lafreniere1 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Reid, LaFreniere, Casey, Allen, Brown, Gilhooley, Murray, Carron Relatives

My name is Janice Reid, I have just begun to research my family tree. Anyone who may have information on the relatives of the following people would be of interest to me.

Name Birth Date Birth Location
Janice Lynn LaFreniee Reid Feb 1954 Marlboro, MA
Paternal Tree
Ronald Ernest LaFreniere June 1935 Marlboro, MA
Arthur LaFreniere Sept Massachusetts?
Alfred LaFreniere
Gwendolyn Brown June 1911 Massachusetts
Erenst Brown 1871 Massachusetts
Daisey Brown 1874 Massachusetts

Maternal Tree
Jeanne Casey May 1933 Natick, MA
Matthew Murray Casey June 1903 Massachusetts
Anthony Casey 1859-1918 Ireland?
Mary A. Murray 1870-1939 Ireland?
Ruth Allen July 1907 New Hampshire
William A. Allen 1874 Ireland?
Catherine Gilhooley 1874 Ireland