 aged 49
married in 1933 to Edward Boyd

BOYD, Edward
died 2 Aug 1965 aged 73
buried with Mae Fearn (1924-1949)

BOYD, Margaret
died 29 Aug 1882 1882 aged 35

BOYD, Mary Anne
died 2 March 1877 aged 4

BRODIE, Malcolm William O'Callaghan
died 4 Nov 1966 aged 79
buried with Phyllis

BRODIE, Phyllis Gwavas (nee Carlyon)
died 13 Jan 1940 aged 43
married 1922 (& buried with) Malcolm Brodie above

BURNS, Catherine
died 9 Aug 1950 aged 70
buried with William Stanley Jones (1876-1943) & wife Jessie Burns (1878-1966)

BUTTRICK, Alice Wilmont
died 28 June 1944 aged 59

BYRNE, Frank Stephen
died 28 May 1954 aged 69
buried with wife Jane

BYRNE, Jane (nee Hunt)
died 4 Dec 1958 aged 67
married 1916 (& buried with) Frank Stephen Byrne (1886-1954)

CABLE, William
died 26 Sep 1896 aged 49
see Elizabeth Anne Jones

died 2 Jan 1960 aged 9 months
daughter of Vernon & Betty Cadwallader

CATO, Hutton Irving
died 13 Aug 1940 aged 38
married 1935 (& buried with) Margaret Douglas Pattullo (1907-1981)

COCKBURN, Louisa (nee Studd)
died 5 May 1940 aged 82
married 1890 (& buried with) Peter Alexander Aitchison Cockburn

COCKBURN, Peter Alexander Aitchison
died 29 Nov 1927 aged 72
buried with wife Louisa

DAVIS, Catherine
died 31 May 1914 aged 72

DAVIS, Edward
died 23 Jan 1900 aged 75
buried with Catherine

DONALD, Russell
died 22 July 1949 aged 74

ELLIOTT, Lillian
died 18 Aug 1949 aged 79
wife of (& buried with) Walter

died 15 May 1941 aged 80

ERICKSEN, Elizabth Bell Hilton 'Eliza' (nee Weaver)
died 7 April 1929 aged 46
married 1907 (& buried with) Peter Ericksen (1882-1952)

ERICKSEN, Millicent
died 15 March 1926 aged 18
daughter of Peter & Eliza Ericksen

FEARN, Ellen Jane (Smale)
died 5 March 1939 aged 65
married 1889 (& buried with) George James Fearn

FEARN, Florence Eveline
died 22 Sep 1907 aged 14
daughter of (& buried with) George & Ellen Fearn

FEARN, George James
died 12 Aug 1948 aged 81
buried with wife Ellen & Daughter Florence

FEARN, James Lionel
died 2 Sep 1928 aged 37
Rifleman 41320 Reinforcements G Company (part), NZ Rifle Brigade
son of George & Ellen Fearn above

died 22 Jan 1949 aged 24
buried with Edward Boyd (1892-1965)

FERGUSON, Arthur Henry
died 27 April 1941 aged 68
buried with Elizabeth

FERGUSON, Elizabeth (nee Bowden)
died 7 March 1928 aged 50
married 1912 (& buried with) Arthur Henry Ferguson

FIELD, Helen Elizabeth
died 22 June 1933 aged 1 month
daughter of Geoffrey Arnold 'Geoff' Field (1905-2000) & Lucy Helen Tong (1909-1976)

FYFE, James
died 27 March 1931 aged 70
buried with wife Jemima

FYFE, Jemima
died 13 Dec 1912 aged 53
buried with husband James

died 1 Jan 1939 aged ?
buried beside the other Gardner here
(Mary Elliott Maitland Gardner) ? aged 23

GARDNER, James Henry
died 5 June 1908 aged 19
son of Henry & Elizabeth Gardner

GARDNER, Thomas William
died 1 Sep 1907 aged 32
buried with son Thomas Henry & with James Henry Gardner

GARDNER, Thomas William
died 4 Jan 1908 aged 4 months
son of Thomas William & Alice (nee Arundel)

HAMMONDS, Beverly Anne
died 23 Nov 1932 aged 1.9
daughter of Maynard Auberton Hammonds (1905-1981) & Alice Tongs (1902-1957)

HAYES, Edward
died 9 May 1934 aged 79
buried with wife Elizabeth

HAYES, Elizabeth Rachael (nee Bicknell)
died 18 Sep 1924 aged 64
daughter of John Bicknell & Elizabeth Rachel Howell
married 1886 (& buried with) Edward Hayes

HESLOP, Jane Elizabeth 'Betty'
died 25 Feb 1898 aged 81
widow of John Heslop (1812-1894)

HOWELL, Charles
died 10 March 1927 aged 57

HOWELL, Christina (nee Gilbert)
died 9 Sep 1898 aged 63 of a stroke, in Rissington, Hawkes Bay
buried with husband Isaac Howell
TIMELINE of Christina Gilbert
c1840 Christina arrived in NZ as a child
1850 Christina married William Jones (1829-1871) 17 June 1850 (she was 15 - the legal age then was 12). They had a son in Wellington, William James Jones (1851-1901, buried below). They later separated and divorced.
c1852 Christina next lived with George Baker Nye (1826-1907, previously twice married) & had 2 daughters in Foxton, Elizabeth 'Lizzie Nye (1853-1942) & Nancy Ellen Nye (1855-1855 aged 5 weeks). Christina left George just after the death of Nancy (leaving daughter Lizzie to be brought up by a widowed aunt, who adopted her in 1864). Christina went back to Wellington.
1855 Christina next married widower Michael Dixon (1810-1883) as his 2nd wife (Michael 1st married Sarah Shepherd (1808-1843, buried Karori), their children were early settlers of Masterton. Michael & Christina moved to Masterton but not long later Christina took off to Wellington on his horse. Michael retrieved the horse by walking over the Rimutakas to get it.
1871 ex husband William was killed at Nelson Creek, Greymouth, in a mining accident, on 9 Sep 1871, by falling from a 150 foot flume. Burial records have him as 30 which has to be incorrect, which would make him marrying at age 9. BDM has his age as 35. Family members say he was 42
c1857 Christina next lived with Isaac Howell & had 9 children (1858 to 1871).
1864 Christina's sister Mary Anne Gilbert, married Isaac's brother William Bentinck Howell
1882 Christina married Isaac on 25 May 1882.
1883 Husband Michael Dixon died 13 Aug 1883 in Kuripuni
1898 Christina died 9 Sep 1898 in Rissington, Hawkes Bay
1907 Ex partner George Baker Nye died 25 May 1907 in Foxton
1920 Husband Isaac Howell died 20 Oct 1920 in Hastings

died 20 Oct 1920 aged 89
one of the early settlers of Puketapu

HUDSON, Thomas Lowry
died 15 March 1880 aged 18

HUGHES, Geoffrey
died 9 Aug 1951 aged 35
buried with Robert

HUGHES, Hannah Matilda
died 29 May 1937 aged 79
wife of (& buried with) Henry Hughes

HUGHES, Harriett
died 25 Dec 1892 aged 68
wife of William Hughes

died 28 March 1901 aged 48
husband of Hannah

died 4 Jan 1935 aged 59

died 29 April 1942 aged ?

