dward on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

dward on Family Tree Circles

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Finding "Ward's" is like finding a needle in a haystack.

The most frustrating part of researching my fathers side of the family is the fact that there is so many. Alot with the same first name born within a few years of each other. It's enough to make someone crazy and very frustrated. The line I'm TRYING to trace ends (so far) in Maryland>Virginia>West Virginia>Monroe and Belmont Counties in Ohio. It just seems that when you think you have a lead it is the wrong person-married to the wrong person, way off in the year of birth/death, wrong parents, wrong area of the US. We follow up on these leads praying the work will pay off but-NOT. You get frustrated and forget about all that info that may help someone else. I do the same thing. I work full-time, have kids and a spouse, and attended college at the same time. I just want to trace my family lines so my dad can see where his lines originated from. But NOT without paying a small fortune to get access to the records needed. That is the worst part!!! What should be public FREE records you have to pay for. Or the worst websites it claims it free until you try to look up something-then your asked for a credit card number.

7 comment(s), latest 13 years, 5 months ago