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South Lambton Quay Historic Area

John Compton aged 30 arrived Wellington on the Royal Stewart Jan 29th 1855 from England. 1856 he is listed as Lambton Quay, Carpener, Qualified to serve as a Juror. In 1866 listed as a builder Lambton Quay. He bacame a timber merchant and sawmill owner. 1868 an advertisement in the Evening Post advertising for freight and passage for the schooner Colleen Dawn lying at Comptons Wharf. So the wharf will have been there in 1868

1872-73 Wises Directory - John Compton ,timber merchant, Customhouse Quay. The original yard was situated at customhouse quay and later moved to 3 Dixon Street.
Reported that the site to be later the Commercial Travellers club

1976 - 22nd June. John Compton bought by auction the topsail schooner Julius Vogel to bring Kauri Logs from the Kaipara.

Can anybody pinpoint the exact location of the timberyard and wharf on a map please. I am doing family research for my wife Margaret who is a direct descendant of John Compton

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

South Lambton Quay Historic Area

John Compton aged 30 arrived Wellington on the Royal Stewart Jan 29th 1855 from England. 1856 he is listed as Lambton Quay, Carpener, Qualified to serve as a Juror. In 1866 listed as a builder Lambton Quay. He bacame a timber merchant and sawmill owner. 1868 an advertisement in the Evening Post advertising for freight and passage for the schooner Colleen Dawn lying at Comptons Wharf. So the wharf will have been there in 1868

1872-73 Wises Directory - John Compton ,timber merchant, Customhouse Quay. The original yard was situated at customhouse quay and later moved to 3 Dixon Street.
Reported that the site to be later the Commercial Travellers club

1976 - 22nd June. John Compton bought by auction the topsail schooner Julius Vogel to bring Kauri Logs from the Kaipara.

Can anybody pinpoint the exact location of the timberyard and wharf on a map please. I am doing family research for my wife Margaret who is a direct descendant of John Compton