kellicans on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Researching Marion Clancy born 1906 Ireland

My grandmother, Marion Clancy, married Walter Wood from Herkimer County, NY. She has told the family that she came over on a boat with her mother from Ireland when she was a baby.She didn't remember her father. However, her mother died when she was around 10.
I have found her on Ellis Island records arriving from Killaloe, Ireland with her mother, Mrs. Clancy. They were on their way to see husband Michael Clancy from NY. Any insight would be appreciated.

Need help in finding parents of Walter Wood born 1821 in Otsego County, NY.

Walter Wood is my 4th maternal grandfather. He married Minerva Chase from Otsego County, NY. They are buried in the Wheeler/Carr cemetery in Otsego County, NY. I don't know the connection. I have come to a brick wall and need some help.