HUGHES, Muriel Bennett
died 17 Aug 1961 aged 59
buried with Herbert Samuel Hughes (1893-1982)

HUGHES, Robert
died 13 Aug 1940 aged 17 months
buried with Geoffrey

HUGHES, William
died 5 Jan 1885 aged 65

HUNT, James Barnes
died 5 Oct 1926 aged 65
buried with John

HUNT, John
died 29 Sep 1942 aged 86
buried with James

JONES, Elizabeth Anne (nee Hughes)
died 16 Nov 1875 aged 19
buried with her mother, Harriet Hughes (nee Bicknell, 1824-1892), Harriet's 1st husband William Cable (1827-1896) & her 2nd husband William Hughes (1819-1885, Elizabeth's father)
Elizabeth married William James Jones 11 July 1875, 4 months before her death. She died giving birth to William Stanley Jones who was brought up by Elizabeth's 12 year old sister, Edith Harriet Hughes who, at the age of 15 in 1878, married her brother-in-law, (& William Stanley's father), William James Jones. Because NZ law at that time prohibited a man from marrying his sister-in-law, they married in Sydney

JONES, Jane (nee Culshaw)
2 June 1933 aged 69
married 1889 (& buried with) William James Jones, as his 3rd wife

JONES, William James
died 6 May 1901 aged 50
son of Christina Howell (nee Gilbert) see story above, & her first husband William Jones
William married Elizabeth Anne Hughes (1856-1875) in 1875
* widowed at 24
He next married his sister-in-law Edith Harriet Hughes (1863-1887) in Sydney in 1868 (story also above). Their son, Edward Sydney Jones (1880-1958), married Esther Bicknell, a daughter of John Bicknell & Betsy Howell above
* widowed again at 36
next married Jane Culshaw (1864-1933) in 1889
buried with Jane

LAMBE, Percy
died 1 Aug 1913 aged 42

LASCELLES, Kara Montague Innes
died 15 June 1903 aged 6
1 of 17 children of Henry Rohde Lascelle (1858-1917), from Ootacamund, India & Sarah Davis (who remarried in 1918 to Ewen Cameron)

LE QUESNE, Joshua Alexander
died 15 Sep 1916 aged 24
son of Joshua Le Quesne & Alice Ann Bicknell
grandson of John & Elizabeth Bicknell above

LE QUESNE, Rollo Gordon
died 29 Aug 1905 aged 16 months
son of Joshua Le Quesne & Alice Ann Bicknell
grandson of John & Elizabeth Bicknell above

LOWRY, Maria
died 12 July 1927 aged 94

LOWRY, Thomas
died 18 Oct 1881 aged 67

LOWRY, Thomas Henry
died 1 Jan 1944 aged 78

McINTYRE, Alexander Robinson
died 12 Oct 1943 aged 73

McINTYRE, Euphemia
died 8 Oct 1919 aged 74

McINTYRE, Margaret
died 16 July 1885 aged 2

McINTYRE, Walter John
died 5 July 1963 aged 76

McINTYRE, William
died 19 July 1903 aged 29

MOORE, Amy Elizabeth
died 6 Nov 1912 aged 46
buried with May Constance Moore

MOORE, Geoffrey William
died 22 Oct 1931 aged 45

MOORE, May Constance
died 29 Sep 1966 aged 78
buried with Amy Elizabeth Moore

NOELL, Edward Harvey
died 6 Nov 1916 aged 69
buried with wife Louisa & daughter Kate

NOELL, Kate Annie
died 4 Aug 1963 aged 71
buried with Edward Harvey & Louisa Noell

NOELL, Louisa (nee Sabin)
married Edward Harvey Noell in 1883
died 25 Feb 1945 aged 85
buried with husband & daughter Kate Annie

NOELL, Stanley Shepherd
died 15 Feb 1960 aged 79
son of Edward & Louisa above

O'BRIEN, Charles
died 17 Feb 1896 aged 64
buried with wife Jane

O'BRIEN, Jane (nee Stapleton)
died 2 Sep 1932 aged 84
buried with husband Charles

OLIVER, Fanny Anna (nee Yates)
born Durham, England & had 12 children
married George Andrew Oliver 1854 in Lancashire
died 2 Dec 1920 aged 84
buried with husband George Andrew & children

OLIVER, George Andrew
born Newcastle-upon-Tyne
died 2 Feb 1884 aged 62
buried with wife Fanny & children

OLIVER, Hawdon Doria
9th of 12 children of George & Fanny
name Hawdon was her maternal grandmother's surname
died 6 Oct 1874 aged 2
buried with parents & brother

OLIVER, Louie Edward
7th of 12 children of George & Fanny
died 7 May 1881 aged 13
buried with parents & sister

SMALE, Elizabeth
died 9 Aug 1912 aged 71
wife of (& buried with) William John Smale (1835-1924)

SMALE, Leah Stokes (nee Buckman)
died 21 Aug 1905 aged 26
married 1904 (& buried with), George Edmund Smale

died 14 Feb 1891 aged ?
daughter of James Percy Stewart

STEWART, James Percy
died 17 May 1902 aged 42

STRACHAN, Alexander
died 21 Feb 1918 aged 50
husband of Maria Henrietta Smale in 1891

THOMAS, Bertha Winifred (nee Bicknell)
died 25 Aug 1904 aged 27
daughter of John Bicknell & Elizabeth Rachel Howell
married William Thomas in 1898 & had a son

28 Sep 1922
A glimpse of Napier from PUKETAPU HILL
shows east coast railway embankment & bridge on the left

Sir George Grey Special Collections
Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19220928-37-3
showing the east coast Railway Embankment

burials Mt VIEW Marton, A surnames

A surnames buried Mt View Cemetery, Marton
110 records found @ Jan 2018
* excludes still born
* birth date may be calculated from age at death
* going to above link provides plot number & more info
* indicates person's photo at end

died 5 July 1960
aged 72
birth 1888

ABBOTT Harold John Frederick
died 7 Sep 1984
aged 62
birth 1922

ABBOTT Lena Mary
died 17 May 1990
aged 68
birth 22 June 1921

ABBOTT Noel Norman
died 9 Jan 1990
aged 66
birth 30 Nov 1924

ABBOTT Sidney Percival
died 17 Aug 1971
aged 81
birth 1890

ABRAHAMS Fay Rose Isabella
died 3 Oct 1972
aged 43
birth 1929

ABRAHAMS Joseph David
died 6 Oct 2004
aged 81
birth 25 April 1923

ABRAHAMS Robin Peter
died 29 Oct 1980
aged 29
birth 1951

ADAM Gordon William
died 7 May 1952
aged 20
birth 1932

ADAM Lillian Mary
died 5 Aug 1907
aged 4 months
birth April 1907

ADAM Ruby Elizabeth
died 1 Sep 1996
aged 86
birth 8 Nov 1909

ADAM Bruce Edward Hillary
died 27 May 1994
aged 41
birth 1953

ADAM John Kitchener
died 1 Feb 1984
aged 67
birth 1917

died 22 May 1967
aged 76
birth 1891

ADKINS Margaret Hilda
died 3 Feb 1977
aged 66
birth 15 April 1911

ADKINS Richard Kenneth
died 22 Aug 2006
aged 91
birth 22 June 1915

AGNEW George William
died 1 June 1995
aged 76
birth 1919

AGNEW Rona Alyce June
died 21 March 1992
aged 74
birth 4 Sep 1917

AGNEW Rozanne Therese
died 22 Nov 1974
aged 2 months
birth Sep 1974

AIKEN Edith Maud
died 29 July 1964
aged 70
birth 1894

AIKEN Marion Jane
died 4 Jan 1977
aged 78
birth 1899

AITKEN Anne Margaret
died 9 Nov 1961
aged 16
birth 1945

AITKEN Cyril Walker
died 3 Sep 1996
aged 89
birth 1907

AITKEN Gary Cyril
died 11 Sep 1989
aged 52
birth 1937

died 15 Nov 1919
aged 65
birth 1854

AITKEN Kenneth John
died 31 Jan 1984
aged 67
birth 1917

AITKEN Margaret Alice
died 26 Sep 1955
aged 71
birth 1884

AITKEN Myrtle Elizabeth
died 20 Aug 1974
aged 68
birth 1906

AITKEN Noel Walter
died 18 Aug 1990
aged 54
birth 5 Dec 1935

AITKEN Violet Bertha (nee Wilton)
died 18 Aug 1914
aged 26
birth 24 Oct 1887
married William Charles Aitken in 1912
buried with her born still baby

AITKEN Walter George
died 16 April 1959
aged 80
birth 1879

died 18 Nov 1934
aged 48
birth 1886

died 13 Jan 1931
aged 1 day
birth Jan 1931

ALEXANDER Francis Nobel
died 31 Oct 1991
aged 78
birth 31 May 1913

died 10 March 1969
aged 57
birth 1911

ALLCOCK Anne/Annie (nee Gilligan)
died 18 July 1974
aged 70
birth 1904
married Frederick Allcock in 1924

ALLCOCK Frederick
died 30 April 1974
aged 79
birth 1895

ALLEN Catherine
died 1 June 1961
aged 75
birth 1886

ALLEN James Campbell
died 25 April 1957
aged 59
birth 1898

ALLISON Victor Charles
died 10 Oct 1916
aged 8
birth 1908

ALSOP David Alan
died 3 Aug 2016
aged 86
birth 22 April 1930

AMBROSE Beatrice Eleanor (nee Williams)
died 31 Aug 2006
aged 99
birth 2 Jan 1907
married George William Frederick Ambrose in 1930

