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John Henry Richardson from Northhampton, England to New Zealand to Australia

John Henry Richardson born 1839 was the son of Thomas Richardson and Mary Gibbard. John migrated to New Zealand and married Fanny (Annie) Connell/Wood in 1863 at Canterbury. They had four children born in New Zealand - Clara Adele born 1865, Mary Jessie (Pauline)in 1867, Emilie Laurella 1868, and George Roger 1871. Their 5th child ,Frederick Reeves 1872 was born in Melbourne, Victoria.
Daughter Clara died 1872 from Scarlet Fever.

John Henry Richardson deserted Fanny and her children, returning to Northampton, England in 1872 to claim an inheritance from his Father.

He never returned to Australia, and Fanny was unable to care for her children without her husband. The children were taken as Wards of the State in 1875, and remained there until all were old enough to get work and support themselves.

Daughter Mary Jessie married John Ray from Staffordshire, England.

Daughter Emelie Laurella married Harry Mitz from Germany.

Son George Roger married Ethel Evelyn Maude Higgins Willmore from Victoria.

Son Frederick never married - he returned to NZ where he had a farm at Palmerston, market gardener.

Looking for GLAISTER family of Carlisle, England

Jane Bridget Glaister married Benjamin Slee 1863 in Carlisle, Cumberland, England.
Had a sister Mary, and brother William.

Looking for SLEE family of Carlisle, Cumberland

William Slee -
Son Benjamin married Jane Bridget Glaister - children, James 1864, Margaret Ann 1865, William 1867, Mary 1869, Jane 1873.

James Slee married Margaret Anne Hughes - migrated to Victoria, Australia - children Arthur James 1889, Ethel Margaret.