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Mary Alice Gentry born in Pontotoc, Mississippi

Mary Alice was my Grandma on my mom's side. She was born maybe somewhere around 1930's maybe in Pontotoc County, Mississippi. She was married to James Marion Winters who was born about 1928 in Pontotoc County, Mississippi.

Mary Alice died sometime around 1989 or later. She was living in Rockford, Illinois or somewhere closeby at the time of her passing.
Her mother-in-law was modell joyner (@ least I was told, by my mom, his mother's name was Modell and then I found a Modell Joyner on ancestry.com. It said her husband was Samuel James Winters. Mom told me James Marion Winter's dad was James Samuel Winters. i believe these are my Great-grandparents, though I can make no connection to them and my Grandpa Winters.)

If there are any relations from Pontotoc County, Mississippi or Rockford, Illinois can you pleasehelp me find a connection or find the ones that are his family?

Thank you all, Maria

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 1 month ago

Parents of David Joyner

I am looking for dates for some of my ancestors that I am stuck at.

David Joyner (born)1808 SC,USA (Died)1870 Mississippi,USA
(Married to)Rachel Leigh Jenkins (born)1819 SC,USA (Died)? in Lee,Mississippi,USA
(children) 9
Emily Joyner
Joel Joyner
George Joyner
James Knox Polk Joyner
Elizabeth Joyner
Martha Joyner
Sarah Joyner
Walker Joyner
David Fletcher Joyner
(I have the dates for the children if anyone is interested)

I am looking for David's parents names and info.
I have a few on Rachel's side, but I am stuck at her GG-grandmother and Rachel's mother.

If anyone can shed some light on my problem I sure will appreciate it and I will try to share what I have.

Looking for decendants and ancestors of Samuel Winiford Smoot who married Amanda Jane Karraker

They were married Sept. 17, 1868 in Union, Illinois, USA

He was b:2-13-1847 NC,USA/d:7-24-1899 (______)
She was b:12-6-1851 Illinois,USA/d:4-26-1881 (_____)

I have their children, but i am not sure about how many they had. There are multiples of the same names, for fellow tree makers put different dates with the names. If anyone knows the correct dates for them I sure would appreciate it bunches.

Their son that I am descended fromis:

Thomas Henry Smoot
b:(__)-(__)-1857 NC,USA/d:(__)-(__)-(___)(________)

(You can see what I mean by the wrong dates.I just now noticed this date. His dad would have been 10 yrs. old and his mother would have been about 6. Please help.)

Thomas married Theodosia Goodman 6-16-1890 in Union,Illinois,USA.
Theodosia b:(__)-(__)-1872 Illinois,USA/d:(__)-(__)-(____) (________)

I have they had 4 children together. Did they have more? And, if so, how many and I would appreciate the information for them.

Here are the ones I have:

Johnny F Smoot:b:2-9-1891/d:9-11-1892 both in Union,Illinois,USA

Minnie Lee Smoot:b:7-15-1897 Illinois, USA/d:(__)-(__)-1969
I know she married fred Jackson but I do not have the marriage date.
He was born:10-2-1892 Cobden, Union, Illinois, USA
I also need help with their children. There is one that has a question mark where the first name should be.

Ina B. Smoot:b:(__)-(__)-1900 Union,Illinois,USA/d:(__)-(__)-(______)
I have that she married George Clemins
Here again I do not have the marriage date.
George b:(__)-(__)-(abt.)1891 Missouri

Need help with their children, as well.

Now we come to their brother William Henry Smoot, my grandma's dad.
William:b:(__)-(__)-1893/d:(__)-(__)-1916 both in Cobden,Illinois,USA
He married Mary Leona Grimes (__)-(__)-1912.
Mary b:(__)-(__)-1892 Illinois,USA/d:(__)-(__)-(_________)

Here are their children:

Floyd Smoot and William Everett Smoot (No information on them)
Mabel Leona Smoot (My grandma)
b:3-16-1914 Pamona, Illinois, USA/d:12-3-2003 Bulls Gap, Tennessee,USA
(I miss her so much.)
She married James Stanley Nance (__)-(__)-(___________)

Because they had 12 children, I am not listing them.

I will however put it in a later comment if anyone is interested.

There is an interesting story Grandma told me about her dad's death. She told me just before he passed away that he told her mom that he would visit her in a week. He closed his eyes and Grandma said they all heard a sound that sounded like a tater wagon rolling across a bridge. She said it was loud and when someone looked out there was nothing there, but you could here it. The sound faded and they discovered her dad had passed on.

Well, a week later, Mary went into labor and had a child. She saw what William meant by he would be back in a week. The son was the spitting image of his dad.

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 3 months ago


My grandmother was Mabel Leona Nance and Wesley or Helen (I believe it was she) was my grandma's cousin. the only thing I know about them is they lived in ky in a town or city where the state line between Ky and Tn was down the middle of the street. They had or have a daughter named Wilma who married (if I am not mistaken) an oriental man.

