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Eli D. Hughs/Hughes in Alabama, but who were his parents??

I am hitting a brick wall so hard that I have a headache! My frustration is with Eli D. Hughs. I know that he was born in Georgia, and his parents were both born in South Carolina, as stated in multiple US Census. He was born in 1825. He married Mary E. (surname unsure for the moment, but I am betting on Phillips!) I positively know that this couple had two children, Louis David and George. I am trying to determine if Samuel and Susan O. are also children. I find Eli in Dale and Barbour counties most of his life, but then he went to live with Louis David and is there during the 1880 Census when they finally mosey over to Texas. I do find an Eli D. and Mary Hughes in the 1850 Census for Marion County, Georgia, but since Louis is born yet, I can't tell positively that this is the right family. What are the odds? I'm not willing to bet, and then end up researching a family for the next twenty years that isn't even mine! LOL

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 9 months ago

Waiting to start research on my overseas ancestors!

I am researching the Staffa surname. The earliest person in my direct line is John J. Staffa, coming to the states in the early 1800s from Prussia. He was married to Antonia Schiendler and had three children, Adolph, Antonia, and Emil Alois. The area where John J. Staffa was born is now in Poland. I am making myself wait on all ancestors outside of the United States so that I either exhaust myself on US relatives first, or give into the curiousity. To make matters worse, my grandmother just allowed me to look and copy through her family history files from the 1960s. Hers have certificates from the Czech Republic that I can't read, although I hope to remedy that soon.

If you are a descendant of Adolph, Antonia or Emil Alois, let me know and we can work together! I have so interesting documents to share . . . pictures, naturalization paperwork, birth and death records!