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Looking for Benjamin Lawrence Wood UK to Australia

Benjamin L Wood came to Australia in the mid 1800's I have visited his burial site in Adelaide and am trying to work backwards to find him.
He was married to Agnes (?Ann)- I think there may have been 2 marriages.
Of recent times, I ound him coming to South Australia from Hobart in 1846 with his wife and one child.
In 1844 he is recorded coming from Sydney to Hobart. There the trail ends.
When he came to Australia there was a shipment of silver ware, including a silver tankard with a stirling date stamp of 1566 (or thereabouts) There were two of these tankards, with one being taken to New Zealand.
The tankard has the family crest, which has a castle turret, containing a demmi wild man, holding a serpent in one hand and a club across his chest, held by the other hand.
This in itself should show a linkage to the family.
I was told that Benjamin was sent to Australia, and may have been a "black sheep of the family". The suggestion being he married beneath his class. All this is speculative, but is the legend that accompanies the name. He was born approximately 1811 in England.
(approximately) He was reported as being a "Gentleman". And the family was connected with the rebuilding of Bath...once again another legend that I would like to clarify.
We would love to find the background of the family.