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looking for Gee from Indiana

My Husband has an uncle that just disappeared in the 1950's. His name is Samuel Eugene Gee. Born St. Joe, Indiana in Jan. 1928. His parents are Foster and Alice Gee.

Would love to contact him or any of his family, if he has any. With him disappearing, do not know where he is, who his family is, or anything else about him that happened later.

Do not want anything from him, just to talk to him and fill him on all he has missed. Been looking for him for many years.

Thanks. Can give more info if needed, social security, military number, his doctor who delivered him, brothers and sister, and many other things.

Ruth Ann

Samuel Eugene Gee--Am looking for him

Looking for uncle. Not heard from him for many years. Would like to fill him im on the family he has missed. Born in Indiana.

1 comment(s), latest 1 year, 11 months ago