carolstoffel on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

carolstoffel on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Stephen and Mary Stoffel

Stephen and Mary Pfanner Stoffel settled in WV in the mid-1800s. They were from Bavaria and I am trying to find out their parents' names.

Looking for Stephen and Mary Stoffel

Stephen and Mary Pfanner Stoffel settled in WV in the mid-1800s. They were from Bavaria and I am trying to find out their parents' names.

Looking for Nathan Bussey from GA

Nathan Bussey, who was born in GA, moved to TX after the Civil War and married Sarah Frances Lingo in Guadaloupe, County in the 1870s. Sarah Frances was also from GA. They lived in San Antonio. I would like to find out who their parents were.

Looking for Lyman H. Ward

I am looking for any information about Lyman H. Ward, born in VT in 1820, married Mary E. Chesebrough and moved to TX in the 1860s. Two children--John W. and Ada.

Lyman was a sailor who came to the TX Gulf coast with his family right before a hurricane and the Civil War ended all shipping. He served in the state guard during the Rebellion and then later became a Justice of the Peace, then a surveyor. (We traced all this through state census) His son John also became a surveyor in Victoria County, TX. John is my great grandfather.

I think Lyman and Mary died around the turn of the century in Houston. They lived with their daughter and son-in-law, James and Ada Fogarty. I'd like to find out who Lyman's parents were.

Also I would like to find their graves in Houston, TX.