AMBROSE George William Frederick 'Fred'
died 20 Nov 1977
aged 72
birth 15 Feb 1905

AMER Francis Sydney James
died 4 Oct 1972
aged 60

ANDERSEN Ann Katherine
died 14 May 2008
aged 84
birth 9 Dec 1923

ANDERSEN Ronald Edward
died 17 July 2004
aged 84
birth 18 Jan 1920

ANDERSEN Thomas Berenhard
died 18 Aug 1988
aged 79
birth 16 March 1909

ANDERSON Annie Ellen
died 25 Jan 1949
aged 64
birth 1885

ANDERSON Ernest Charles
died 20 Aug 1969
aged 70
birth 1899

ANDERSON Herman McGregor
died 26 April 1912
aged 24
birth 1888

died 2 March 1928
aged 72

died 5 July 1988
aged 85
birth 30 March 1903

ANDERSON Joyce Marie (spinster)
died 13 Aug 1980
aged 68
birth 1912
parents David Williamson Anderson & Marie Lincoln

died 15 June 1978
aged 93
birth 1885

ANDERSON Norah Lillian
died 26 Jan 1974
aged 66
birth 18 Aug 1908

died 12 Oct 2015
aged 65
birth 9 Aug 1950

died 17 Jan 1956
aged 3 months
birth Oct 1955

died 28 Aug 1963
aged 79
birth 1884

ANDERSON Robert Russell
died 26 May 1919
aged 5 months
birth Dec 1918

ANDERSON Vera Rosina
died 31 Aug 2009
aged 84
birth 12 Oct 1925

died 22 Nov 1977
aged 91
birth 13 Jan 1886

died 7 Aug 1963
aged 93
birth 1870

ANDREW Mary Elizabeth
died 10 Sep 1947
aged 74
birth 1873

ANDREW Richard Dennis
died 22 Feb 1968
aged 87
birth 1881

ANDREWS Eileen Mary (nee Sinclair)
died 19 April 1978
aged 69
birth 1909
married Samuel Croft 'Sam' Andrews in 1928

ANDREWS Noel Charles Howard
died 27 Sep 1999
aged 70
birth 2 April 1929

ANDREWS Samuel Croft
died 25 Nov 1966
aged 59
birth 1907

died 5 Jan 2009
aged 90
birth 13 Sep 1918

APIRANA William Cyril Charles
died 19 Oct 2002
aged 84
birth 14 March 1918

APPELBE Charles Graves
died 14 May 1929
aged 75
birth 1854

APPLIN Robert Gordon
died 9 July 1976
aged 58
birth 11918

ARAMA Te Warahi
died 12 Dec 1988
aged 52
birth 1936

ARCHER Frederick Bartle
died 25 Jan 1986
aged 80
birth 4 Oct 1906

ARCHIBALD John Robertson
died 12 March 1934
aged 45
birth 1889

ARCHIBALD Mary Florence Esther
died 4 May 1943
aged 55
birth 1888

died 18 Sep 1922
aged 67
birth 1855

* ARMSTRONG Charles Thomas Richard
died 16 Nov 1875
aged 4 months
birth July 1875

ARMSTRONG Mark William
died 19 March 2013
aged 56
birth 1957

died 28 May 1920
aged 70
birth 1850

ARTHUR Guy Hatton
died 15 July 1981
aged 82
birth 1899

ARTHUR-WORSOP Charlie Randolph
died 19 May 1981
aged 67
birth 1913
son of Elsie (below) & Leonce

ARTHUR-WORSOP Elsie Eva (nee Griffin)
died 18 June 1963
aged 71
birth 1891
note married Leonce Hurnall Arthur Worsop (1878-1928), Served with 10th NZ Contingent in Boer War, lived Bonny Glen, Marton, worked for Railways, died Lepperton

ASHBY Annie Jane
died 3 April 1962
aged 81
birth 1881

ASHBY Jeanette Robin
died 1 Oct 2010
aged 68
birth 1942

ASHBY Leslie Thomas
died 2 Nov 1981
aged 69
birth 1912

ASHBY William Thomas
died 1 Aug 1957
aged 78
birth 1878

ASHFORD Akuanei Waahiana
died 27 Oct 1982
aged 72
birth 1911

ASHFORD Warena George Waahiawa
died 9 Jan 1971
aged 70
birth 1901

ASHWELL Frederick Herbert
died 7 Sep 1953
aged 77
birth 1876

died 21 March 2014
aged 1 month
birth Feb 2014

ATKINS Gladys Mary
died 3 June 2007
aged 91
birth 30 Nov 1915

ATKINS Michael
died 26 June 1967
aged 69
birth 1898

ATKINS Patrick James
died 27 July 2003
aged 81
birth 1922

ATKINS Phyllis
died 16 March 2015
aged 90
birth 1925

ATKINS William Brooks
died 19 Sep 1995
aged 82
birth 1913

ATKINSON David Ronald
died 27 Aug 1981
aged 25
birth 1856

ATKINSON Eva Frances
died 4 Dec 1969
aged 69
birth 1900

ATKINSON Frederick Henry
died 10 Feb 1987
aged 55
birth 1932

ATKINSON Ruby Catherine
died 26 July 1988 at Wanganui Hospital
aged 59
birth 1929

ATKINSON William David
died 23 Oct 1984
aged 55
birth 1929

ATLEY James Joseph
died 19 July 1929
aged 54
birth 1875

died 29 June 1922
aged 45
birth 1877

AU Gui
died 9 Dec 1927
aged 60
birth 1867

AUGUST Kathleen Mary
died 28 Aug 1987
aged 78
birth 1909

AUGUST Leo Patrick
died 20 Jan 1978
aged 67
birth 1910

AUSTIN Kenneth Ian
died 22 Sep 2010
aged 78
birth 24 May 1932

AUSTIN Margaret May
died 22 June 1922
aged 49
birth 1873

AVEY Phillip Douglas
died 27 Oct 1962
aged 49
birth 1913

AVON Sydney Brian
died 22 Sep 1964
aged 81
birth 1883

AYNSLEY Margaret May
died 10 April 1926
aged 46
birth 1880

Headstone of Charles Richard Thomas Armstrong
Plot 47, Row VI, Old Area

FINDLATER marriages New Zealand

the known FINDLATER marriages 1855 - 1936

Albert Walter Findlater
son of of James and Annie (Winter) Findlater, of Owaka, Otago
married Robina Sutherland in 1915
Albert served in WWI as Rifleman 47016 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. He was Killed In Action 26 Oct 1918 at Le Cateau, France and buried I.E.28, Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-au-Bois, Nord, France, His next of kin was his wife Robina at 100 Clyde St., Invercargill & Rose Bank, Balclutha

Alexander Findlater (1835-1890)
married Ann Robertson Brown (1829-1890) in 1871
Alexander died 28 June 1890 in Dunedin
Ann died 18 July 1890 in Dunedin
Evening Star, 18 July 1890
FINDLATER - At her residence, Forth street, Dunedin, on the 18th July, Ann Robertson, relict of the late Alexander Findlater

Alexander Findlater (1810-1876)
* son of Alexander Findlater & Mary Hewan of Scotland
** grandson of Alexander Findlater & Susanna Forrester
*** paternal great grandson of James FINLATER & Eleonar Bannatine
*** maternal great grandson of John Forrester & Unk Napier
Alexander married Elizabeth Turnbull (1814-1866) in Edinburgh, Scotland 1834
known children
1835 - 1890 Alexander Findlater
1837 - 1845 Margaret Johnston Findlater
1839 - 1909 Elizabeth Leslie Findlater
1841 - 1912 James Turnbull Findlater
1843 - 1921 Mary Hewan Findlater
1846 - 1924 Susan Forrester Findlater (+ Albert Walter Geddes)
Alexander next married Elizabeth Currie (nee Alexander) in Dunedin, NZ in 1872
Otago Daily, Times 5 Jan 1872
* On the 3rd January, Mr A. Findlater, to Mrs Curry, both of Dunedin. Home papers please copy
* At Dunedin Otago, New Zealand, Mr Alexander Findlater, late of the Otago Provincial Government Service, to Elizabeth Alexander, widow of Mr Thomas D. Currie, of Edinburgh, Emigration Agent and daughter of the late Mr John Alexander, of Bormie, Linlithgowshire
* Elizabeth first married Thomas Duncan Currie (1827-1865).
Bruce Herald, 2 Nov 1865
Mr Thomas Duncan Currie, who was for 14 years Secretary to the Otago Emigration Agency, in Edinburgh, died in Dunedin last week. Mr Currie had only been in this Colony for about 15 months, although he has been intimately connected with it from its first settlement. The deceased has left a widow and four children who are but ill provided for

