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KING Emma born 1860 Winchester, Victoria AUSTRALIA

Emma King born 21 May 1860 Winchester Victoria Died 1922 Coolgardie Western Australia.Married William Reed 25 June 1894 in Newcastle NSW Australia and moved to the Coolgardie Golfields WA in 1898.Parents James King born 1824 Pertney England married Susan HOBART 15 October 1856 Middleton England and migrated to Victoria Australia.
I am after information about Emma KINGS family.

REED William born Cumberland England 1862

William REED born 23 July 1862. Parents Thomas REED and Jane MANNING married Cumberland 1860.William REED migrated to Newcastle NSW Australia with his wife Jane "nee BENNET" circa 1887.Jane BENNET'S parents are Issac BENNET and Esther FLETCHER. Jane died in child birth in 1892.Daughter Elizabeth REED Survived. William Reed married again to Emma KING in Newcastle 25 June 1894 and moved to the Coolgardie Goldfields in 1898.
I need information on the REED family history in Cumberland UK.