I need the dates of their births, marriage, deaths, their daughter's info, and who their parents were.

I forgot to mention I had met them when Wilma was 18. I can still remember Wilma like it was just a few years instead of a few couple of decades. I was born in '71. Wilma also taught her younger cousins how to write the alphabet as faces. You make the letter and faces on them. The other thing I remember is Wilma getting out in the yard playing with us and then her tiring. She would tell us, when we protested, that she was young anymore. I never understood this until I got older.

If Wilma happens to see this I have a family tree on ancestry.com. It is titled The Nance Family Please feel free to leave comments. And that goes for any others that think they are related to me. i just dstarted researching and need all the help I can get.

Thank you all.

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 5 months ago


I need info on John Goodman who was born 1557 in Southhill, Bedfordshire, England and died in 1620 same place as birth. I need the names of his parents when and where they were born/died. Here is what i have so far.

John Goodman
B: 1557
D: 1620

First Marriage:
Katherine Jefferies
B: 1561
D: 1670
Children: 1
Willliam Goodman
B: 1586
D: 1670

Second Marriage:
Mrs. John Goodman
B: 1561
D: 1631
Children: 3
Judith Goodman
B: 1583
William goodman
B: 1586
D: 1670
Thomas Goodman
B: 1589

Were Kkartherine and William together when they died and how did they die?

Did John and katherine get a divorce?

Or, could Katherine and Mrs. John Goodman be one ; and the same?

I was also was looking at the Mayflower website to see if any of my family were on it and came across the name of John Goodman. The Mayflower John Goodman supposedly died at Plymouth when the sickness hit. That was according to the papers of a man from that time. The website stated that his name was mentioned in a later census, 1627 I think. Then they say he was not mentioned in one later than that so he must have died. What if he did not die but chose to go back to England and is it fairly possible that this John Goodman that I post about could be the Mayflower John Goodman? Just because a name does not appear in a census does not mean the person is dead. They could have just moved. A thought just struck me, what if someone else used his name to gain access for the Mayflower. That same person could have hurt him to get whatever credentials he had that stated he was John Goodman and he could have died from those injuries. Back then I am not so sure they had photo IDs. If there are any that are from the Mayflower Society that reads this, please let me know what you think of this. Could it be plausible?

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 6 months ago

Mary Amelia Ingalls (Laura Ingalls-Wilders' sister)

I read on wikipedia Mary never got married, but in one of the family trees that has her they had down that she married Adam Kendall. Is wikipedia right or are the ones that put down Adam? They even had dates and places for him, so I thought I would add the him to my tree to see how far it would go. It came up with parents and siblings. My tree was done on ancestry.com.

Wikipedia also said she never taught at the blind school, if not then what did she do with her life? It said she left the school for about a year, but that Laura's book never elaborated why. Could she have married Adam and something happened between them. It said after she returned back to school she finished he course, then returned home to live with her parents until they died. Then she lived with Carrie until Carrie died, then lived with Grace until her own death. it said she died in Grace's house.

It seemed to me her life seemed very uneventful.

Cottrell who was married to Cora Penrod

I am looking for information on a Cottrell that was married to Cora Ann Penrod, who had three daughters by John Bell Grimes. She Supposedly married Cottrell after John Bell died and had a son named Eugene. The is a story that Cotrell was mean. I would like to know where I casn find info on this Cotrell and need help in finding their son. He would be my GG-step-uncle.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all.


I was researching my family tree when I happened upon the name of Ingalls. Naturally this peaked my interest and I decided to follow that line. This is what I found (short version):

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls-Wilder, daughter of Charles and Caroline Ingalls. Henry Ingalls and Sarah Farnum, Charles Ingalls' GGGGG-grandpa and GGGGG-step-grandma. Before or after Sarah Farnum married henry she was married to George Abbott, Great Grandpa to Sarah Abbott, wife of Josiah Stearns, who was GGG-grandpa to John Dump Stearns, Dad to Mary Emily Stearns, wife of Alvy Nance, who was my Great-grandpa.

If this helps any:

Josiah Stearns 1732-1788
John Dump Stearns 1843-1893
Alvy Nance 1878-1958

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 5 months ago


Margaret Helderman was my GGG-grandma and I cannot find her on familysearch.com. So therefore I believe that the info I got from ancestry.com from another members tree may be wrong.

Here's what I have:

Margaret Helderman
B: 1824 Missouri City, Fort Bend, Texas, United States
D: 1862 Missouri, Brown, Illinois, United States

Is there anyone who knows of any Heldermans from Texas that can give me the names and dates for her parents?

Thank you.

P.S., She married Joel Nance in 1844.


My mother-in-law and all but one of her siblings were born in Waynesville to Allie Ernest Mercer and Nancy Bell Mercer.He was born 1898-1969. Born in Waynesville, NC. and died in Greene County, Tn. His wife was born in 1912 in Greene County, Tn. and died in 1990's in Greene County, Tn.

Is there anyone who can help me with info on them?

Thank you.