Alexander Findlater
married Mary Ann Harrington in 1877
known children
1877 - 1965 Elizabeth Howard Findlater
1879 - 1913 Hannah Amelia Findlater
1880 - 1881 James Archibald Findlater (Palmerston, Otago)
1884 - 1978 May Ethel Findlater
1885 - 1967 Mary Ann Findlater
1889 - 1970 Walter Ernest Findlater
1892 - 1977 John Stanley Findlater
1894 - 1981 Norah Vera Findlater
1896 - 1931 Sydney Harrington Findlater

Alexander Findlater
married Christina Proctor in 1901
known children
1904 - 1992 Alexander Napier Findlater
1906 - 1987 John Winter Findlater
1908 - 1981 Edward Francis Findlater
1912 - 1991 Robert Proctor Findlater
1914 - 2007 Catherine Frances Findlater
1917 - 2001 Christina Lindores Findlater

Alexander Findlater
married Susan 'Susie' Nightingale in 1902
known children
1902 - 1983 Adelaide Findlater
1904 - 1985 Edmond Findlater
1908 - Georgina Ellios/Ellis Findlater
1910 - 1972 Thomas Charles Findlater

Alexander Napier Findlater
married Rosella Gwendoline Cartwright in 1927

Edward Frances Findlater
married Lucy Annie McKay in 1934

Gabriel Napier Forrester Findlater (1877-1943)
married Helen Agnes Ogilvie (1879-1918) in 1906
known children
1909 - 1985 Gabriel Napier Forrester Findlater
1910 - 1909 Susan Helen Forrester Findlater
1912 - 1998 Mabel Isabel Findlater
1914 - Margaret Catherine Findlater
Gabriel Napier Forrester Findlater next married Alice Hannah Walker (1889-1944) in 1921
* Gabriel & Alice are buried together Anderson Bay, Dunedin

Gabriel Napier 'Forrie' Forrester Findlater (1909-1985)
married Mary Anderson (1910-1980) in 1932

James Chalmers Findlater
married May Winifred Bell in 1915
known children
1917 - Verena Grant Findlater

James Turnbull Findlater (1840-1912)
married Ann 'Annie' Winter in Hokitika 1866
known children
1867 - 1955 Margaret Crawford Findlater
1869 - 1873 Mary Hewan Findlater
1870 - 1870 Alexander Findlater
1871 - 1946 Alexander Findlater
1873 - 1935 James Turnbull Findlater
1874 - 1949 Annie Elizabeth Findlater
1876 - 1948 Bethia Turnbull 'Bessie' Findlater
1877 - 1843 Gabriel Napier Findlater
1879 - 1929 Susan Forrester Findlater (+ Alan Ross Callender)
1881 - 1971 Isabella Cornwall Findlater
1882 - 1953 John Winter Findlater
1883 - 1948 Robert Bruce Findlater
1885 - 1959 Lily Leslie Lindores Findlater
1887 - 1918 Albert Walter Findlater
1889 - 1977 Helen Napier Forrester Findlater
1891 - Mary Hewan Frazer Findlater
Northern Advocate, 27 May 1912
The body of James Findlater, aged 71, a farmer, was found on Saturday in Catlins Lake
Otago Daily Times, 17 Sep 1912
OLDHAM - FINDLATER On August 30, at the residence of the bride's mother, Craigannot, Catlin's River, b the Rev W. L. Woodhouse, M.A., Daniel, son of O.W. Oldham, Patea, to Helen Napier Forrester, daughter of the late James T. Findlater

James Turnbull Findlater
married Agnes Hanna Allan (1875-1905) in 1899
known children
1902 - 1959 Agnes Hanna Findlater
1904 - 1947 James Turnbull Findlater
1905 - Jane Allen Findlater
James Turnbull Findlater next married Sarah Ellen Yern (nee Tidyman) in 1913
* Sarah first married Johannes Yern (1863-1913) in 1903 and had 3 sons

James Turnbull Findlater
married Mary Blyth in 1928

James Turnbull Findlater
married Gwendoline Somervell in 1936

John Leslie Lindores Findlater
married Janet Margaret Walls in 1935

John Stanley Findlater
married Aileen Alberta Drake in 1918
* daughter of Thomas Johnson Drake & Elizabeth Rowntree

John Winter Findlater
married Mary Connel McKechnie in 1908
known children
1911 - 1994 John Leslie Lindores Findlater
1912 - 2007 Mary Connel Findlater
1914 - 2013 Margaret Jean Findlater
1916 - 2003 George Bruce James Findlater

Kenneth Alexander Grant Findlater
married Grace Margaret Cobb in 1923

Robert Bruce Findlater
married Alice Louisa Wild in 1918

Robert Forester Findlater
married Nellie Hilton in 1936

Sydney Harrington Findlater
married Mary Jane McKay in 1924

Thomas Yorston Findlater
married Mary Mathers in 1926

Walter Ernest Findlater
married Ruth Evelyn Appleby in 1924

Agnes Hannah Findlater
married George Edward Thompson in 1924

Anna McLennan Findlater
married Keith Clarence Bigham in 1934

Annie Elizabeth Findlater
married Robert Landreth McKay in 1900
known children
1907 - Ernest McKay Harrison McKay
1909 - Louise McKay

Bethia Turnbull 'Bessie' Findlater (1876-1948)
married Duncan Campbell in 1916

Christina Grant Findlater
married Henry Bigham in 1933

Eliza Leslie Findlater
married James Auchenleck Cheyne in 1855

Elsie Findlater
married George Mitchell Wilson in 1888
known children
1889 - George William Wilson
1891 - John Wilson
1893 - Mary Ellen Wilson
1895 - Ernest Wilson
1897 - Elsie Wilson
1899 - Dolly Wilson
1902 - Albert Wilson
1904 - Bessie Wilson
1908 - 1963 Newton Findlater Wilson

Helen Napier Forrester Findlater
married Daniel Oldham in 1912
known children
1913 - Orlando Winter Oldham
1914 - 1990 Daniel Millward Oldham
1917 - 1999 Cecil Charles Leamoth Oldham

Helen Susan Forrester Findlater
married Francis Stuart Scott in 1933

Isabella Cornwall Findlater
married Thomas Alexander Jacobson in 1909
known children
1909 - 1997 Thomas Alexander Jacobson
1912 - 1971 Frank Jacobson

Jane Allen Findlater
married Harry Purchase in 1928

Lily Leslie Lindores Findlater
married Robert Jenkins Kilgour in 1907
known children
1908 - Annie Winter Kilgour
1910 - 2006 Euphemia Peat Kilgour

Mabel Isobel Findlater
married David Alan Kirk in 1933

Margaret Catherine Findlater
married Alexander Cuthbert Miller in 1934

Margaret Jean Findlater
married William Lyall Lee in 1935

Mary Ann Findlater
married William John Blackie in 1903
known children
1903 - 1998 William John Blackie
1904 - 1972 Walter Douglas Blackie
1906 - 1990 Ethel Isabella/Isobel Blackie
1907 - 1908 Andrew Jacques Blackie
1908 - 1908 Reginald Harrington Blackie (aged 10 weeks)
1911 - 1998 Carl Joseph Blackie
1912 - 2001 Sydney Simon Blackie
1914 - 2001 Mark Stanley Findlater Blackie

Mary Connel Findlater
married Andrew Allan in 1933

Mary Hewan Findlater
married John Fraser in 1859

Mary Hewan Frazer Findlater
married John Walkinshaw Boyd Carson in 1925

Mary Jane Findlater
married Alexander Will Hay in 1932

May Ethel Findlater
married George William Leader in 1906
known children
1906 - 1907 May Winifred Leader (aged 5 months)
1908 - 1995 John Vernon Leader

