wilson g- g- grandmum mrs taylor also elizabeth park mrs taylor
our taylor granddads are james ??? married too . robert taylor wife also. which women ,goes with which grandfathers ,who 1st + who 2nd . also is iain wilson + wife elaine bruce related to carters taylor ,dunstall symons , drummond. need to find all wilson connections ,also james aymons , janet drummond in victoria . janet stewart,, our g-g-g- grandmum, all gardiners, + clark + george smith all from scotland to victoria Australia. ####
I have now found 2nd g-grandparents, were mary Wilson, +Robert taylor JAMES TAYLOR #RD G_GRANDPARENTS
on 2014-09-23 22:59:41
our family so far are from london to hindmarsh sth australia, on the thorpe side of family carters mainly stayed at garston childwall + wavertree lancashire eng. to footscray victoria aus. also mary jones, alice davies, jane knowles, pembertons + smith. from england schofield + cotton. on mother side of family was dunstall - M - to carter . dunstall to taylor to symons , -M - drummond to drysdale, taylor has mary wilson married to father of william taylor who -M- mary symons. her mum janet drummond - M - james symons. her mum + dad hugh drummond -M anne Drysdale-