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jamesjohnson on Family Tree Circles

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looking for JOHANSSON family in FINNLAND of my great grand father who jumped ship in Tasmania Australia in1880s onwards.

looking for ANDERS GUSTAVE JOHANSSON THE FINNISH equivalent of ANDREW JOHNSON family in FINNLAND of my great grand father who jumped ship in Tasmania Australia in the 1880s onwards. He was known here as ANDREW JOHNSON. His father was ANDERS AUGUSTUS JOHANSSON a shoemaker. His mother was MARIA JOHANNA ( could her MAIDEN name have been KALSTOM, KULSTUM OR SIMILIAR) He had a brother Charles JOHANSSON who I believe may have been a watchmaker in Finnland.
City / Town in Finnland unknown. Thank you for reading.

searching for the JOHN LEWIS who married JESSIE WARREN in 1904 in tasmania. Jessie is my G.Grandmother.

JOHN LEWIS married my G. GrandMother Jessie Warren in 1904.Jessie's son Frank Warren was taken into that marriage & later known as Frank Lewis. Frank later married a W.W.1.War Bride; Lilly Davis in London. The only time I found who I believe to be John Lewis was on the 1914. 1919. 1922 Electoral rolls together with Jessie in Bass. Their address was given as LEFROY.I know he died before 1936, because Jessie is mentioned as John Lewis widow in her funeral notice in 1936.

I publicly thank Janilye

Hi all, so many people do so much for mugs like me who can't even find their way around their own back yard.
I am boasting about a helper who has been so valuable to me in my searches for ancestors. How do they do it? I try to get my way in to Cemeteries and their info and am refused entry. Into B.D.M and nothing of value, But Janelle has the touch. Sorry Jan if I am embarrassing you
but I am sick of floundering around on my own. THAANKS JANILYE James

7 comment(s), latest 12 years, 9 months ago


JAMES WARREN & a certain McCARTHY were miners in the EAST of the TAMAR, LEFROY- GEORGE TOWN- SCOTTSDALE area when WARREN had an accident with explosives. If any of the WARREN family knows of this incident, WHO then was the McCARTHY with him ??

Andrew Augustus johansson...johnson

The story goes, that Andrew Johnson's brother ( a watchmaker ) came out from Finland to visit Andy and they got very drunk in a small town and held up the pub and wrecked the joint. Fantasy or is there likely to be some truth in it.

I find it uncanny, just how dedicated some people are who are so very...

I find it uncanny, just how dedicated some people are who are so very helpfull to others in using their precious time to look up multitudes of pages, ( and knowing just where to look ) So i want to publicly thank the lady who has given me so much info ( of which I would have taken months to find ) namely JANILYE. regards james.

4 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago


I have heard there may be a booklet on "PEOPLE WHO ARE WANTED FOR HAVING JUMPED SHIP" in Australia or Tasmania or something similiar.
OR am I wrong again ???. jamesjohnson.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 10 months ago


I seek anyone who may have any info on "THE GLEN" apparently a property of the THE WARREN family who lived in LEFROY TASMANIA 1800S & EARLY 1900S.

13 comment(s), latest 10 years, 4 months ago


I am looking for any members of the WARREN FAMILY formerly of LEFROY and North East OF THE TAMAR of TASMANIA in 1890s to early 1900s.

9 comment(s), latest 3 months ago