Nora Vera Findlater
married William Daniel Bacon in 1918

Sarah Winter Findlater
married James Henry Smith in 1931

Susan Forrester Findlater (1846-1924)
married Albert Walter Geddes in 1874
Otago Daily Times, 19 Dec 1874
On the 17th December, at All Saints Church, Dunedin, by the Rev R. L. Stanford, Albert Walter, youngest son of Mr Walter G. Geddes, to Susan Forrester, youngest daughter of Alexander Findlater
known children
1877 - 1881 Walter George Geddes
1878 - 1884 Albert John Geddes
1882 - 1921 George Winford Geddes

Susan Forrester Findlater (1879-1929)
married Alan Ross Callender in 1909
known children
1910 - 1999 Annie Elizabeth Callender
1914 - Susan Forrester Findlater Callender (twin)
1914 - 2008 Bethia Findlater Callender (twin)

HEADSTONE of Gabriel & Alice at Andersons Bay

the 17 children of William Villers, Petane, Hawkes Bay

William Villers (1808-1862) of Ireland, married Mary Jane Lutton (1809-1847) in Sydney in 1830
the children of William & Mary Jane
(first 4 born in Sydney, first 1 in NZ in 1841)

..1 1832 - 1887 William Villers
Hawke's Bay Herald, 18 May 1887
VILLERS - At Petane, on the 17th May, aged 55 years. - The funeral will leave the Petane Hotel at 2pm, tomorrow (Wednesday)
Hawke's Bay Herald, 11 May 1882
Notices of applications for new licenses are inserted by W. Villers for the Petane Hotel and John Villers for the Ferry Hotel, Western Spit .. I, William Villers, of Petane, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Petane on the 2nd day of June 1882, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at Petane and known by the sign of the Petane Hotel, containing 27 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 10th day of May 1882. W. VILLERS
* more on William at notes below

..2 1833 - 1885 John Villers
John was a farmer in Patene by 1858
He married Emily Jane Hurrey in 1873 & had 5 children
1874 - Maud Louise Villers
1875 - William Charles Villers
1878 - John Sydney Charles Villers
1880 - William John Charles Sydney Villers
1882 - Blanche Emily Villers
Hawke's Bay Herald, 27 Feb 1877
Fencing Notice - To James Tod and John Villers, owners of Town sections Nos 501 and 502, Township of Clyde and owners of section 605-186. Take notice that I, William Lambert, Clerk in Holy Orders, intend erecting dividing fences between the section and my land. I hereby require you to assist in erecting the said dividing fence, otherwise I shall proceed to erect the same and call on you for payment of one-half the cost
Poverty Bay Herald, 4 Aug 1879
The resignation of Mr John Villers, poundkeeper, Ormond, was accepted. Mr John Maynard, Ormond, was appointed poundkeeper
Poverty Bay Herald, 12 Aug 1879
Letter To The Editor ... Now that Mr John Villers, of Ormond, is becoming such a prominent man in public affairs, I really think it behoves him to provide himself with a secretary or amanuensis, who could keep some slight check on his glowing imagination ...
Poverty Bay Herald, 26 June 1880
NOTICE - In The Estate Of John Villers, late of Chandos Hotel, Ormond. The undersigned hereby notify that on and after the 1st of July next, proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the amounts due to the above estate
Hawke's Bay Herald, 11 May 1882
Notices of applications for new licenses are inserted by W. Villers for the Petane Hotel and John Villers for the Ferry Hotel, Western Spit ..
I, John Villers, of Western Spit, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Petane, on the 2nd day of June 1882, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at the Western Spit, Napier and known by the sign of the Ferry Hotel, containing 11 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 10th May 1882. JOHN VILLERS
HOUSEHOLDERS CERTIFICATE - We, the undersigned, ten householders residing in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned house, do hereby certify that the above John Villers is a person of good fame and reputation and fit and proper to have granted to him a Publican's License. Witness our hands the 10th May, 1882:- W. Boyd, William Morris sen., G. McRae, W. Denholm, W. Waite, John Northe, Thomas Torrr, J. H. Sims, Anders Neilson and G. Plested
Hawke's Bay Herald, 9 March 1885
VILLERS - At the Ferry Hotel, Western Spit, March 8th, John Villers; aged 52 years. The funeral will leave his late residence this day (Monday) at 3 o'clock, for the Petane cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation.
Poverty Bay Herald, 25 March 1885
NOTICE - It is supposed that John Villers, formerly of Gisborne but late of Napier, made a Will some years ago. Anyone having the custody of such a document will oblige by communication with Mrs John Villers, of Gisborne, or Sainsbury and Logan, Solicitors, Napier.
Hawke's Bay Herald, 2 Oct 1886 The estate of the late John Villers, of Hawkes Bay, has been finally certified at 397 11s 9d (2013 equivalent of $76,300)

..3 1835 - 1917 Harriet Ann Villers. Harriet married Isaac Septimus McKain (1830-1899) in NZ in 1860 & had 12 children.

..4 1838 - 1904 Charles Villers. Charles married Robina Agnes McKain (1854-1944) in 1877 *daughter of James Buchanan McKain & Sarah Hannah Barben. Robina next married Frederick Francis Roe in 1917

..5 1841 - 1921 Maria Villers. Maria married James Stephen Grindell in 1859 & had 9 children

..6 1845 - 1930 Sarah Jane Villers. Sarah married William Jenkin Elwin (1839-1919) in 1862 & had 6 children
Poverty Bay Herald, 24 Dec 1919
WAIROA, Another of the fast-diminishing band of Wairoa pioneer settlers, Mr W. J. Elwin, died peacefully at 8.30 on Monday Night, in his 81st year. He was the son of the late Dr J. Elwin, London and came to New Zealand in 1859 in the Wild Duck, after a passage lasting 3 months. He took up clerical work at Bowler's, Wellington and subsequently he was engaged at Petane surveying and later in school teaching. He formed one of the relieving force at the time of the Ohaka massacre. He married the third daughter of William Villers, Petane and leaves one son and four daughters

Mary Jane Villers died aged 37
Wellington Independent, 30 Jan 1847

On the 28th instant, regretted by all who knew her, Mrs Mary Jane Villers, wife of Mr William Villers, of Lutton Place, Wellington, late of Sydney, New South Wales, leaving six young children to lament the loss of a good and affectionate mother

* After the death of Mary Jane, William married Robina McKain (1821-1874) & had 11 children
the children of William & Robina
..7 1848 - 1849 James McKain Villers
James died in Wellington aged 9 months

..8 1849 - 1931 Douglas Mary 'Dullo' Villers.
Douglas married George Cross (1849-1933) in 1865 in Napier & had 8 children in Napier & Clive
1867 - 1911 William Francis Cross
1868 - 1881 John Henry Villers
1870 - 1946 Francis Ernest Cross
1872 - 1954 Agnes Matilda Cross
1877 - Frances Emily Cross
1878 - 1961 Alfred Cross
1892 - Helen Elizabeth Cross
1893 - 1962 George Henry Cross

..9 1850 - 1927 Lucinda Agatha Villers. Lucinda married Joseph Andrew Torr (1846-1915) in 1868 & had 11 children (brother of James who married her sister Robina). Joseph was a son of Joseph Andrew Torr & Julia Catherine McKain - see NOTES

..10 1851 - 1934 Mary Jane Villers. Born in Napier, Mary married Isaac Jeffares (1847-1934) in 1869 & had 9 children

..11 1852 - 1854 Selina Villers. Selina died aged 22 months

..12 1854 - 1856 Julia Villers. Julia died aged 2 in Petane, Hawkes Bay

..13 1855 - 1873 Frances Emily 'Fanny' Viller. Fanny married Lambton William Frederick Carter (1847-1922) in 1872. Fanny died aged 18. Lambton next married Mary Catherine Sullivan in 1874 & had 10 children

..14 1857 - 1920 Robina Agnes Villers. Robina married James Harrison Torr (1846-1932) in 1883 (brother of Joseph who married her sister Lucinda) - see NOTES
* William snr, was in Petane, Hawkes Bay by 1858

..15 1859 - Thomas Isaac Villers

..16 1860 - 1861 Ada Amelia Villers. Ada died aged 4 months in Petane

..17 1862 - 1876 Clarence Francis Villers. Clarence died 13 Dec 1876 in Napier aged 14

