Family Tree Circles :: Genealogy Journals by user 'AHJ'

Published Journals and Questions by user 'AHJ'

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Do you know this Polish cake decorator?
by AHJ on 2014-02-03 01:25:13. page views: 1084, comments: 0
Where is Vincent Hereda?
by AHJ on 2014-01-27 11:08:19. page views: 1225, comments: 4
Was JOB JENKINS really shot out west in a mining operation delivering the payroll?
by AHJ on 2014-01-26 23:58:50. page views: 918, comments: 0
Husband's Families Surnames
by AHJ on 2014-01-26 11:31:39. page views: 782, comments: 0