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Hastings Kelly- India


Looking for Hastings Kelly
07 Mar 1847 -
Born: Fort St George, Madras, India
Married to

Percy Thompson from Balaklava - South Australia


Searching for Percy Thompson from Balaklava - South Australia. I know he used to go with Mary Speechley in Adelaide South Australia. about 1956, but I do know he had a son who was a station master in 1956. Can any one help please as I need to add this family to my family tree.

Many Thanks

7 comment(s), latest 9 years, 7 months ago

Looking for Palmer Family from British/ India

I am a descendant of Ada Louise Georgiana Palmer who married to Daniel
Speechly, as I am trying to find more family members who are related to this
side of the family. When twins were born they put an extra E in Speechley
which should have read on their birth certificate Speechly.

And I also want to know if they have any photos of Ada Louise Georgiana
Palmer and her husband Daniel Speechly.
Children's for Daniel and Ada Speechly:

Speechly, Irene Elizabeth Freda

Speechly, Daniel
Palmer, Ada

Speechley, Leslie James
1903 - 1952
Speechly, Daniel
Palmer, Ada

Speechley, Victor Albert
Speechly, Daniel
Palmer, Ada

My grandmother's parents were - Edgenton, Mary Ann
1847 - Palmer, Nicholas (1865

Palmer, Ada Lousie Georgina
1872 - Ada died 6-6- 1903 [ ten days after her twins were born ].
Speechly, Daniel
Palmer, Nicholas
Edgenton, Mary

Son for Palmer, Nicholas Theodore Henry, Jr
Parents: Edgenton, Mary Ann
1847 - Palmer, Nicholas (1865

Looking for this family.

Are you related to this family, Amelia Esther Richardson, who was born 1868 and married to Thomas Edmund Baylis and his birth 1858, from India. As I have them in my family tree.
Kind Regards

Phyllis Rebecca Hillier

I am searching for Phyllis Rebecca Hillier, who married Frederick Speechly in India. If you have any one in the family tree who is related to this couple please do get in touch with me.