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locating 1st. generation of Michael Lee in Louisiana

I found my great,great,great grandfather. I a want to find his parents who should have been born in the early 1800. Michael Lee b. 1830 Louisiana. Looking for his parents. Cannot find in the census. Please advise

Louisiana LEE's

In process of completing research on African American ancestry in Louisiana. Traced (7) generations. Michael Lee born in Louisiana in 1830, married Charlotte and gave birth to nine (9) children. Paul Lee b. 1864, Lucy Lee b.1866,Betsy Lee,b.1868, Charlotte Lee,b.1870, Clamar Lee, b. 1872,Madeleine Lee,b. 1873 Cecile Lee,b.1874, Mary Lee,b. 1878,Michael Lee b. 1880.

Michael Lee b.1830 fought in the Civil war from 1861-1865. After the war he remained in Lousiana, purchased land and cared for his family.

Tracing the family was not an easy task, considering that families were seperated during slavery and after the Civil War.

Our first Family Reunion will be held on Sept. 24,25,and 26th, 2010 in Jefferson Parish Louisiana. We are still searching relatives of Paul Lee, b. 1864, Betsy Lee b. 1868, Charlotte Lee b. 1870, Clamar Lee b. 1872, Madeleine Lee, b. 1873, Mary Lee b. 1878 and Michael Lee b. 1880.

Anynone having information should contact