Early Settlers of Napier(Ahuriri) & Districts 1850
ANKETELL, (Mr), Trader, arrived 3rd April
McKAIN, James Buchanan, arrived (early in year) with wife and 2 children to Ahuriri with brother in law William Villers & family
McKAIN, Sarah, wife of James, her maiden name Barben. She arrived Wellington with her two sisters and parents in 1840 aboard the 'London'. Her father's name was Thomas, he died while visiting them and was the first man to be buried in the Napier Cemetery. Along with Robina Villers was the first white woman to live at The Spit (Westshore), Ahuriri
McLEAN, Donald, went to Hawkes Bay area as Land Purchase Commissioner
VILLERS, William, arrived with wife and 2 children to Ahuriri with McKains
VILLERS, Robina Agnes, wife of William and sister of J.B. McKain. She arrived NZ with her two brothers and widowed mother in 1841 on the 'Olympus' to Wellington. Along with Sarah McKain was the first white woman to live at The Spit (Westshore), Ahuriri

James Buchanan McKain (1823-1853), the father of Robina Agnes McKain who married Charles Villers, was a brother of Isaac Septimus McKain who married Charles's sister Harriet Ann Villers and they were brothers of Robina Agnes McKain (1821-1874) who married widower William Villers (father of Charles & Harriet), as his second wife, and they were siblings of Julia Catherine McKain (1812-1883) whose sons, Joseph Andrew Torr & James Harrison Torr, married daughters of William & Robina - see above
* The mother of these 'children' was Douglas Mary McKain (nee Dunsmore) (1879-1873), was an independent, capable and courageous woman. She was born at Glasgow and met her husband, William McKain, native of Guernesy, Channel Island, at the Tower of London where her family lived. Douglas Dunsmore and William McKain were married on 26 April 1808, at Castel (Catel), Guernsey. They were to have eight sons and five daughters. Husband William died in a riding accident in 1837 and Douglas emigrated to NZ, Dec 1840, on the 'Olympus' with her four remaining sons and a daughter, They arrived in Wellington 20 April 1841 and Douglas established herself as a midwife and general nurse in Wellington. In her later years Douglas McKain lived among her family in Hawke's Bay. The extended McKain family were prominent members of the early Napier community. Two of Douglas McKain's married daughters, Mary Ann McCarthy and Julia Torr, had followed her to New Zealand with their husbands in 1842, and both eventually settled in Hawke's Bay. Her daughter Robina, who had travelled with her to New Zealand, settled with her husband, William Villers, at The Spit (Westshore) in 1853. Joseph Torr and William Villers ran a schooner between Napier and Wellington, trading in pork, wheat and dressed flax. James Buchanan McKain and his wife, Susannah McKain, also settled at The Spit, where they ran the first accommodation house and licensed premises in Napier, and operated a postal service. By 1860 Douglas McKain, Julia and Joseph Torr, and Mary Ann and John McCarthy were all established in Eskdale, north of Napier, where the Torrs' home, Petane Grange, became a showplace. Robina and William Villers settled over the hill, at Petane (Bay View). Douglas McKain, now in her 70s, lived with each of her children in turn, paying £10 per annum board and lodging.

Hawke's Bay Herald,7 April 1860
The Council meets ... Captain Carter presented a petition form Mr William Villers(snr), Petane, setting forth that he had purchased from the government 50 acres, which he believed to be a section which would give him the road frontage in accordance with clause 10 of the regulations; that on the land being laid off, he found that his section was placed differently in the plan ... more
Wellington Independent, 5 April 1862
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by a deed dated the eighth day of March, one thousand wight hundred and sixty two and made between William Villers, of Petane, in the province of Hawke's Bay, Licensed Victualler, of the first part, John Villers, Farmer, in the Province aforesaid, of the second part, and the several persons whose names and seals are thereunto subscribed, being creditors of the said William Villers, of the third part - the said William Villers did convey, assure and assign all his real and personal estate of whatsoever nature or description (subject to the mortgages affecting the same) to the said John Villers, upon trust for the equal benefit of all the creditors of the said William Villers who should execute the said deed within a period of 3 months from the date thereof: The said deed was executed by the said William Villers and John Villers on the eighth day of March instant and was attested by J. B. McKain and John Steven junr, Farmers, Petane. WILLIAM VILLERS, JOHN VILLERS, Petane
Wellington Independent, 27 Nov 1862
At Petane, Ahuriri, on the 5th November, Mr William Villers, senior, aged 54
Hawke's Bay Herald, 11 June 1867
INQUEST - An emergency inquest was held on the 9th inst., before T. Hitchings, Esq., coroner and a jury, at the Petane Hotel, upon a body that had been washed down the Petane river by the late floods. The evidence disclosed the painful fact that this was the body of one of Rangihiroa's party, killed in action on the 12th October last - the grave in which the dead were interred having been so acted upon by the water during the late freshes as to be now part of the bed of the river. The following was the evidence adduced:-
Frederick Torr, being sworn, deposed:- I am the son of Mr Joseph Torr, residing at Light Willows, Petane. On Friday last, the 7th inst., about 3 o'clock pm., I saw the body of a man lying on the banks of the river amongst the rubbish and covered with mud. I then went home and told my father who went to see it. I though it one of the Maori who were buried near Capt. Carr's after the fight last October.
Joseph Torr, sworn, deposed:- I am a settler residing at Petane. In consequence of information received from my son, I went to the banks of the river and saw a body of what I consider to be a maori. The body was in a very advanced state of decomposition and presenting the appearance of having been buried some months. I have no doubt that it was one of the native Hau Haus who were buried last October, near Capt. Carr's/ Upon examination of the body there appears a bullet wound on the left side of the spine, in the loins and another in the front of the stomach.
William Villers(jnr) sworn, deposed:- I keep the Petane Hotel. On Wednesday last I visited the spot where the dead Hau Haus were buried. I saw that the spot where they were buried was covered with water, forming a part of the bed of the river. The river was very high from the recent rain and bringing down large logs of timber. It is my opinion the whole of the bodies were washed away.
The jury returned the following as their verdict:- "We are of opinion that deceased, an aboriginal native, died from gun shot wounds received in action on the 12th October last and that his body has been washed away from the burial place in consequence of the recent flood"
With reference to this painful affair, we learn that the coroner has given authority for the immediate re-interment of any other bodies that may be found - bearing evidence, upon a competent survey by three or four householders, of having been buried under similar circumstances to the one found

Daily Telegraph, 30 Jan 1884
A dinner was given last evening at Mr William Villers Petane Hotel by Mr Boyd, who, having sold out, is about visiting the old country. About twenty-five settlers put in an appearance. After dinner speeches, songs and occasional dancing were indulged in. Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent. The table was everything that could be desired and was tastefully laid out, the large vases, with enormous bouquets of beautifully arranged flowers, being particularly noticeable. It certainly reflects great credit on Mr Villers for the manner in which he succeeded in placing such a magnificent spread before those assembled

Daily Telegraph, 17 May 1887
A very large number of our readers will learn with much regret that Mr William Villers,(jnr) who had been dangerously ill for some weeks past, died at 7am this morning. Although taking no active part in public matters, Mr Villers was certainly a public man, not only from the keen interest he took in politics, but from his sympathy with all movements having for their object the social well-being and happiness of the people. The news will be read with very great regret, the deceased having been in life a sterling and generous-hearted man, ever ready to do a good turn to anyone in difficulty of any kind and willing to do all in his power to promote the happiness of all around him. His private benevolence was large and his liberality was only bounded by his power to give. Mr Villers was a native of New Zealand, being born in Wellington and he has died at the comparatively early age of 55 years. By his death Petane sustains a loss that can never be filled as he filled it. "Old Bill Villers" as his friends always called him, was one of Hawkes's Bay's identities and he will be much missed. The funeral will take place in the Petane cemetery ... The body of the late Mr William Villers was interred yesterday in the Petane cemetery, in the presence of a numerous assemblage of friends of the deceased, many of whom journeyed from Napier to pay the last tribute of respect to a highly respected settler and warm friend. The funeral service was conducted by the Bishop of Waiapu and the Rev. W. Welsh

