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Looking for Nels Peterson of Indiana

Nels Peterson, son of Robert and Rosemary Peterson, sisters Christa, Gretchen, Elisa and Erica. Grandson of Elwood Peterson, we called him Daddy Ace.
Lived in Indiana some years ago. I am a cousin, daughter of Margaret (McClain) Caldwell, and William Caldwell Sr.

3 comment(s), latest 14 years, 4 months ago

Looking for Betsy Caldwell of Ripley, TN

Looking for my neice, her name is Betsy Caldwell, daughter of my brother, William H. Caldwell, JR., and Edith Stovall, Ripley, TN.
Have lost contact with her for YEARS...her 1/2 sister Melanie would like to meet her.
Nancy B.

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 10 months ago