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Scottish LIVINGSTONE ancestors

I have always been told that my Livingstone ancestors were originally from Scotland, but I am finding it impossible to trace them.
My 3x great grandfather John Livingstone was born in 1771, according to the information on his gravestone. He married Jane Burgess in Stockport in 1797, and on the marriage entry he is listed as a "Navigator", which I understand is usually known as a "Navvie", and would imply that he probably worked on the construction of the local (Peak Forest) canal, constructed about that time.
I can find no record of his birth in local parish records, although I have traced his wife. I have looked at "Scotland's People" website, checking all variations of the surname Livingstone who were born two years either side of 1771 in Scotland, but found nothing conclusive. Is there any way of tracing a worker who moved from Scotland to England to find work at that period? I should really appreciate any suggestions on this.

Looking for WOODHEAD of Elmton, Derbyshire

Woodhead was the family name of my maternal grandmother, and I have been researching the Woodheads of Elmton for some years. With the help of the Mormon website, I have traced back 4 generations, and have also traced a probable link back several more generations, but there is a "missing link". I need to find a John Woodhead, born between 1730 and 1738 in Elmton. His father was John Woodhead, and his son also was John. There were several different branches of the Woodhead family in Elmton during the 18th century, but as the total population was no more than 200, I am sure they must all have the same roots. I should be interested to hear from anyone else who has an interest in this family.

5 comment(s), latest 13 years ago