Daily Telegraph, 10 Dec 1888
Important Sale Of Suburban Lands. Banner and Liddle, in conjunction with Messrs Baker and Tabuteau, have been instructed by the Executor in the Estate of the late William Villers(jnr) to sell by auction the land immediately adjoining the Hotel and Store, subdivided into 167 suitable Building Allotments varying from 1/4 acre to 26 acres each. Many of these sections have frontages to the river where good boating and bathing are obtainable and others are on the rise of the hill, giving magnificent views of the surrounding country, while all are eminently suitable for suburban residences and being within easy reach of Napier by coach, offer exceptional inducements to purchasers, as Petane is sure in a little time to become the principal suburb of Napier. The land has a long frontage to the main road from Napier to Taupo and the Hot Lake district.
Title - Land Transfer Act. Terms are 10% cash, 10% in 3 months, 10% in 6 months and the balance in 3 years, bearing interest at 7% per annum NOTE.. this ad was still running in Aug 1889

Daily Telegraph, 4 Sep 1889
By order of The registrar of the Supreme Court at Napier and at the request of the mortgagees. Mr H. P. Cohen has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at the Peoples' Auction Mart, Hastings street, Napier, on Monday 16th September, 1889. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
1. All that piece of land containing 317 acres 3 roods and 17 perches, comprising Sections 48, 49, part of 50 and Blocks 61A and 84, western side of harbor, in Puketapu Survey District, excepting thereout Lot 132 on plan, sold to Thos. Newland and also excepting Lots 23 to 30 both inclusive.
2. All that Parcel of Land containing 44 acres, being part of Suburban Section 63 on Government plan of western side of harbour
3. All that parcel of land containing 40 acres, being Suburban Section 71 on Government plan of western side of the Harbour
The above comprises the Petane Hotel and property, as occupied by the late William Villers(jnr), deceased(jnr)

overlooking The Spit
1883 (zoom at that link)

William James Ward starved to death, Wellington 1886

William James Ward was from (not necessarily born in) Charleston, an old goldmining town on the West Coast of the South Island, 30km south of Westport.
His death notice in the papers said he was 49. BDM has 48. The inquest into his death notes that he was an elderly man probably about 60 with grey hair, whiskers and moustache ... a hard life will do that to a person and assuming his wife put the death notice in the paper we will go with that age.

William married Sarah Ann Aldridge
WARD - ALDRIDGE 2 Oct 1875, William James Ward, Charleston, to Sarah Ann (1850-1911?), daughter of Job Aldridge of Nelson. Sarah was a daughter of Job Aldridge (1816-1890), from Berkshire, died Nelson and Hannah Belcher (1820-1897)

At his death in Wellington, James had eight young children to feed ..
Evening Post, 24 Sep 1886
WARD - On 21st September, William James Ward, aged 49 years. Home, Charleston and Nelson papers please copy

* The body which was found yesterday amongst the rocks at Island Bay was brought to the Morgue by Constable Stewart in the afternoon to await identification. It is that of an elderly man, apparently about 60 years of age and belonging to the labouring class, with grey hair, whishers, and moustache, about 5ft 6in in height and of medium build. The clothing consists of a brown tweed coat, clean white moleskin trousers, dark tweed vest, soft felt hat and lace-up boots. Deceased was seen at 11am passing the Island Bay Hotel, when he asked for matches, which were supplied by the trainer Mr J. Lunn. He then walked away in the direction of the beach and nothing further was seen or heard of him until about 1 o'clock. when the body was found by two men named Harry Townsend and George Morley about midway between the hotel and the cave of the celebrated hermit. It was some distance above high-water mark and the flesh was still warm. In one of the pockets a slip of paper was found, which bore the words, "Tired and worn out with anxiety" and the signature of "William Ward" Beyond this fact, there does not appear to be anything to suggest the suspicion that the unfortunate man committed suicide. An inquest will be held at the Morgue tomorrow morning and in the meantime Dr Hutchinson will make a post moriem examination of the body.
The remains have been identified during the day as those of a labouring man named William Ward, who has lived at 26 Cambridge-road. For some time past he had been out of employment and had consequently been very despondent. yesterday morning he left his home and did not return, but was seen at Newtown during the forenoon by his sister-in-law, Mrs Skelly. Deceased leaves a widow and wight children to mourn his demise. The post mortem examination was made by Dr Hutchison this morning and we understand that no symptoms of poisoning were detected, though there was evidence of a condition of body bordering upon starvation. The stomach has been deposited with Dr Skey, Colonial Analyst, for analysis.

* Seldom has a sadder case come under our notice than that of the unfortunate man William Ward, upon whose remains an inquest was held yesterday and who is declared to have died from starvation. Penniless and unable to obtain employment, he deliberately denied himself the necessaries of like in order that there might be some food for his children. The whole family appear to have been reduced to the sorest straits, yet to have resigned themselves to death by slow starvation, rather than ask for help from anyone. While it is impossible to help admiring the father's martyr-like heroism and respecting the reluctance on the part of both parents to become objects of charity, one cannot help feeling that the sentiment was a morbid one and that to this morbid sentiment a valuable life has been sacrificed. The unfortunate man had only to let his sad circumstances be known to receive prompt help from private and public sources. The warm-hearted generosity of the people of Wellington in such cases of destitution is so well-known that we are certain the merest intimation of so sore a case of need would have elicited instant and ample aid. While we deeply deplore the melancholy sacrifice of poor William Ward's life, we may point out that his widow and children for whom he died have still to be relieved and we do not doubt that they will be most generously cared for.

* A pitiful story of evil fortunes, suffering, semi-starvation and death, comes from Wellington. William Ward, a man with a wife and family of eight young children, lived in Cambridge Road. Ward had been out of employment and his family were suffering from want of food. Ward, in a half famished state, walked out to Island Bay, got to some distance from the hotel and then lay down on the rocks and died, leaving a written paper saying "I am worn out by anxiety and privation" Now that the man is dead, Wellington society is shocked and efforts are being made to help the starving children. But the hard, ugly fact remains, that a sober, decent and industrious man, with a wife and eight young children to support, may struggle vainly to make a living in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand and having utterly failed, may lie down and die of starvation without a single hand being held out to his aid

* An inquest on the body of William James Ward, who was found dead at Island Bay on Monday, was held at the morgue yesterday morning. Mr George Tabor was chosen foreman of the jury. Dr Hutchinson stated that the body was free from all traces of external injury and was in perfect preservation. On examining the stomach and the intestines he had found them quite empty, excepting of a small quantity of liquid. The organs of the body were quite healthy. From the appearance of the body he believed that had been caused by continual starvation and mental distress. The contents of deceased's stomach had been analysed by Mr Skey, who found no poison whatever in it. Henry Townsend gave evidence as to finding the body. Deceased's wife stated that her husband went out shortly after 8 o'clock on Monday morning without saying where he was going. Before starting he had a small piece of scone and a cup of tea. Being in indigent circumstances they were unable to procure other food. Deceased had been our of work for over two months, although he had repeatedly tried to get employment, but without success. Witness did not know till yesterday (Monday) that they would have received assistance if they had applied to the Benevolent Society. The Coroner (Dr Johnston) said it was one of the most painful cases that had ever come before him. Apparently, the deceased was one of those honest, sober men who were too proud to beg. The jury returned a verdict of death caused by want of sufficient nourishment.

* The widow and family of the late William James Ward, who was found dead on the Island Bay beach on Monday afternoon last, have been left utterly destitute. In fact they had been destitute for two months before the head of the family dropped down and died from sheer exhaustion, caused by want of nourishment. "I cannot steal; to beg I am ashamed" might be written as a truthful epitaph over the grave of Ward. His high-strung sensitiveness led him to starve to death rather than ask for bread; and what little he could obtain he deprived himself of in order that his wife and children might keep body and soul together. The evidence taken at the inquest, is a melancholy record of how a man may starve while food could have been procured by the mere asking. However, the eight children - the eldest not eleven years of age, the youngest but four months - and the widow had even commenced to break up her bedstead a few days ago for firing, being without the means of purchasing any. Her parents reside in Nelson and we are informed that if she could get there with her family she would find assistance and might be enabled to earn a living for herself and children.

* It has been hinted that there is a possibility that the relatives of the man named Ward, who died of starvation at Wellington recently, may have some legal interest in the Town Acre and Masterton Small Farm Block, section 29, containing 40 acres, which was originally purchased by a man of the same name. The crown grant in the name of Ward has been lying unclaimed at the land office, Wellington, between twenty and thirty years.

