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Hugh Cyril Hill

Hello all,

I am trying to trace information about Hugh Cyril Hill my great uncle who was born in Astwood Bank / Feckenham, Worcestershire (registration district Alcester, Warwickshire). He was born in 1872 but emigrated to Canada probably around the late 1880s and married Annie Seaborne Hamilton in Peterborough Ontario in Oct 1905. I know that they had two sons but then seperated and MAY have divorced (no record found yet). Annie came to England with the children and I know Hugh served with Canadian forces during the first world war (don't know where). The last bits of information I have on him is a military mention in the London Gazette in Sept 1919 and also a very brief unnanounced meeting with one of his sons in England in 1936. In between and after that nothing!! I have contacted one of his grandsons who knows virtually nothing about his grandfather so no help there. The only lead I have at the moment is a possible death for a Hugh Cyril Hill in Swansea Wales in Q1 1950 but to my knowledge my family have no connections with Swansea and it is a long way from Canada. Has anybody got any ideas as I keep coming up against brick walls, I am trying to find out what happened to him after 1919, where he lived, what he did and where he died and was buried. I have various bits of info about his life in Canada up until 1919 which all fits together nicely, except why he went to Canada in the first place!!!. I am also desperately trying to get a photo of him as his descendants don't have one.

Many Thanks
