allycat on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

allycat on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

QLD flood damaged photos?

Ink Jet Lab, Bowen Hills, Qld Australia

"...If you have any family photos that have been damaged by flood waters in Brisbane, we would like to help.

It is very important to keep your photos wet in clean fresh water until you get them to us. This will stop them sticking together.

We will clean them, scan and copy them to disk for you AT NO CHARGE.

Get them to us ASAP by phoning Mark on 0421 599 423 to arrange a time to drop them in. ..."

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago

Tattoo meanings - Samuel DINNER of Bristol, England convict transported to Australia

Trying to find out the meaning of all the tattoos that one of my 3g grandfathers had. Information sourced from ships' indent and his Ticket of Leave.

His name was Samuel DINNER born 1820 Bristol, England, his trade was an Engine Smith where he began an apprenticeship at 12 years of age. He was charged with 'picking pockets', trial was at the Bristol Quarter Sessions on 8 January 1839 where he was sentenced for 10 years to the colonies. He was transported to Australia via ship 'Barossa' which arrived in New South Wales with 336 male convicts. Samuel Dinner was No. 11 on the Indent List, Prisoner No. 39/1234. The 'Barrosa' arrived from England on 8th December 1839.

Occupation in Australia is listed as being a Blacksmith.

Two wreaths, man, woman, SPSD on breast, SP and Fame on upper, crucifix, heart pierced with two darts, SD two fish, anchor, two smoking pipes, crown, two flags, bird on branch on lower right arm, blue ring on middle finger of right hand, woman on upper, man, woman, MDSD on lower left arm, SP on back of left wrist, SD seven dots on back of left hand.

Can anyone help with the tattoo meanings please?

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 12 months ago

Free Irish 1901/1911 Online Census

The National Archives of Ireland

The Irish 1901 Census went online earlier this month at National Archives of Ireland where you can search free of charge and download digital images of the relevant Census page, the House & Building Return and the Enumerator?s Abstract for the Townland or Street.

Welcome to FamilyTreeCircles

Hello. I'd like to welcome all the newest members of FamilyTreeCircles. Go ahead ... write a journal. Have a subject heading like "Looking for Forrest GUMP of Greenbow, Alabama USA". Remember to include all and any information you know, even if it may only be a story. As this can be proved and information sourced later on.

Try and protect the privacy of the living, your grandparents may still be alive so try finding their maternal and paternal lines. Write a journal about your Great Grandparents.

If you know some amazing websites about your surname, please let me know and I'll add it to a Surname Wiki Page.

Best wishes
EDITOR from downunder Oz.

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 4 months ago

All users: Please don't write subject headings or journals in uppercase

Dear Readers, Hi. Please don't write your journals in uppercase. For starters, this is very hard on the eyes and difficult to read. Also etiquette-wise it denotes 'yelling/screaming' on the internet.

Please save the CAPITAL LETTERS (UPPERCASE) for the surnames of your ancestors etc. so that it stands out within your journal.

Thank you.

6 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago

Tip: Do a Pipl Search - the most comprehensive people search on the web

Pipl provides a comprehensive people search across many databases and websites. Generally, it is best for people who are alive.

Go to Pipl - People Search and enter your surname, type in a country and click on Search. You will see '...Searching the deep web, results will appear in a few seconds...' (very fast!)

Personal Profiles
Public Records
Quick Facts
School & Classmates
Professional & Business
Web Pages
News Articles
Blog Posts

Try it and see for yourself.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 11 months ago

Tip: Use Google books to access thousands of freely digitized books

An amazing free resource Google Books, which has literally thousands of digitized books online, including those out of copyright with full info.

Use the search field to your advantage. For instance, there might be an online google book about your very own surname or even written by an ancestor of yours.

Google Books

Tip: Use Google Alerts to be notified on topics regarding your genealogy

"...Welcome to Google Alerts
Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.

Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:

* monitoring a developing news story
* keeping current on a competitor or industry
* getting the latest on a celebrity or event
* keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

Create an alert with the form on the right.

You can also sign in to manage your alerts...
Type: ( s et for comprehensive)
Create a Google Alert
Enter the topic you wish to monitor.
Search terms:

How often:
Email length:
Your email:

Create Alert..."

Click on the following link, Google Alerts.

You could for example use Google Alerts to look for BRAMBLES AND GENEALOGY to see new researchers regarding the Bramble surname instantly as it happens, once a day, or once a week and you will receive emails automatically.

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago

Genealogy Clutter

Does this sound like you?

Are you a victim of genealogy clutter? Don't know what to do with it all? Have you got family history software programs that you've yet to try?

Is your filing cabinet really just scraps of paper on the floor? Are you surrounded by piles and piles of papers, cds, dvds, locks of hair, certificates, medals, newspaper clippings, etc.etc.etc.

Embrace technology to enhance your ancestral journey. Be brave and put your tree online (remembering manners, quoting your sources, and respecting the privacy of the living). Check out:- Geni, GenesReunited, TribalPages, Rootsweb World Connect Project and GeneBase just to name a few.

Start thinking about using some software like PAF (Personal Ancestral File) - very easy and free to use - from FamilySearch Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Mormon Database. And then there's Legacy Family Tree Legacy 7.4 standard edition for free.

Organise that clutter:-

Organisation for Genealogists Genealogy ... preserving heirlooms etc.

Organise that genealogical clutter

Genealogy on demand - organising genealogical paper files

Family Tree Magazine - cut computer clutter

Best wishes,

1 comment(s), latest 10 years, 1 month ago