* Sir, I notice a great deal is being written about the "shame and the disgrace" of a man being allowed to die in this prosperous city of ours of sheer starvation. I would like people to take into consideration these few items. Charitable aid is given by the Benevolent Institute, which is supported by voluntary contributions, subsidised £ for £ by the Government. Now, every man has to pay duty to Government indirectly, in the food he takes or the clothes he wears so that he is really entitled to aid in the event of sickness or lack of work. Again, a writer cries shame on the Relieving Officer for not finding out that poor Ward was so utterly destitute. The only way I can see in which this could have been discovered would have been for the Relieving Officer to have made a house to house visit, asking if the occupants were in need of "benevolent aid;" rather a thankless task, I fancy. If a man has that wrong-headed pride which forbids him to seek relief from that source to which he is fairly entitled to look for it, and thereby starves himself to death (to say nothing of the misery of his family), I contend that he is more to be blamed than pitied

* A concert and dance in aid of the Ward family is to be held in the Drillshed on Friday night. It is to be under the patronage of the officers and members of the Wellington garrison and will, no doubt, seeing that it is for such a deserving object, be well attended.

* The Evening Post collected subscriptions in aid of the family. By the end of the month (Sep 1886) they already had £34 18s (Sep 2017 equivalent of around $6,750)

William James Ward and Sarah Ann Aldridge had 8 children. These are the children I have to date. Your help verifying them and any other info on William would be appreciated
* 1876 - Caroline Anne Ward
* 1877 - 1939 William James Ward
* 1878 - George Henry Ward
* 1880 - Job Ward
* 1881 - Hannah Frances Ward
* 1883 - Lillian Ward
* 1884 - Daisy Ward
* 1886 - 1957 Leslie Albert Ward
- Leslie was born 10 April, 4 months before his father's death.

* Leslie was in Wellington in 1902 appearing in court for theft
* George & James were in Wellington in 1910 appearing in court for stealing 13 cabbages from Nan Kinn

* Was Sarah able to keep her children. Did Sarah remarry. She apparently died 29 Sep 1911 in Hokitika

1 comment(s), latest 6 years, 5 months ago

Hotel Publicans, HAWKES BAY - 1882


I, WILLIAM VILLERS, (1832-1887) of Petane, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Petane on the 2nd day of June 1882, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Piblican's License for a house situate at Petane and known by the sign of the Petane Hotel, containing 27 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 10th day of May 1882. W. VILLERS

I, JOHN VILLERS, (1833-1885) of Western Spit (Petane Beach), Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Petane, on the 2nd day of June 1882, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at the Western Spit, Napier and known by the sign of the Ferry Hotel, containing 11 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 10th May 1882. JOHN VILLERS
We, the undersigned, ten householders residing in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned house, do hereby certify that the above John Villers is a person of good fame and reputation and fit and proper to have granted to him a Publican's License. Witness our hands the 10th May, 1882:- W. Boyd, William Morris sen., G. McRae, W. Denholm, W. Waite, John Northe, Thomas Torrr, J. H. Sims, Anders Neilson and G. Plested

I, JAMES BRIGGS, of Napier, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Napier on the 7th day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house situate at Port Ahuriri, and known by the sign of the London Hotel containing 14 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 10th day of May, 1882. JAMES BRIGGS
We, the undersigned, ten householders residing in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned house, do hereby certify that the above James Briggs is a person of good fame and reputation and fit and proper to have granted to him a Publican's License. Witness our hands the 10th May, 1882:- W. Denholm, J. J. Smith, Mark Rolls, W. Boyd, C. Cranby, John Mabbett, Edward Cook, William Riddell, Charles Stewart, Daniel Cotton

I, THOMAS PARKER, of Napier, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Napier on the seventh day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house situate at Port Ahuriri, containing 18 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 9th day of May, 1882. THOMAS PARKER

I, CHARLES HELANDER, (1839-1892) of Napier, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Napier on the 9th day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house situate at Carlyle-street, Napier, containing 12 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 8th day of May, 1882. CHARLES HELANDER
HOUSEHOLDERS' CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned, ten householders residing in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned house, do hereby certify that the above Charles Heland is a person of good fame and reputation and fit and proper to have granted to him a Publican's License. Witness our hands the 9th May, 1882:- Alfred J. B. Howe, Michael Hebden, George Spratt, Peter Eddy, Michael Connoll, Chas. Porton, Thomas Kingswell, George Earney, John A. Moyers, Donald Fraser

I, FREDERICK HENRY STEVENS, (1857-1928) of Makatoku, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Ormondville on the 8th day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house situate at Makatoku, containing 13 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 8th day of May, 1882. FREDERICK HENRY STEVENS
HOUSEHOLDERS' CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned, ten householders residing in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned house, do hereby certify that the above Frederick Henry Stevens is a person of good fame and reputation and fit and proper to have granted to him a Publican's License. Witness our hands the 6th May, 1882:- C. Friberg, C. Schmit, H. Hansen, Gotlieb Schmit, William Abel, Joseph Mosen, Thomas Irwin, Edward Plank, William Pike, Henrick Beuick, Jacob Schaare, A. Thoresen

I, ALEXANDER MacDONALD, of Kuripapanga, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Havelock on the 6th day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house called the Junction Hotel, at Kuripapanga, containing 21 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 8th day of May, 1882. ALEXANDER MACDONALD.

I, JEREMIAH LINEHAN, (1848-1920) of Ormondville, Publican, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Ormondville on the eighth day of June 1882, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License of a house situate at Ormondville, containning 12 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family. Dated the 4th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. JEREMIAH LINEHAN

overlooking the Spit, Port Aruhiri 1883

zoom available at that link, may make out one of the hotels

Whakapapa Club, Maori Genealogy Site

The WHAKAPAPA CLUB, the main Maori Genealogy Site on the net, has been updated and they have a new look and address

The Whakapapa Club is a child of Born in 2000, the Whakapapa Club grew of age in 2018, moving out of home and into the current residence. Over the years the Whakapapa Club has gathered a lot of information, making the childhood residence too confusing to navigate, hence the reason to move. The information to help people with understanding whakapapa has been placed prominently in the front instead of being buried in a back room. The collections, which at this date hold over 20,000 records, have now been reconfigured, making it a lot easier for people to find their way around

The Whakapapa club does not provide a research service, instead, it is a place to do the research ..
Whakapapa Search on Google & FamilySearch
To get good whakapapa search results from Google you need to know how to do an advanced search otherwise you will get a lot of results that are not related to what you are looking for. At their link Google Advanced search they make it easy for you

We have designed a whakapapa search form that will create the advanced search for you for Google as well as a search for the FamilySearch site as their results do not show up in Google.

~ ALSO, like their facebook page, link at end ~

What is available at the Whakapapa Club Site ..
* Information their most popular article
* A Forum with members, posts etc
* email Directories including a list of various marae around the country
* Board Archives
and many links within links

* Lists of Names from various Sources, the majority of them being funeral notices

* Treaty of Waitangi Signatories
A list of names of those who signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840

* Photos in National Library
A small list of names of people who are in photos in National Library

* Newspaper Clippings – Taranaki
Newspaper clippings Bill Coffey had on file. Mainly death, thanks, memorial, from daily news Taranaki and other news papers

* Maori / English Name Translations
Their most popular page. Helpful for finding other names that people can be known by

* Whanau Names in the Familysearch Site
A list of names and a link to the family search site

* Names in the Book The Maori of Hawkes Bay
by Gordan and W. T. Prentice

* Marae of Te Rarawa
A list of the Marae of Te Rarawa that may be able to help you in your whakapapa search and a contact link for details

* Aotea
* Australia
* Battles
* Bay of Islands
* Information
* Kapa haka
* Links
* Lists
* Manawatu
* Maori Battalion
* Mataatua
* Old News Board
* Overseas
* People Directory
* Tainui
* Tai Rawhiti
* Tai Tokerau
* Takitimu
* Tamaki Makaurau
* Te Arawa
* Te Waipounamu
* Waikato
* Whanau Website
* Whanganui A Tara

They have just pulled the Fletcher Index -which has over 30,000 names - there are no duplicates but instead of dropping the whole index into one huge page they will be splitting it down into different lists, for example .. places, rivers, mountains, X whakapapa where the X could be by iwi or waka or place etc

Their Facebook Page Whakapapa Club

ALSO see our list of the 3,600 men of the 28th Maori Battalion