Family Tree Circles :: Genealogy Journals by user 'Bud1944'

Published Journals and Questions by user 'Bud1944'

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I am looking for information pertaining to Maternal Great Grandfather Daniel Chapman who served in the Confederacy-North Carolina in the war between the states?
by Bud1944 on 2011-04-13 21:04:01. page views: 857, comments: 0
What was my fathers parents name?
by Bud1944 on 2011-04-12 19:33:38. page views: 861, comments: 0
Am researching the Chapman's of North Carolina, Haywood County, my Grandfather was Millard, I need his Father and Mothers name, I think they were named Daniel and Maimey but not sure please forward any information the the following e-mail HChapman44@yahoo
by Bud1944 on 2011-04-12 19:32:46. page views: 712, comments: 0
I am researching two names Shapiro and Chapman, my Dad's name was Shapiro and I was known as Shapiro until my 17th Birthday when I went into the Navy, does anybody have any information pertaing to Benjamin S. Shapiro, born in Russia in the 1880's?
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