zavitz family history
I have been collecting data on this clan for over 40 years. I can trace it back to George Zewitz in Pennsylvania 1695-1759. There are many spelling of this name from Zewitz, Sewitz, Sevitz, Sevits, Savitz, Savits, Savitts, Sivits, Sivitts, etc to Zavitz (Canadian). There are many connections to other families such as Neff, Fretz, Augustine, Stoner, Morningstar etc. that emigrated to Canada about the same time to the Niagara Penninsula and later spread west through Southern Ontario. I would be glad to share any bits of information I have with interested family researchers. I keep living people private to protect their privacy but would share with interested researchers.
on 2012-06-09 08:44:10
zavitz_d has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2012.